Re: [情報] Rivers:鉛筆是沒打好 但Tatum也沒打好阿

看板NBA標題Re: [情報] Rivers:鉛筆是沒打好 但Tatum也沒打好阿作者
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※ 引述《PaulDavis (Paul Davis的歌手差不多)》之銘言:


No. 1, he has to be healthy. In the playoffs and this was the healthiest, buthe still wasn’t 100%. Then No. 2 for Jo, is he’s got to make all his players
better in the playoffs and Jo, his numbers are unfair, because he’s really
— if you look at his numbers in the last three years in the playoffs,
compared to his regular season numbers, they’re not very good. But a lot of
that is due — the first year I had him he hurts his knee. The next year, he
hits his face and tears ligaments in his hand, and then this year he has a
knee injury and he was never the same once he came back this year. So health
is No. 1.

Then the second thing is Jo and he has the ability, I stayed on him daily. Hehas the ability to make his teammates better and when he does it, if you lookat our games this year when he did that and dominated, hard to go away from
Joel Embiid. It really is. He’s just got to do that on a consistent basis.
Not just on the court, but also off the court. Just be around the guys and
spend time with your guys and let them know that you love them because they
love you. And so I thought that Jo in the three years, you can see the growththere. I think we forget how young he is. We also forget his first two years
he didn’t play and I’m telling you that sets a tone. Like when you miss two
years and you’re sitting there all the time and you get used to not playing
in games. That sets the tone. Ben Simmons went through the same thing. He
missed the first year and so fighting early on when I first got there was huge. ‘Jo, you need to play tonight. Jo, you can play tonight’ and now he’s up
in games and so he’s doing that. He’s crossed that barrier. The next one
will be making his teammates better. When he does that, it’s gonna be hard to stop and I think he will do it. I just think we forget his age and we forgethow we started in this league.



You can feel it all through the organization and Elton (Brand), when he
brought me in, that’s what he told me like ‘Hey, this is not just about
coaching his team. We’re bringing you in here to change the culture’ and he
meant everywhere and he allowed me to come in and we looked through the wholeorganization. I’m talking about trainers, equipment managers, everybody. …
If you’re not on board, if you’re not trying to win and that’s not what you
’re breathing every day. For me, it’s time to go, and I meant that with
everybody in the organization and overall, I thought we were starting to get
it done. You can see the change in the culture, and so I think the growth of
that is there. I think they still have some growth in that department as well. Alert is the word I’m using and sometimes you can’t worry about that. You
just got to do your job. You got to worry about the basketball part of it andthat’s the reaction to what everything happens, but their culture has
definitely gotten better. I had a big part in that and now the grow from there, it still has to get better and if that happens, then they have a chance. Ifit doesn’t happen, they’re not gonna win. It has to keep growing.



When I look back on that game, because that was the decider, right? Basketball-wise, we got to get the ball to Joel more, and trust me, we came out in plays where it should have gone there and it just didn’t arrive there, and so
those are big plays. Now listen, Joel was not having a great game, but neither was (Jayson) Tatum, and my belief is so that you still go to your guy and you keep letting him save the day for you, and I thought we went away from that
and then the second part of the fluky part. Tatum, if you remember the big
play, we gambled on a play somewhere, someone gambled, but I can’t remember
who it was. Maybe Maxey. I don’t even know who it was. Went for a steal, didn’t get it and they gambled on Jayson Tatum and left him wide open, and he
made a corner in front of the Celtic bench. And that was — it takes these
guys but one shot and that was … and now he’s on. And from that point, we
were dead.




It was challenging, more because we were fighting two things, and not like
visually fighting, it was James is so good at playing one way, and the way I
believe you have to play to win, in some ways, is different because it’s a
lot of giving up the ball, moving the ball, coming back to the ball. I would
have loved to have him younger, when that was easier for him because giving up the ball and getting back the ball is hard. It’s physical, it’s exhausting.
So, it would have been interesting if I would have had him younger where he
could have done that more. Coming off of dribble handoffs, going downhill. Hedidn’t finish as well as he finished because he’s older, and that happens.
So, yeah, at times, to get him to move it and get him to play the way I needed him to play. I thought the first half of the year, we were the best team in
the game. I thought James was playing perfect basketball. He was the point
guard of the team. He was still scoring, but he was doing more playmaking andscoring. Then in the second half, he started scoring more, trying to score
more, and I thought we got stagnant at times. I thought we changed.




