[花邊] Rudy Fernandez 本季結束後退休

看板NBA標題[花邊] Rudy Fernandez 本季結束後退休作者
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Rudy Fernandez To Retire After Season

Longtime Spanish star Rudy Fernandez announced that he'll retire following
this season. Fernandez is completing his 13th season with Real Madrid. The
39-year-old guard initially joined the club for part of the 2011-12 season
while the NBA was a lockout.

Rudy Fernandez 宣布本季打完後退休,這是他在皇馬的第13賽季,2011-12賽季NBA

Fernandez played for Portland Trail Blazers from 2008 through 2011, before
playing with the Denver Nuggets in 2011-12, after the lockout ended.
Fernandez began his professional career with Joventut, for whom he played sixseasons.

Rudy Fernandez 08-11替拓荒者打球、11-12賽季停擺結束後替金塊打球

The 6-foot-6 guard was also a key part of the Spain national team. Fernandez
first played for the senior team for the 2004 Olympics. He was a part of
silver medal teams at the 2008 and 2012 Olympics, as well a bronze medal teamat the 2016 Olympics.

In addition to the Olympics success, Fernandez won four gold medals, one
silver and one bronze across six Eurobasket competitions.








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vvnbear 04/04 22:28老妖怪一枚,但真的滿強的,能投能灌的團隊球員

Aggro 04/04 22:30我還以為他退休了...

hcl00 04/04 22:32推個Rudy

stocktonty 04/04 22:33居然還在打

lalaBar 04/04 22:34他還在???

lmf770410 04/04 22:34Rudy 也退了 剩盧小比

DirkMavs 04/04 22:34欸不是 他還沒退休嗎?

TraeYoung11 04/04 22:36林來瘋之後才看nba 完全不知道這名球員…

kevin77605 04/04 22:36Scola 也似乎還沒退。老妖怪

Ktime 04/04 22:36被Nate McMillan 初代西瓜耽誤的人

Hard1980 04/04 22:37金牌沒有他喔?


※ 編輯: stevenchiang ( 臺灣), 04/04/2024 22:40:04

ghedkhl 04/04 22:39老鬼

hidezimmer 04/04 22:39拓荒者出來負責啦

try107799 04/04 22:40愛他

darren2586 04/04 22:41你還在喔

tyrone0923 04/04 22:42少數能像黑人飛來飛去的歐洲白人

WarnLeadwar 04/04 22:46打到現在也是強者了

kkl522608 04/04 22:48推推,祝福,辛苦了

feathery 04/04 22:48體能型白人

YqYq5566 04/04 22:49代表作就是在魔獸面前爆扣吧

Alex663322 04/04 22:492K好用 超準

inthewood 04/04 22:50奧運隔扣美國隊

Y225 04/04 22:52魯迪國王

Y225 04/04 22:52有實力打NBA,自己要回家

r44621 04/04 22:53他還在打國家隊是真的很勇

jambo0204 04/04 22:55媽的魯迪球衣超難買

gsc0478 04/04 22:59跳跳人

Frobel 04/04 23:07正常39歲

axelKOF 04/04 23:12Roy當年的隊友,時代的眼淚

IrvingKyrie 04/04 23:15記得有次不知道被誰拉下來好像腦震盪

batis 04/04 23:23對他很有印象

gn60311 04/04 23:242K有夠好用

heroboy 04/04 23:27西班牙2004-2020奧運被美國連續淘汰五次啊

literchance 04/04 23:36他要打先發,但當時小牛希望他從替補出發

nekoten 04/04 23:48隔扣顛峰魔獸真的經典

AlanLinKL 04/04 23:50拓荒者時期真的帥

chenghow 04/04 23:55很飛 印象中他參加灌籃大賽好像對評分不太滿意

RBC54321 04/05 00:14Rubio Navarro Fernandez 西班牙經典的後場

interestbi 04/05 00:26別扯拓荒者負責,讓RankA負責,養壞一堆新秀

boarorpig 04/05 00:28

willyhsuan 04/05 00:50西班牙黃金世代

TONY7 04/05 00:54是不是跟魯比歐一樣都不能適應NBA...

spitwater15 04/05 00:57我後來金塊用客製的,不然根本沒出球衣

hansup 04/05 02:35印象中他是想回歐洲打球

theowing 04/05 02:55讓Brent Barry退休的男人也要退休了

hyc0725zz 04/05 03:11奧運好用

ayuro 04/05 04:07歐洲飛人

rudyf 04/05 05:19我Id就是不會拼他的名子

JustinTurner04/05 06:16可惜黃金世代沒跟阿根廷一樣拼到一冠,不然歷史定

JustinTurner04/05 06:16位upup

JimmyBlue 04/05 06:18無敵費南德茲,又強又帥

hard9977 04/05 06:41拓荒者2K超好用

maydayholic 04/05 06:48可惜沒來小牛 差一點QQ

DRO2 04/05 06:533秒得5分的男人

Redchain 04/05 06:53這才是39歲人到正常數據表現吧XD

kid8500 04/05 07:42西班牙帥哥,年輕時體能也很勁爆

s9300093 04/05 08:25他以前在拓荒者一直打不打出來 有算適應不良嗎

BryantChan 04/05 09:44他的球衣還在衣櫃T_T

k1230588 04/05 09:53只記得是kobe奧運四分打的背景版

kingroy 04/05 09:53Navarro才是那個打一下就自己回去了的

dreamkd 04/05 10:12西班牙隊黃金世代: Gasol兄弟/Rudy/Navarro/Calder

dreamkd 04/05 10:12on/Rubio/S-Rods

dreamkd 04/05 10:13西班牙2005-2007主控是Calderon 北京奧運後Rubio被

dreamkd 04/05 10:14拉上主戰控球

pirlo0930 04/05 11:52很飛的跳跳人 還有一手三分

iamaq18c 04/06 08:22原來他還沒退