Re: [情報] 傳球最具影響力的球員

Passing Creation Quality analyzes playmaking ability through the quality of scoring opportunities a player creates for their teammates through their
Higher caliber playmakers tend to create opportunities for teammates that are easier than a non-playmaker. Part of that comes from offensive scoring
ability, part comes from vision to see the right player to pass to, a part is the execution of those passes to be both accurate, so the ball isn't turned over, and
placed well, so the shooting player doesn't need to spend time pulling the ball up from their shoelaces or down from the sky and lose their would-be
openness on a shot. This all manifests into the shot quality created.
Data used to calculate Passing Creation Quality includes location of assists, as well as conversion rates on potential assists for players relative to rates for
those same players passed to from other teammates and league average on types of scoring looks.
用於計算大數據,包含助攻時的位置、接球員受助後的得分率- 來自聯盟的其他球員與隊友的比較。
所以應該有考量失誤(僅計算傳球失誤 非TO )
不然AD跟TB都是吃餅機器 好像就說的過去了
還有一堆 point in the pain, fast break point
都靠傳球傳出來的 金塊三分命中率

很多空切 禁區吃餅
這好像無法評估評估hockey assist、hand off這類型
祋 怎麼念啊
我很常舉的例子是小牛奪冠年的kidd 持球時間不多 但
隊友傳給站在弧頂的他 他甚至不用運球來增加防守方
壓力 就是站在原地看隊友跑 傳球 隊友輕鬆得分
位置 但直觀感受是蠻能創造得分契機的
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Re: [情報] 四月社群日童偶熊Community Day Adjustments We also wanted to take a moment to discuss some changes to the Community Day format we’ll be testing. In 2020, we doubled the length of our Community Day events, extending them from three hours to six. Since then, however, we’ve found that only five percent of our Trainers tend to participate in the event for more than three hours. One of the biggest pieces of positive feedback that we received after January’s three-hour Community Day Classic was that players and community leaders noticed how much more of the community was out and about during the event. So, for Stufful Community Day, we’re returning to three-hour format. Our hope is that doing so will create even more opportunities for Trainers to play together and connect outside as they’re exploring. We know that Trainers have enjoyed all of the extra resources that can be collected during longer events, so we’re adding some new and exciting perks to Stufful Community Day to give you the ability to collect just as many resources during gameplay. Check them out below!6
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