[外絮] 饒舌歌手J.Cole幫助Caleb Martin加入熱火

看板NBA標題[外絮] 饒舌歌手J.Cole幫助Caleb Martin加入熱火作者
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How rapper J. Cole helped Caleb Martin land deal with the Heat

J. Cole 如何幫助 Caleb Martin 加入熱火 by Sam Jarden

On Friday night, Caleb Martin dropped 25 points in Game 2 of the Eastern
Conference Finals to lead the Heat to a stunning win over the Celtics.

It was a playoff-career high for the 27-year-old, and it helped Miami move towithin two games of an NBA Finals appearance. If they pull off the series
win, it would be the first finals appearance for a No. 8 seed since the
Knicks in 1999.

But just two years before he lit up the Celtics under the bright lights at TDGarden, Martin was looking for a new team.

在星期五晚上,Caleb Martin 在東區冠軍賽第2場比賽中砍下25分,以驚人的表現帶領熱火隊擊敗賽爾提克隊。


但就在他在TD花園大放異彩的兩年前,Martin 還在尋找新的球隊。

How did J. Cole help Caleb Martin sign with the Heat?
He and his twin brother, Cody, played their college ball at NC State and thenNevada — the Wolfpack and the Wolf Pack, coincidentally. After finishing
their senior season in 2019, Cody was selected by the Hornets with the No. 36pick in the NBA Draft and Caleb went undrafted, but he ultimately joined his
twin in Charlotte.

Caleb played a limited role in Charlotte, averaging just over five points pergame in his first two seasons. At the end of the 2020-21 campaign, he was
released by the team. But his NBA journey was far from over.

During the summer of 2021, Martin kept putting in work in the hopes that he
would find another team willing to give him a chance. As a native of North
Carolina, he often frequented the gym owned by world-famous rapper J. Cole,
who hails from Fayetteville, N.C.

J. Cole是如何幫助Caleb Martin加入熱火隊的呢?

Caleb和他的雙胞胎兄弟 Cody Martin 在北卡州立大學和內華達大學打大學籃球,巧
合的是,這兩所大學的球隊名稱都叫做狼群。在2019年完成他們的大四賽季後,Cody 在NBA選秀中以第36順位被黃蜂隊選中,而Caleb 則未被選中,但最終還是加入了黃蜂。

Caleb 在黃蜂的發揮有限,前兩個賽季平均每場只得到5分左右。在2020-21賽季結束時,他被球隊釋出。但他的NBA之旅尚未結束。

在2021年夏天,Caleb Martin 一直在努力訓練,希望能找到另一支願意給他機會的球隊。作為北卡羅來納州人,他經常來到來自北卡的饒舌歌手J. Cole所擁有的體育館訓練。

Cole has flirted with a career of his own on the hardwood, suiting up for
Patriots Basketball Club in Rwanda and the Scarborough Shooting Stars in
Canada within the past two years. In other words, he's no slouch, and he saw
potential in Martin.

He also happened to have some connections with people in the NBA, including
Heat assistant coach Caron Butler.

在過去的兩年中,J. Cole也曾有過職業籃球生涯,他曾經在盧安達的愛國者籃球俱樂部和加拿大的斯卡伯Shooting Stars打球。換句話說,J. Cole 並不是一個平庸的球員,他也看到了Caleb Martin的潛力。

J. Cole 碰巧與NBA的一些人有認識,包括熱火隊的助理教練 Caron Butler。

“He had reached out to me and told me he had a very, very talented guy that
was just wrecking shop up here in North Carolina," Butler told The Charlotte
Observer. "He [Martin] had just got released from the Hornets. Obviously, we
were still trying to improve on our talent."

Butler liked what he heard enough to offer Martin an invitation to practice
with the Heat.

"[J. Cole] reached out to me and I just invited [Martin] to an open scrimmagein the summer, and from that point on he really earned his way on. But J.
Cole having the foresight in knowing Caleb can come and help a contending
team was just amazing.”

Caron Butler:「J.Cole 聯絡我,他告訴我他認識一位非常非常有天賦的球員,他在北卡這裡的表現非常出色,他剛被黃蜂隊釋出。顯然,我們熱火隊也試圖提升球隊的天賦。」

Butler 聽到J. Cole 的消息表示印象深刻,足夠讓他邀請Martin 熱火隊進行試訓。

「J. Cole 與我聯繫,而我只是邀請Caleb Martin參加夏天的一場公開練習賽,從那時起,他真的表現出色。但J. Cole能有先見之明,知道Caleb Martin可以來幫助一支有競爭力的球隊,真是太神奇了。」

During Game 2 in Boston, TNT's Allie LaForce corroborated the story,
reporting that Heat head coach Erik Spoelstra was the one to suggest the

Martin made the most of his opportunity and has grown into an important role
player for Miami. In addition to his 25-point night on Friday against the
Celtics, he also dropped 22 points in Game 2 against the Knicks in the
Eastern Conference semifinals. He averaged 9.6 points, 4.8 rebounds and 1.6
assists this season, his fourth in the NBA.

But it may have never happened if it wasn't for J. Cole's recommendation. If
he ever decides to leave the rap game, maybe he has a future as an NBA scout.