You want a guy, and I think James did a little bit of that, like James would
speak up, and so you need that—you need you need another alpha in the room.
So if Jo is not doing something to call Jo on ‘Jo, you gotta do this’ and Jo
will listen to that.



If I could pick the perfect guy without a name, it would be a big point guardwho could score and the reason is we need a playmaker other than Joel and (
Tyrese) Maxey right now is more of a scorer. He’s a downhill scorer with
speed. The dude brings joy to every coach in the room every day like you would love Tyrese Maxey just every day being Tyrese Maxey, but when we can free him up to just go score and you can make a case like a (Manu) Ginobili who at
times was their point with his passing, gave them toughness, was an attacker,was great off the ball, but that allowed Tony Parker to just go and be free.
Like someone in that category would be the perfect fit.






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magamanzero 06/14 13:39他更年輕給河流帶而不是MDA 鬍子可能沒MVP了 www

magamanzero 06/14 13:40比帶後衛 MDA可以屌打河流兩條街

jackie65527906/14 13:41懶人包:我帶來改變,但是球員不爭氣

matsuwu 06/14 13:41這教練可以喊他超爛了吧...到底怎麼一直有工作

rayisgreat 06/14 13:41一個可以提醒鉛筆「你這件事情沒做好」,然後鉛筆會

rayisgreat 06/14 13:41聽的人。--->有啊不就吉巴,可惜76人想要西門。

Alipapa 06/14 13:41我很好 都是they... 然後我目前待業中 選我選我~

magamanzero 06/14 13:43會不會是看到monty那樣 也想要...

winklly 06/14 13:43靠…他講的這些很多不是教練的工作嗎?

a22122212 06/14 13:43提醒鉛筆那段 靠北不就你的工作

sosad0128 06/14 13:44大個子控衛我知道最近有個剛開始回歸練球了

magamanzero 06/14 13:44提醒鉛筆「你這件事情沒做好」 教練的工作

www2967 06/14 13:44呵呵 以前有阿 GM選錯人 不過你要全怪哈登不應該

tomoti 06/14 13:44休息室老將不是有塔客嗎...X!老河又在睜眼說瞎話...

