[外絮] 周六夜現場嘲笑嘴綠的禁賽 模仿本尊道歉

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Ali Thanawalla, NBC Sports Bayarea

Warriors' Draymond Green roasted for suspension by ‘SNL'
《週六夜現場》嘲笑嘴綠的禁賽 (SNL是NBC旗下的節目)

Che: This week, the NBA suspended Golden State Warriors forward Draymond
Green five games for putting another player in a chokehold. Here to comment
is Draymond Green. Whoo! Whoo!
Draymond: Thanks, Che. I appreciate y'all giving me this platform to publiclyapologize.

Che: Okay, so you are sorry.
Draymond:Hell nah. Uh-uh. I can't wait to do it again.

Che: So why are you so angry? I mean, you choked Rudy Gobert for no reason.
Draymond: I had a reason, all right? Rudy Gobert is a tall Frenchman who's
been pissing me off for years. Imagine if you had a seven-foot baguette in
your face talking about,"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha." You know? You want to do something,too.

Che: Yeah, but you got to get why the league is mad, though, right?
Draymond: I mean, not really. It's not like I choked LeBron or Kevin Durant.
You know, we talking about Rudy Gobert, the fourth-best player in Minnesota.
老實說,我不太懂,我又不是勒住了LeBron 或是KD。你要知道,我們討論的人是Gobert灰狼隊第4好的球員

Che: Well, this has been a thing with you guys for years. It sounds like you
really hold a grudge.
Draymond: I mean, I wouldn't say I hold a grudge, you know, but when someone
crosses me, I never forget it, so... Honestly, I feel like the whole
situation is being blown out of proportion.

Che: You choked a man during a game. 你在比賽中勒住一個人欸
Draymond: Okay. Yeah, but I was trying to kill him. So if you think about it,Che, I showed restraint.

Che: So you don't feel bad even a little bit. 所以你一點也不覺得內疚。
Draymond: Oh, I mean, I always feel mad. 我的意思是,我總是覺得很生氣。

Che: No, I said bad. Draymond, Draymond, even your own coach called your
actions inexcusable and said your five-game suspension was deserved.
不,我是說感到內疚。Draymond x2 連你的教練都說你的行為無法原諒,禁賽是應得的
Draymond: He really said that? 他真的有這樣說嗎

Che: Yeah. 是的。
Draymond: Hmm. Interesting. 有意思
Che:What are you writing, man? 你在寫些什麼呢
Draymond:Just a little list. Mm-hmm. Stuff I got to do later.

Che: Draymond, this isn't even your first suspension. I mean, you one-steppedon a guy's chest. You kicked another player in the groin.
Draymond: Look, Che, I had to kick him in the groin. That's where his nuts at.聽我說Che,我必須得踢他的腹股溝。他的蛋蛋就在那裡

Che: What is all this really about, Draymond? 這一切到底是怎麼回事?
Draymond: Look, it's simple. The league is too soft these days, all right?
Ain't nothing but a bunch of light-skinned dudes with side-scroll, shy-show
bob hair, you know? See, me, I play dark-skinned basketball.
It hit different, all right? I ain't dribbling all fancy. I ain't shooting
from half-court. Mm-mm. I'm throwing big men in headlocks, and I'm putting
the little ones in a stone-cold stunner like that.

Che: But why? 但為何你要這麼做
Draymond: Because I'm an enforcer. That's my job. I see my teammates in
trouble, and I strangle that trouble. You know, all I care about is the
safety of my teammates.

Che: Okay, well, what about when you punch your own teammate in the face?
Draymond: You trying to get on the list? 你是想上我的黑名單嗎?

Che: No! I'm just... I'm just trying to understand. You have a very violent
reputation. 不!我只想...搞清楚。你有一個很暴力的名聲
Draymond: Oh, thank you. 哦 謝謝你

Che: That wasn't a compliment, man. 老兄,這不是在讚美你
Draymond: Wait, how come nobody ever talks about the good stuff I do off the
court? 大家怎麼不說我場外做的好事

Che: Like what? 像是什麼呢
Draymond: Did you know every Thanksgiving, I go down to my old neighborhood
and I whip turkeys at people? Yeah. Everybody running, the birds flying. It'sfun.

