[外絮] Pelinka:是否使用首輪籤將取決於交易後

看板NBA標題[外絮] Pelinka:是否使用首輪籤將取決於交易後作者
(Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
時間推噓45 推:46 噓:1 →:22


Acquiring Rui Hachimura through 3 second-round picks was great business but if the Lakers want to make a needle-moving trade, they need to give up their first-round picks. GM Rob Pelinka has revealed the exact circumstance in which the Lakers will be willing to give the picks up.

透過3個二輪選秀權得到八村壘是一樁好買賣,但如果湖人想做一筆能夠讓球隊有所改變的交易,他們需要放棄他們的首輪選秀權。總經理Rob Pelinka透露了湖人隊願意放棄選秀權的確切情況。

"I think the calculus for the Lakers is to win a championship or not. There's no in-between or incremental growth. So as we analyze opportunities, we have to do it through that lens. And I said this at the beginning of the season, if there's an opportunity to get all the way to the end and win a championship, there's no resource we'll hold onto if we feel like that's there. But at the same time, the completely unwise thing to do would be to shoot a bullet early and then not have it later when you have a better championship move to make. So that's a really delicate calculus. It's something that the entire front office, we evaluate with all of the moves. If we see a move that puts us as a frontrunner to get another championship, the 18th one here, we'll make it. And if that move doesn't present itself, we'll be smart and make it at a later time."



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SlamKai 01/25 12:16言下之意 就是沒有

coyoteY 01/25 12:16薛格耳的奪冠

lafeelbarth 01/25 12:17要S級的啦

hank7218 01/25 12:17這陣容還無法爭冠也太誇張

Kidd0502 01/25 12:18那應該就是看湖人戰績 戰績到季中如果還是附加賽或

Kidd0502 01/25 12:18附加賽後面

NOKIA8888 01/25 12:18那就是不會用了

Kidd0502 01/25 12:18那當然是留著首輪啊

inuyaksa 01/25 12:19確實,拿首輪只想進季後賽保住面子大可不必

taiwanashow 01/25 12:20只有撈到一個八村壘就急著想賣未來換冠軍?

julian42 01/25 12:22有ad的湖人本來就是爭冠隊

starxls 01/25 12:24佩總講這話山羌同意嗎

Fifteam 01/25 12:24難怪雙向都不洗,佩總一出手就是要奪冠

forest204c 01/25 12:24爭冠機率取決於健康的AD能持續多久

MK47 01/25 12:24成功拿Nunn換到八村 我現在不敢噴他了

ksuenjjr 01/25 12:26那好歹也換個雙向來用吧,傷那麼多人

gginin007 01/25 12:26那就是不會

dwiee 01/25 12:26槍與玫瑰+八村德軟老大 幾冠

TheoEpstein 01/25 12:28這就是沒有的意思

ste14563 01/25 12:29確實

vgil 01/25 12:30那就是不會了

rlhl7799 01/25 12:30明年姆斯+首輪去換可能有機會

nt880245 01/25 12:30天空貝+二首輪換一個大鎖

Megacolon 01/25 12:30記者都說爭冠球隊了還不梭哈 ☺

md3q6e 01/25 12:31言下之意:不夠格

ooxxman 01/25 12:31那就是沒有要用了

taikonkimo 01/25 12:32ad沒健康的中秋 的確不值得

taikonkimo 01/25 12:32狀況

juniorpenny 01/25 12:32欲速則不達

ypcurry 01/25 12:33兩個字 不能

earldunn 01/25 12:33佩總:明星賽週末我來了

midevening 01/25 12:35上不了 還能爭冠?

sedellchan 01/25 12:37不要再假裝湖人會操作了

donkilu 01/25 12:39講一堆幹話 大概就是不想出首輪

demonh311 01/25 12:41硬實力西2,那就是要交易了

jameslin510 01/25 12:41講完又可以放假一段時間了哈哈

md3q6e 01/25 12:43佩總這個休賽季還有八村交易已經補的很好了吧

md3q6e 01/25 12:43說放假是不是硬要黑?

TheoEpstein 01/25 12:45他這四個月做了四件事:

TheoEpstein 01/25 12:46簽Ryan 裁Ryan THT換成貝 Nunn換成八村

TheoEpstein 01/25 12:46衝著後面兩件事太猛,我希望他一個月做一件就好

TheoEpstein 01/25 12:47就算拿Disney 年pass天天去玩也可以,太神了佩總

kashnes 01/25 12:53直接講不會動就好

AbukumaKai 01/25 12:54意思是問AD

babyface197701/25 12:55賠率41快買起來

AbukumaKai 01/25 12:55湖人不管怎麼補 能走多遠終究是看AD狀況

KillLakers 01/25 13:01水鳥:我同意~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Utopiasphere01/25 13:15然後雙向繼續放著不動給富堡酬庸 再放FA變空氣 真是

Utopiasphere01/25 13:15聰明的制服組

silentsky55501/25 13:18問就是沒有

panjanhon 01/25 13:23能季後賽就有機會奪冠 敢梭哈嗎

zer0319 01/25 13:23還是補不回換龜的痛吧

BryantKobe 01/25 13:26有LBJ就沒辦法奪冠

LBJKO 01/25 13:2820不適就奪冠了嗎XD

td821211 01/25 13:33開始幻想

langeo 01/25 13:55那就不會交易了

langeo 01/25 13:56除非能交易到怪博士把AD改造成健康

pipiann 01/25 14:02搞不好幾年內都用不到了

kano2525 01/25 14:04其實就是不會動的意思

sunnyyoung 01/25 14:09取決一個根本沒法算計的事情?

ken720331 01/25 14:21不要再玩big name合格。後面兩筆直接讓人沒辦法噴

ken720331 01/25 14:21

jerry761031 01/25 14:54好 懂了 就是不會

MJ02 01/25 15:14留著吧,呵呵呵呵呵

warengod 01/25 15:14放棄羌兒才能重生

Qorqios 01/25 15:39 we'll be smart

gary360 01/25 16:21有某個散步刷子在 真的不用想奪冠了

airandy1102 01/25 19:33通篇廢話==

leon82guy 01/25 20:46西13要爭哪冠?