magamanzero 06/14 13:44提醒鉛筆「你這件事情沒做好」鉛筆不聽 也是你的鍋

wizmelo 06/14 13:44我感覺他把上節目拿來自薦 所以都講自己好的

www2967 06/14 13:45你只是要找一個人揹鍋而已

magamanzero 06/14 13:45鬍子表示:到底是你教練 還是我教練

brian040818 06/14 13:45球星都不聽我的話 不是我的錯

Inori0912 06/14 13:46球給金筆也就是打鐵而已

JusufNurkic 06/14 13:46靠邀啦 提醒鉛筆 和塞球給鉛筆不是你的問題嗎

Verlander35 06/14 13:46還好太陽沒選他XD

KhePri 06/14 13:46都是they的錯

Alipapa 06/14 13:46老河:要有人提醒鉛筆 還是老河:大家球要給到鉛筆啊~

aegisWIsL 06/14 13:46原來鬍子是又矮、又沒攻擊能力、還不會傳球的後衛

nuggets0916 06/14 13:46鬍子都救了你兩場 還想怎樣

Alipapa 06/14 13:46只有鉛筆才能拯救大家~

magamanzero 06/14 13:47陽迷應該鬆了一口氣

nuggets0916 06/14 13:47而且鬍子算是滿配合的吧 去76之後出手數少這麼多

icou 06/14 13:47they的錯 END

icou 06/14 13:47等會補推

magamanzero 06/14 13:47聯盟助攻王被教練拔球權去無球 www

Inori0912 06/14 13:48球給鬍子還比給金筆強多了 金筆就是被登餵出來的

icou 06/14 13:48最軟蛋的那種 老實說就靠膚色和GAP

Ryo5566 06/14 13:48換個有擔當的教練一定不會比雞湯王差

bobby94507 06/14 13:48哈登不就是

lafeelbarth 06/14 13:48難怪鬍子心灰意冷

magamanzero 06/14 13:49至少是要他滾了 看還有沒機會

im31519 06/14 13:50意思就是鉛筆做錯而河流提醒他不聽啊~

iamnotme 06/14 13:50我很強 有問題的是前公司 請給我工作

StNeverRush 06/14 13:50教練不就該提醒嗎 球沒傳到不會設計戰術嗎 你是心理

StNeverRush 06/14 13:50輔導師是吧

ABiao0220 06/14 13:51最過譽的教頭

auriga 06/14 13:51鬍子還降薪...

sasakihiroto06/14 13:51提醒鉛筆?那不就吉巴?

librabay 06/14 13:51看起來老河真的鳥

alwaysstrong06/14 13:52都是他們的錯

BibbyMike 06/14 13:52都講成這樣了 鬍子還不走就被人看不起

icou 06/14 13:52真的是一鍋爛飯 滾的人鳥 留下的人也鳥

eric20601 06/14 13:53怎麼傳到王牌手中也是戰術啊 怎麼好像都是球員問題

eric20601 06/14 13:53一樣

BibbyMike 06/14 13:54能把哈燈臭成這樣 這河流也是不簡單

EZ78 06/14 13:54要提醒鉛筆 不就是你的功用嗎= =

EZ78 06/14 13:55他到底是怎麼推諉卸責推到最後顯得自己無能的

zzz076 06/14 13:55好拉 都是they的錯

yellowboy 06/14 13:56問題是manu連popo也控制不了 一樣會像哈登不打戰術

samuncle123 06/14 13:56翻譯:我試圖改變球隊文化 但他們就是不爭氣

Notif520 06/14 13:59好啦 都是they的錯

a28200266 06/14 14:00需要能傳球 能得分 有身高 打球強硬又能無球的 還

a28200266 06/14 14:00要領袖講話鉛筆會聽 阿不就吉巴

NudieJeans 06/14 14:00半瓶水!!

a28200266 06/14 14:00誰叫76人當初不留吉巴 根本就在講他

Duncan7406 06/14 14:01老河不意外 爭功諉過最行

RandyOrlando06/14 14:01難怪鬍子想走 還真的不能怪他

keysers10 06/14 14:01確實 神之子留著肯定跟老爸一樣練出皮朋來

lovingyou 06/14 14:02這意思就等於金筆和哈登都不聽他的吧,那當啥教練?

xd987 06/14 14:02就是要一個球員休息室老大哥啦 有很難懂嗎

xd987 06/14 14:03就熱火哈隊長那樣

Alipapa 06/14 14:03塔克:???

nekoten 06/14 14:04他講的那種領袖就吉巴跟活佛啊 76都曾經擁有 高個子

nekoten 06/14 14:04控衛就西門

a28200266 06/14 14:04塔克牌子小鉛筆不聽吧 被活佛守死塔克去激勵他鉛筆

a28200266 06/14 14:04還一副要死不活的樣子

roger262390006/14 14:05哈登都傳到變助攻王了還沒聽喔? 還是老河希望的哈

julian42 06/14 14:05休息室領袖建議嘴綠

roger262390006/14 14:05登是得分0助攻20的控衛?

