[外絮] Danny Green 對於灰熊的看法

看板NBA標題[外絮] Danny Green 對於灰熊的看法作者
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來源 clutchpoints

danny green wonders if he could’ve done more for Ja Morant during his short time with the Memphis Grizzlies.

D.Green 覺得他其實可以在這短暫的灰熊生涯幫助Ja更多

Green, 35, spent most of his time in Memphis rehabbing from a torn ACL and he only played three games with the Grizzlies before he was traded to Houston Rockets at the deadline and eventually landed with the Cleveland Cavaliers after the Rockets bought out his contract.

Green 現在35歲,在灰熊一共打了三場比賽,其餘都在努力復原十字韌帶斷裂。他最近被交易到火箭,然後火箭買斷他的合約,最終為騎士效力。

But Green was able to see how the Grizzlies went about their business on and off the court and he shared some of his thoughts with Damichael Cole of the Commercial Appeal. Green chose not to point fingers or make accusations, but he does wonder if the team could have used some more veterans in the locker room to establish a better culture.


“I definitely felt like we needed another vet or two to help push the narrative or just help them understand the maturity part of it,” Green said. “I’m not
going to put them all in the same category. They’re not all the same. They’reall great guys.”

「我覺得我們應該要再多一兩個老將來幫助這個franchise 可以流暢的走下去,或直接幫助這群孩子瞭解什麼才是成熟。」


Green mentioned how a lot of the Grizzlies players like to stay at home and focus on hoops, while Morant is one of the players who likes to have fun.

Green 提到灰熊裡很多球員平常都喜歡待在家,不然就是專心在籃球上,他也同時提到Ja是裡面比較愛玩的

“He likes to party sometimes,” Green said. “Not saying he is the only one, but he’s one of the few over there. It’s not like they’re all going out. It’s
a couple of them that go out, and he goes out sometimes.”


Morant has had a very tumultuous month and is currently taking a break from basketball while some of his legal issues get settled.


Green is one of a small handful of players to win NBA championships with three different teams. He has watched how superstars like Tim Duncan, Kawhi Leonard and LeBron James prepared to be champions. There was plenty of knowledge he coul’ve, and probably wishes he would’ve, shared with Ja Morant before he was dealt.

Green是聯盟裡面非常少數在三隊都奪下總冠軍的球員之一,他見證了如TD, 可愛, 老詹 這樣的超級明星是如何準備他們的比賽,並成為冠軍。他本可以有機會傳授給Ja這麼多寶貴知識的,但他被交易了

灰熊的其他人專心hoop, Ja專心 hood


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Chanlin01 03/09 15:09鉛筆賠錢

Sessyoin 03/09 15:09太苦了

Chanlin01 03/09 15:09一個倒直接害綠報銷

QoGIVoQ 03/09 15:10確定嗎 8+9最討厭老人擺老了

cv120345 03/09 15:12水行俠的話都不聽了丹尼綠待退老人的話Ja更不會聽吧

st890284 03/09 15:13每輪跟迪聾上去換兩個誰打得贏

madeathmao 03/09 15:13丹尼綠三冠都有貢獻,夠資格吧

lehueerfy31 03/09 15:14簽個社會瓜,包準ja會乖乖的

瓜哥要冠軍 不是要當老師

www2967 03/09 15:14你當8ja9吃素的??

ginopun1047703/09 15:20推小綠

YellowTiger 03/09 15:26可以傳給騎士那些新人了 未來東區是騎士的

XXXaBg 03/09 15:27玩樂王朝你敢嘴

a83912a 03/09 15:27難怪小AI...

westley 03/09 15:29社會瓜才能制得了這個8ja9吧 不然找之前的軟豆腐

hunt5566 03/09 15:29Zach Randolph/Nikola Pekovic當助教

westley 03/09 15:29也可以

hunt5566 03/09 15:29保證乖乖

sunnydragon703/09 15:30這種個性已經養成的很難改,除非出大事或找有輩份

sunnydragon703/09 15:30的社會瓜來坐鎮

supreme2430 03/09 15:31所以小AI算先知嗎?

XXXaBg 03/09 15:33水行俠的話他也不聽 還有誰能讓他聽話的

Zxc2184 03/09 15:33水行俠都壓不住這幫89屁孩了 尤其89最討厭老人在那

Zxc2184 03/09 15:33管東管西 都嘛認為自己最屌 這種就等著哪天被警察

Zxc2184 03/09 15:33收就好了 這次差一點Ja請加把勁

XXXaBg 03/09 15:35匪幫生活到底哪裡好讓他這麼嚮往啊


zionwilliaom03/09 15:37小AI不愧是投資大師,眼光獨到


waynecode 03/09 15:41Adams這混過街頭的都勸不了他了

waynecode 03/09 15:41Ja就是太屁才會一直往街頭去

Ja: 我已經受眾人喜愛了我人生還缺什麼 也是Ja: 對了我一點都不hood阿

※ 編輯: Childishan ( 臺灣), 03/09/2023 15:46:22

snane 03/09 15:46TD JLin後最喜歡的球員,被一倒報銷

ocean0817 03/09 15:54Ja只是個poser而已,又不是真gang,應該以後不敢了

heisnyrd 03/09 16:14推文好意思拿沒職業道德的咖小出來講喔?

heisnyrd 03/09 16:14拒絕報到也能洗白成先知ㄏㄏ

qo40330 03/09 16:188+9就是走自己的路 哪會聽老人言

延伸聆聽- 玖壹壹 我的路

※ 編輯: Childishan ( 臺灣), 03/09/2023 16:21:46

cloudyst 03/09 16:23怎麼灰熊最近一堆求職者

哪有人主動求職 都是外界的聲音說他們需要老將坐鎮

※ 編輯: Childishan ( 臺灣), 03/09/2023 16:33:23

h75311418 03/09 16:39應該是從小就在那種環境的影響,電影攻其不備有例

h75311418 03/09 16:39

live1002 03/09 16:54騎士一堆乖寶寶吧

ccccccccccc 03/09 18:14小AI就算了吧… 真的弄得很難看

bq5899 03/09 18:32幫噓垃圾軟腳仔

vince4687 03/09 18:45笑死 旅熊大哥帶來第一手資訊 666

luganzhin 03/09 19:27Bane感覺就是會龜在家的那種人

ken720331 03/09 19:37最有資格的真的是社會瓜

jan58912 03/09 20:03他才35哦

f77928 03/09 21:27灰熊是這幾年球員養成最成功的球隊典範

f77928 03/09 21:27主力全是自己養出來的 但缺點就是比較年輕氣盛

f77928 03/09 21:28的確需要能當士官長的人來帶

LBJbuyao 03/10 03:50你是想講hooker的hook嗎

MorikonHase 03/10 09:49小心吃土豆