在波士頓的第二場比賽中,TNT台的 Allie LaForce 也證實了這個故事。據報導,熱火隊教練 Erik Spoelstra 是提出邀請Martin 加入球隊的人。

而Martin 充分利用了機會,成為了邁阿密的一名重要角色球員。除了在週五對陣賽爾提克隊砍下25分外,他在東區半決賽對陣尼克隊的第二場比賽中還得到了22分。本賽季,他場均得到9.6分,4.8個籃板和1.6次助攻,而這是他在NBA的第四個球季。

但如果不是因為J. Cole的推薦,這一切可能永遠不會發生。如果J. Cole 決定離開饒舌界,也許他有潛力成為一名NBA球探。

必勝球探 2.0 主演 J. Cole & Caleb Martin


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tupacshkur 05/22 19:27Cole world my maaan! 最新的all my life好聽!!

ClownT 05/22 19:30

圖 饒舌歌手J.Cole幫助Caleb Martin加入熱火

weizon 05/22 19:31Ball like j cole

xbit 05/22 19:34我比較想看攻其不備2.0 吉巴版

xbit 05/22 19:35如果吉巴今年拿到總冠的話

hasn8620 05/22 19:37吉巴:我不聽嘻哈

yyes5210 05/22 19:38怪物奇兵3 主角飾演者:神之子

wade59420 05/22 19:38J. Cole!

laygoyolo 05/22 19:41cole world

pierce88032105/22 19:42而且Caleb一開始還是用雙向簽的

raywoor 05/22 19:49雙胞胎兄弟現在如何 還有球打嗎?

tulo1995 05/22 19:49馬丁是落選海裡表現最穩定的 這類型到每隊應該都能

tulo1995 05/22 19:49發揮真的很棒

yes4568526 05/22 19:52Cole 跟 bts 成員合作那首也很讚 雖然歌是對方的形

yes4568526 05/22 19:52

gp03dan 05/22 19:55傑寇!

Rush0406 05/22 19:55cole world

chinhsi 05/22 20:05吸管哥

convington 05/22 20:11他的歌不錯

yeustream 05/22 20:18熱火奪冠的話,J.Cole也值得得到一枚冠軍戒

pett 05/22 20:22Caleb很強 體能也好

michael7092005/22 20:28Cole真的太帥

rkilo 05/22 20:34Martin除了常腦衝上籃外,其他都表現很好,而且防

rkilo 05/22 20:34守後衛非常有一套

jcto04 05/22 20:36饒舌歌手兼球探

traviscott 05/22 20:46記得他在非洲聯賽打過 還有出鞋

hipnos 05/22 20:48饒舌歌手(X) 專業球探(O)

jezzy30735 05/22 20:48I'm here to spread a message of hope. Follow y

jezzy30735 05/22 20:48our heart. Don't follow what you've been told

jezzy30735 05/22 20:48you're supposed to do.- J.Cole

efbnm753 05/22 20:49Best cole

a22122212 05/22 20:51他自己也滿強的

Rekkles 05/22 20:54我記得j cole能灌籃

KIntel 05/22 20:57推J Cole

love1500274 05/22 21:05怎麼感覺發廢文比較多人關注 外絮都沒人看

Miyanishi25 05/22 21:08誰? 有蛋堡厲害嗎

benson0411 05/22 21:08goat

Ayanami5566 05/22 21:14馬丁是今年熱火進步最多的一位 外線跟球商都有提升

Ayanami5566 05/22 21:14以前都被放投 現在變成不可或缺的得分點+大鎖

ruokcnn 05/22 21:15史上最強rapper Cole

MK47 05/22 21:19太專業了吧

bigbeat 05/22 21:20這是電影吧 好神奇

drj59 05/22 21:21推嘻哈界Mike Conley

alan155511 05/22 21:28jcole是真的會打球

smallhou 05/22 21:302024勇士總冠 不服來辯

nuggets0916 05/22 21:31JCole有去非洲加入職業聯賽啊

w7w7wp 05/22 21:37JCole真的帥

Bballer 05/22 21:52J Cole夢想是打NBA

leots0211 05/22 22:17J.Cole 2K好用

handfox 05/22 22:33without you好聽

windfly520 05/22 22:40永遠忘不了中場那個表演

titti 05/22 22:42之前明星週JCOLE有灌籃

sunnyyoung 05/22 22:46怎麼長很像

Luffier 05/22 22:56接扣 歌超好聽

dk971355 05/22 22:59J Cole的饒舌真的超頂

ebok 05/22 23:10JCole我覺得他超帥

H3artbreakid05/22 23:11蛋堡怎麼跟jcole比

moeispop 05/22 23:17jcole有料

ENCOREH3345605/22 23:44真的欸吉巴的故事簡直就是攻其不備....希望熱火能奪

ENCOREH3345605/22 23:44

a509170123 05/22 23:48好神奇!!

attpp 05/22 23:50吸管哥?

cyd1218 05/23 00:38馬丁真的很重要

utsunomiya 05/23 11:38一開始在黃蜂機會少他兄弟很多,不過現在看來發展

utsunomiya 05/23 11:38有機會超越Cody