kyoko367890606/14 14:05改變文化 是改成甩鍋文化嗎

a28200266 06/14 14:05當初放拖把留吉巴不敢說奪冠 東冠應該是有了 管理

PIPPP4 06/14 14:05沒有,當時他們要的好像是拖把

a28200266 06/14 14:05層自以為 呵

sunti0519 06/14 14:06要不是有超賽那一冠,這咖早就沒工作了

ken720331 06/14 14:08RR可能才是那時候綠賽的總教練

Duncan7406 06/14 14:08是說以他的要求現在檯面上沒一支球隊能滿足他吧

Ligamenta 06/14 14:09大個子控衛,不就西門

Duncan7406 06/14 14:09從快艇到76人都是高級帳號了 還能整天都是they的錯

deadair 06/14 14:10明明贏的場次還要靠哈登爆發拿分

WinShot 06/14 14:11超賽那時候RR整天跟河流吵架

Duncan7406 06/14 14:11他的心目中鬍子不如Manu真的是蠻可笑的

WinShot 06/14 14:11RR對很多河流的戰術都不滿意

babyalley 06/14 14:13只能說老河你還是走吧 這樣真的不行

babyalley 06/14 14:14當然我也覺得76高層也是爛啦 不要吉巴要拖把跟西門

Mradult 06/14 14:15最後一個就姆斯吧,打替補出全力還可以

babyalley 06/14 14:16算了 老河你還找下一份工作吧 我相信還是有球隊願

babyalley 06/14 14:16意給老河當總教練XD

mhkt 06/14 14:16老河是在推卸責任嘛……

CMPunk 06/14 14:17鉛筆會聽話的領袖?阿靠北不就士官長

CMPunk 06/14 14:18鉛筆現在還是把jb當大哥在看待吧

mhkt 06/14 14:18季後賽鉛筆受傷 還要靠鬍子爆發才能延長戰線……

mhkt 06/14 14:18 老河你真的被解僱也是剛好而已

GHowPan 06/14 14:20其實都是跳投 沒必要給鉛筆

peter89000 06/14 14:20這咖真的沒料,難怪沒有要請他

DevilMayCry406/14 14:22鬍子還不算大個子控衛?

tyrone0923 06/14 14:22這整篇真的不行啊

mhkt 06/14 14:23都是在戰術上使用控衛 那為何MDA就是比老河出色…

mhkt 06/14 14:23… 難道老河不檢討自己問題出在哪

jeff785chen 06/14 14:24鬍子再怎樣都贏鬼禿 除了防守根本沒有可以挑剔的地

jeff785chen 06/14 14:24

dwiee 06/14 14:25嘴鬍子沒道理 他G1沒鉛筆也是贏比賽 全怪他喔

winklly 06/14 14:26鬍子扛了兩把,mvp也扛個兩把就過了,mvp這要求不

winklly 06/14 14:26過份吧

dwiee 06/14 14:26沒有什麼完美解 請你當教練就是要整合陣容的

ninaman 06/14 14:27所以要高大,能組織,不強求得分的PG,那不就是...

roger262390006/14 14:27阿鉛筆就是沒打好 我不懂為何老河不調整戰術

dwiee 06/14 14:27如果每個陣容都完美 請個西瓜都行了

dwiee 06/14 14:29鉛筆先去看jokic怎麼打的 僵局外線烙賽就去低位拿2

k952gfjk 06/14 14:30看起來鬍子才有在救你欸

Duncan7406 06/14 14:30他的高控衛還要會得分 歷史上拿掉鬍子大概剩魔術了

josephpu 06/14 14:31勇於指出錯誤的人,不就士官長嗎,也是76自己丟的

CMPunk 06/14 14:32鉛筆都跟歐拉說低位已經過時了你還叫他多打低位

dwiee 06/14 14:34確實 鉛筆放棄低位多高位持球才拿mvp的 不想練合理

magamanzero 06/14 14:35結果季後賽被戳破 www

magamanzero 06/14 14:35高位各種搞笑處理球

KAPPAK184 06/14 14:37鉛筆今年MVP耶 狀況是有多差?

