[情報] NBA開始調查Giddey疑似未成年交往的指控
內容:The NBA is looking into the allegations of Oklahoma City’s Josh Giddey
having inappropriate relationship with a minor that have emerged via social
media, league spokesman Mike Bass said.
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[花邊] 及第:我明白問題在哪裡,但我沒辦法給你@ClutchPoints “I understand the question obviously, but there’s no further comment right now.” - Josh Giddey on the social media allegations (via @Rylan_Stiles)爆
[情報] 聯盟正在調查及第與未成年少女的風波The league is looking into allegations that Thunder guard Josh Giddey has been involved in an improper relationship with an underage girl, an NBA spokesman said. Giddey and OKC coach Mark Daigneault declined to comment on the matter a fter practice today.89
[花邊] Josh Giddey成為最年輕大三元得主Oklahoma City Thunder rookie Josh Giddey has become the youngest player in NBA history to record a triple-double, surpassing LaMelo Ball’s record. Giddey(19歲又84天)超過了LaMelo Ball(19歲又140天)成為最年輕大三元得主82
[情報] Josh Giddey 宣布投入2021年NBA選秀會消息來源: Official. 來自於澳洲的18歲年輕小將 Josh Giddey 本週正式宣布投入2021年NBA選秀會50
[情報] Josh Giddey史上第三年輕大三元消息來源: 內容: NBA triple-double history now reads… Youngest: Josh Giddey 2nd Youngest: Josh Giddey26
[情報] 2023 世界盃最佳新秀 Josh Giddey-消息來源: 內容: Shone bright in his first World Cup Josh Giddey is Wanda Rising Star of FIBA World Cup 2023!21
[情報] Josh Giddey 觸發健康安全協議消息來源: 內容:Josh Giddey (health protocols) listed out Tuesday. Giddey因觸發聯盟健康安全協議將缺席接下來的幾場比賽 短評或心得: 雷霆這幾場表現不錯 要開坦了嗎 --5
[花邊] Giddey 疑似與未成年少女發生關係4dfe2704e572e8b45b2.html 雷霆隊球員吉迪與一名據稱是未成年女孩的照片和影片在網路上瘋傳。她的名字叫 Livv Cook,據報道她是高中二年級生。 Livv 本人發布了吹噓與 Giddey 發生性關係的照片。 而這些圖像最初是由匿名人士發布的。該消息來源刪除了該帖子,但為時已晚。5
[心得] 及第師傅New details have reportedly emerged in the allegations that Oklahoma City Thun der star Josh Giddey had sexual relations with a minor. The girl in question, Liv Cook (who has also been reported as Livv and Livvy Cook), was originally b elieved to be a junior or senior in high school. This would make her around 17 at the time of the encounter with Giddey. However, new evidence appears to sh- 來源: 內文: Josh Giddey is really the only virgin in the NBA Josh Giddey是目前NBA裡唯一的處男