Re: [情報] 抓猛預計加入獨行俠
UPDATE: League sources say Dallas' interest in Andre Drummond would be
dependent on a trade that has not yet come to fruition.
Various rival teams, in my story earlier today, have projected Drummond to
land with the Mavericks in free agency IF he opts to walk away from Chicago.
達拉斯獨行俠對Andre Drummond的興趣將會取決於交易情況,因此還沒成真。
多個競爭球隊仍預測Drummond將會去獨行俠 *如果他離開芝加哥的話*
The first step: Andre Drummond must decide today whether to decline his $3.4
million player option to become a free agent or if he wants to stay with the
In early June, Drummond told the I AM ATHLETE podcast that he planned to pickup the option to return to Chicago.
而這一切的第一步就是:Andre Drummond需要在今天決定是否撿起公牛隊的3.4M球員選項。
這則感覺比較合理一點 賣雞的沒打包出去大概就沒了
DAJ是口頭承諾了 這個都還沒開始動就轉彎
DAJ的例子完全不一樣啊 現在都還只是乳摸
DAJ直接被關在家裡 完全不一樣
口頭轉彎上一個是去太陽上車的Ross ?
[情報] Andre Drummond去76人Free agent C Andre Drummond has agreed to a one-year deal with the 76ers, source tells ESPN.爆
[情報] Andre Drummond 目前人在洛杉磯消息來源: Windhorst: Drummond is in LA right now 根據ESPN知名記者 Brian Windhorst 的消息來源指出, Andre Drummond 目前人正在洛杉磯爆
[情報] Andre Drummond將與尼湖艇賽蜂會談消息來源: 內容: Yahoo Sources: Andre Drummond will listen to pitches from the New York Knicks, Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Clippers, Boston Celtics and Charlotte Hornets.82
[情報] Andre Drummond去公牛Free agent center Andre Drummond is finalizing a deal with the Chicago Bulls, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. WG_PeeV2ujbg Free agent center Andre Drummond has agreed to a two-year, $6.6M deal with the35
[情報] Andre Drummond與騎士正式完成買斷消息來源: Andre Drummond has agreed to a contract buyout with the Cleveland Cavaliers an d will become a free agent, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.33
[情報] Andre Drummond執行球員選項Andre Drummond is bypassing free agency and picking up his $28.7 million playe r option for next season to stay with the Cavaliers, league sources said 抓猛執行28.7M球員選項。 不執行真的是對不起自己
Re: [專欄] 我們有給 Jayson Tatum 應得的肯定嗎?爆
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[討論] 寫在KI報銷後爆
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