heyjude1118 06/14 14:37一個活佛就把你鉛筆守位,說低位過時你也信

CarlosArroyo06/14 14:37原來是需要一個幾乎可以拿FMVP等級的球員加入才能

rex03187 06/14 14:38那個人不就吉巴 會定人 也可以打無球

CarlosArroyo06/14 14:38夠贏球呀 真的沒救

giunrz 06/14 14:40好喔,鬍子拼死上被當空氣,難怪要走

snakebite 06/14 14:40提醒鉛筆還要願意聽...誰能管的動鉛筆啊

ukcm 06/14 14:41哈登這季夠扛了 老河好意思再檢討哈登 爛透了

CMPunk 06/14 14:41目前也就感覺他會聽jb的而已啊 歐拉的話都當放屁了

snakebite 06/14 14:42看來他是需要一個嘴綠而不是這些有的沒的

dwiee 06/14 14:42對啊 現在誰管的住鉛筆啊 mvp 球隊老大欸

mhkt 06/14 14:44現在要誰鞭策鉛筆 改變鉛筆 我看有難度啦

td770715 06/14 14:46鬍子不好管教不是眾所皆知嗎

treeangel 06/14 14:46看起來真的是鉛筆鬍子不鳥他的雞湯

giveusatank906/14 14:46沒有哈登才不會偷到三場咧

josephpu 06/14 14:47照理來說應該是鬍子要扮演這種角色啦,可他季後賽

josephpu 06/14 14:47期間還能飛賭城開趴,要罵人根本站不住腳

yamatai 06/14 14:47所以哈登之前就直接嗆 河流不走我不會留76

a894392000 06/14 14:50有看比賽都知道拿下勝利哈登貢獻不少 這咖居然舔那

a894392000 06/14 14:50個偷MVP的 真的是西瓜

Willkillall 06/14 14:51鬍子的輩份跟實力就可以提醒鉛筆了吧?只要你也挺

Willkillall 06/14 14:51鬍子的哈

thbw666 06/14 14:53誰不想要鬼禿

bengowa 06/14 14:54這隊真的沒救 教練到球員都在推諉

qwe91033 06/14 14:55老河:我還缺一個mj

WWWWWE 06/14 14:58鬍子降薪 減少出手傳出助攻王 還場均20-10 可以被

WWWWWE 06/14 14:58臭成這樣 這老河不簡單

headcase 06/14 14:59第二輪第一戰要是沒有鬍子 進攻就完全=0餒

headcase 06/14 15:01第二輪最後一戰倒是真的感覺鉛筆完全沒有鬥志 球很

headcase 06/14 15:01少拿到手 到手的球也很快就傳出去 不知道在幹嘛

InTheLAR 06/14 15:01西門

magamanzero 06/14 15:06鬍子就拿球員的$$$ 幹麻要做教練的事情

magamanzero 06/14 15:07還是河流雇用之前有說我還需要你簽一個心靈導師?

leo41301 06/14 15:08哈登夠扛了吧 沒他76更早打包回家

Wavecloud 06/14 15:09可傳球,打球強硬,有攻擊能力,又擅長無球的

Wavecloud 06/14 15:09真以為那麼好找喔 喊喊就有勒

tamataco 06/14 15:10替鬍子感到不值

dblcu 06/14 15:14媽的 就你這西瓜只會球給球星,其它人站樁,季後賽

dblcu 06/14 15:14被針對就是下去

gotohikaru 06/14 15:17鉛筆那樣打 會被Manu罵死的

kevinduh4 06/14 15:26甩鍋大賽

magamanzero 06/14 15:29在那之前 會先被popo幹爆

miksim 06/14 15:36球給鉛筆然後中距離瞎投或是帶球面框亂幹有好到哪

miksim 06/14 15:36

sw9294 06/14 15:37到底要河流這西瓜幹嘛,哈登都調整角色了

sw9294 06/14 15:37督促鉛筆跟設計戰術把球給鉛筆不就教練工作

asdfzx 06/14 15:38不留吉巴

yurikim 06/14 15:56就是說自己好棒棒 都別人的錯啊

BC0710 06/14 15:59所以結論是老河要的是吉巴?

VL1003 06/14 16:02戰術設計是你要幹的事,講得都是球員做不好,真的是

VL1003 06/14 16:02有夠棒的,老河終究還是那個老河。

yamahaya 06/14 16:05鬍子遇到這款教練 真是悲哀

asidy 06/14 16:11如果不簽鬍子,下季要不要改小李試看看

mmk 06/14 16:15如果是老河已經跟鉛筆講了 鉛筆不聽 問題在鉛筆

VL1003 06/14 16:15不過老河這些言論也側面反應他真的根本沒臨場調度,

VL1003 06/14 16:16如果球員執行力真的那麼差,那早該換人,他有做嗎?