Che: What kind of message do you think your behavior sends to the kids
watching? 你覺得你的行為對看著你的孩子們傳達了什麼樣的資訊
Draymond: Look, to all you little hoopers out there watching me, I hope y'alllearn this. Play with passion, take boxing lessons, and most importantly, be

Che: Draymond Green, everybody. 大家,這是嘴綠
Draymond: I'm coming for your skinny ass! 我要來找你們這些瘦皮猴了



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jyekid 11/19 23:58有個七英尺高的法國麵包 笑呵呵

matsuwu 11/20 00:00打扮完全不像啊...還比較像傑倫XD

a127 11/20 00:03靠杯XD 狗貝還被嗆第四好的球員是怎樣

ARCHER2234 11/20 00:09小本本

ZIDENS 11/20 00:12不像==

ABiao0220 11/20 00:13不像啦 不過記小本本有夠哭

e8e88 11/20 00:14狗貝:第四?????

crishding 11/20 00:18我臉盲都看的出他在模仿杰倫啊

pushao7L 11/20 00:20再啦幹

MK47 11/20 00:28比張立東的模仿還不像

iecdalu 11/20 00:30蠻好笑的,逐字稿很有誠意XDD

Hiara 11/20 00:38完全不像,可是逐字稿超嘴笑死

love1500274 11/20 00:40他搞不好把嘴綠內心話講出來

jonestem 11/20 00:42夠嘴就好 XDDDD

naye 11/20 00:44滿好笑的

chink5566 11/20 00:51開扁

Sessyoin 11/20 00:55這很勇士

FredVanVleet11/20 00:59蠻像的啊 但為什麼最後dark skinned那樣翻?

FredVanVleet11/20 00:59還偷嘴Light skin隊友(curry poole)

mashiroro 11/20 01:16煩死XDDDDD

saturday556611/20 01:21be dark-skinned 你翻:保持堅韌不拔的態度???

想說翻譯一個比較正面的詞啦 他是在講黑人啦

※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 11/20/2023 01:25:48

RamenOwl 11/20 01:37超雞巴 笑死

Trulli 11/20 01:45推分享跟逐字稿

webberfun 11/20 01:55笑死 夠酸

fegat 11/20 02:24嘴綠整天嘴開開的 這個根本不像

Chtgo 11/20 03:57好吧,那怎麼解釋你揍你隊友的臉 ,

Luka7714 11/20 05:06內容有夠靠北笑死

sss157095 11/20 05:20內容超好笑

alex40214 11/20 06:52最後是講 Wemby Im coming for your skinny ass

joveryant 11/20 07:15XD

rrgfe 11/20 07:41看到法國麵包笑死

teeeeee 11/20 07:52笑死 感謝分享

rolandgjh 11/20 08:09這打扮程度大概就是找個黑人穿上勇士球衣然後就宣

rolandgjh 11/20 08:09稱他是嘴綠了吧XD

rolandgjh 11/20 08:09不過這酸的蠻好笑的,兩邊的稿都不錯

yowhatsupsli11/20 08:29笑死

xiao07 11/20 08:35我怎麼覺得他們比較像趁機在嗆狗貝而已

sctty 11/20 09:40又是他們 lol 他們上次才模仿football coach Prime

sctty 11/20 09:40 那笑死

redblouse 11/20 10:49笑死

iamaq18c 11/20 11:31有夠嘴XDDDD

vking223 11/20 11:45笑死,有夠嘲諷

yeustream 11/20 11:47嘴得滿好笑的 XD

s8800892000 11/20 11:54順便嘴狗貝

lpca 11/20 11:55XD

FadOut 11/20 13:26推翻譯,很好笑R

KirkSynder 11/20 16:18想問一下 法國麵包專指長棍麵包嗎? 看到時候疑惑了

KirkSynder 11/20 16:18一下雖然會猜到但是看到Baguette才確定是講法式長棍

KirkSynder 11/20 16:18麵包

Lanx 11/20 16:48你知道嗎,每年感恩節我都會到老家,向人們扔火雞

Lanx 11/20 16:48 大家都在跑,火雞

Lanx 11/20 16:49也在飛,畫面很有趣。

Lanx 11/20 16:49這段超好笑