Re: [新聞] 稱Green越線應受懲罰 Steve Kerr:希望他有尊嚴的結束
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[外絮] Steve Kerr說明天嘴綠負責守AD來源: TalkBasket 網址: Steve Kerr says Draymond Green will guard Anthony Davis in Lakers – Warriors matchup Steve Kerr說明天湖人勇士戰,嘴綠會守Anthony Davis爆
[外絮] Kerr:希望球迷可以力挺不禁賽嘴綠的決定NBA: Kerr says Green-Poole bust up is Golden State Warriors'‘biggest crisis’ 09:59 AM October 13, 2022 Kerr表示嘴綠出拳事件可以說是我在勇士執教生涯遇到最大的危機 AN FRANCISCO – Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr says the bust-up between Draymond Green and Jordan Poole has been the “biggest crisis” of爆
[情報] 嘴綠禁賽今日結束,週二準備好迎戰國王Anthony Slater The Athletic Tonight is the last game of Draymond Green’s suspension. He traveled to Phoenix with the team and played 3-on-3. He scrimmaged today, Steve Kerr believes. He will be ready to go Tuesday at Kings. Warriors have three days97
Re: [情報] Draymond Green 週四回歸 & 被罰款原文恕刪 另外一個The Athletic記者Anthony Slater在他的推特上有講,嘴綠跟Poole有坐下來 對話過。 網址: Steve Kerr said Draymond Green and Jordan Poole sat down for an important81
[花邊] Kerr: 今天最後一擊是嘴綠主導的來源:灣區電台95.7 網址: Steve Kerr on the final inbounds play: 勇士總教練Steve Kerr講到最後的發邊線球: "Draymond called the play, we hadn’t practiced it in a couple of months. It77
[情報] Kerr預測20年後的嘴綠會當NBA的教練、咖Kerr預測20年後的嘴綠會當NBA的教練、咖哩會打高爾夫、K湯會環遊世界 Where will Steph Curry, Draymond Green and Klay Thompson all be in 20 years? Here's Steve Kerr's guess Kerr接受專訪被問到20年後的咖哩、嘴綠、K湯會在哪時表示:嘴綠會是NBA的教練,退休之 後他會去電視行業,會很受歡迎,但是他過了一段時間後會想念競爭的感覺,所以會去當教73
[情報] Steve Kerr 認為Smart像是後衛版本的嘴綠消息來源: Kerr explains why Smart is 'the guard version' of Draymond Steve Kerr 今天在記者會上談到接下來的對手塞爾提克隊 大力稱讚 Marcus Smart,認為他如同後衛版本的 Draymond Green,能夠從一號守到五號56
[情報] 嘴綠缺席今日練習Bob Myers said Draymond Green was in the facility this morning, apologized to th e team and left. "Space is good," Myers said. Wouldn't comment on whether Green will be back in the facility in the coming days. Deferred that question to Steve Kerr. Bib Myers 說嘴綠早上有來,跟球隊致歉後就走了。Myers說給嘴綠空間很好。他不談論是8X
[花邊] Kerr:我喜歡嘴綠的比賽方式Steve Kerr on Draymond Green, who had 20 points tonight. "When he's aggressive like that, looking to attack, it definitely adds another dimension to our team. I loved his approach to the game, he was aggressive right from the start." Kerr談嘴綠拿20分:17
[情報] Kerr稱其他球員要得分 嘴綠:我們就是圍Kerr稱其他球員要得分? Green:我們本來就是圍繞Curry進攻啊 今天結束的一場比賽中,勇士以106-108不敵拓荒者。 賽後,勇士前鋒Green接受媒體採訪。 嘴綠首先談到自己最後時刻被吹進攻犯規:“我覺得Dame動了,但你也知道,有時候會如
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