VL1003 06/14 16:16賽季同一套打很爽,季後賽不行了就幹譙球員,讚。

a2089533 06/14 16:23巴特勒 可是被交易走了

vincecarterx06/14 16:39這咖應該找不到下個教練缺了吧 有夠廢

dontdoitbaby06/14 16:41翻譯:我需要像阿肥這種,可傳球,打球強硬,有攻

cloud777717 06/14 16:41不就吉巴嗎

dontdoitbaby06/14 16:42擊能力,又擅長無球的中鋒

dontdoitbaby06/14 16:42但我不敢說中鋒,所以才說Manu

akira27 06/14 16:42真的狗屁教練,哈登打法都犧牲成這樣了還可以嫌,怎

akira27 06/14 16:42不怪自己歷史上被逆轉最多?

melzard 06/14 16:45被逆轉大師史上第一

CCFACE 06/14 16:47需要一個讓他聽話的人??媽的法克你是教練 - -

CCFACE 06/14 16:47全部甩鍋 連一點點都不扛

chichung 06/14 16:58MDA至少MVP製造機 老河你有什麼

cominlin 06/14 17:02這咖沒什麼戰術所以想要馬刺用十幾年的球給Manu戰術

Sanco 06/14 17:03大個子控衛 不就你們交易掉的那個

richard1003 06/14 17:07都推給Harden就對了,都是他沒又得分又控球又帶鉛筆

richard1003 06/14 17:07,都不是教練的問題喔

Antares 06/14 17:16黑人教練有工作很奇怪嗎 怎麼會問這種問題

alex8725 06/14 17:26馬的 輸球只會怪登登 什麼爛教練

lu19900217 06/14 17:29登登還嫌,那現役沒有多少人挑了捏

justaID 06/14 17:29怎麼覺得老河這報告超鳥,自以為改變球隊文化,然

justaID 06/14 17:29後各種甩鍋球員,他以前是這樣的執教風格嗎

justaID 06/14 17:30如果他對內都是這種態度,難怪哈登不爽

alex8725 06/14 17:31不過留下吉巴的話感覺也很有趣 老河應該會照三餐被

alex8725 06/14 17:31吉巴嘴嘴到76受不了交易掉吉巴

CCFACE 06/14 17:36老衲就是不夠厚臉皮 像這咖繼續騙工作

yoyonigo 06/14 17:37西門換成擺爛吹密軟蛋烙賽咖也一樣倒在2輪 也沒比較

yoyonigo 06/14 17:37好就是了 哈哈

whhw 06/14 17:38誰領繩

alex8725 06/14 17:38登登這次很扛了耶

dindaofay 06/14 17:39完全把責任推得乾乾淨淨...

medioca 06/14 17:57聽起來他需要的是jb

swww 06/14 17:59要是沒鬍子,你們就被橫掃啦!

rayarising 06/14 18:03笑死 都在怪別人

JonnyJostar 06/14 18:12這咖是去幫忙拍紀錄片的嗎 一副他只負責看戲的樣子

imanikki 06/14 18:24都是they的錯

pony95159 06/14 18:26能提醒鉛筆他又肯聽的第一個想到吉巴 可是...

gswsb 06/14 18:36一冠吹15年

alex8725 06/14 18:43吉巴還在確定他受不了老河?不會自己先發作?

Erishcross 06/14 18:48難得覺得鬍子可憐

hpisok 06/14 19:01這傢伙不只有工作,還都是爭冠球隊,GAP幫他領終生

hpisok 06/14 19:01俸了吧

c7683fh6 06/14 19:07到底在供三小

SlamKai 06/14 19:17領袖去邁阿密了

lercon 06/14 19:24冷笑話根本就後衛最愛的教練

KKyosuke 06/14 19:27突然覺得鬍子好委屈,去籃網被搞,去76人又被搞

alex8725 06/14 19:30重點是鬍子犧牲了薪資犧牲了球權 然後輸球還是要叫

alex8725 06/14 19:30他背 說不過去啊

crow0801 06/14 19:35老河確實改變球隊文化 整隊都在卸責

crow0801 06/14 19:35教練推給球員 哈哈

inzeghi 06/14 19:43提醒他沒做好不是你教練的責任嗎?哈登進攻時覺得隊

inzeghi 06/14 19:43上進攻停滯,應該是反過來說吧。真好意思講欸。

kim1214 06/14 19:54這咖還能一直有工作真的怪

Royalweger 06/14 19:57資歷最深丹成就最高的黑人教頭,所以一直會有工作。

Royalweger 06/14 19:57 不確定

f101202 06/14 19:57聽起來也管不動金筆

ch13 06/14 20:07這是甩鍋給哈登嗎

coiico 06/14 20:11我提醒過鉛筆但是他不聽我的

coiico 06/14 20:11我要求過哈登 他也不聽我的

coiico 06/14 20:12我改變了球隊的文化

freijaking 06/14 20:38需要身材高大控衛--西門,能點鉛筆的人--吉巴

freijaking 06/14 20:39結果其實就是當年鉛筆烙賽導致G7輸暴龍那年

emptie 06/14 20:40捧一個拿最多錢打最爛的,要其他苦撐的球員背鍋

emptie 06/14 20:40難怪他被火了

hwtab 06/14 20:41執教巨頭不容易,但你是Doc Rivers欸...

ZIQQ001 06/14 20:50老河戰術:球給鉛筆

rj486 06/14 20:50受傷還拿MVP?

laisland 06/14 20:57沒哈登早輸了zz

AStigma 06/14 21:04爛人還需更爛的人來治,鬍子QQ

hcder4126 06/14 21:06到底在公三小

hugo1986752406/14 21:21沒哈登爆發那兩場你就要被橫掃耶

jyunwei 06/14 21:31人家是過程,為什麼要聽你的,繼續過程中

alex8725 06/14 21:35你真覺得吉巴在老河手下不會發作?

zyic 06/14 22:00幫翻譯給他小河流,給你東決地板

answertw 06/14 22:43結果等等76人找河流回來繼續執教XD

Xenogamer 06/14 23:26翻譯:都是they的臭

Xenogamer 06/14 23:27不要質疑史上最會翻車的總教練

parnshan 06/14 23:55這咖真自我感覺良好

rolandgjh 06/15 01:22JB粉好了啦...當時給76人選100次都會選西門的

rolandgjh 06/15 01:23再說了以JB那德行跟哭哭MVP打球氣氛會好? 哭哭MVP可

rolandgjh 06/15 01:23不像阿爹這麼甘願當小弟

lkjhgfdsa68106/15 02:54鬍子:不如歸去

final587 06/15 03:47你要不要聽聽看你在說什麼 頂級的奧咖欸

Utopiasphere06/15 04:38這白癡到底在共三小 史上最廢教頭 靠gap撿到一冠的

Utopiasphere06/15 04:39咖小

godbye45 06/15 09:07球給鉛筆 然後剩下四個人看他在那邊面框耍白痴然

godbye45 06/15 09:07後打鐵有比較好? 真的不知道在工三小

hankwan1218 06/15 09:33最爛就是你

wu19911009 06/15 09:39雖然鉛筆確實不是領袖的料需要人帶,但老河這甩鍋

wu19911009 06/15 09:39也是臉皮夠厚了

namtrac 06/15 10:15這文是廢物自介嗎?

Hsu1025 06/15 10:34Manu也是巨頭等級的耶 有薪資空間嗎

olin7745 06/15 12:59球三全部符合 缺點是痛痛

shooooooboom06/15 15:07鬍子還要被你們兩個媽寶嫌喔

kenny851117 06/15 16:16鬍子比鬼禿還全能 你還能嫌呀

sendoh07 06/15 19:58這教練真的爛

flowerabby0106/15 20:28他到底怎麼一直有工作的

mashiroro 06/16 03:31一群魯蛇在那邊互相推卸責任,超級可悲