[情報] PJ Tucker將不會繼續留在快艇

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Los Angeles Clippers statement on forward PJ Tucker: “We’ve had ongoing
conversations with PJ throughout the offseason and have both decided that he
won’t be with the team for the time being. PJ is a pro who has achieved a
lot in his career and there’s more he wants to accomplish. We will continue
working with PJ and his representative to find the best situation for him
moving forward.”

Tucker is in the final year of his contract and is owed $11.54 million this

洛杉磯快艇在PJ Tucker身上的聲明:「我們整個休賽季都在與PJ持續的對話,雙方都決定他在快艇的期間都將不會留在隊上。PJ是個在職業生涯已經取得眾多成就的職業選手。我們將會與PJ與他的代表找到最適合前進的方式。」


P.J. Tucker is in the final year of his contract and the Clippers have workedwith Tucker and his representation throughout the offseason on finding a
solution. The Clippers, from what I’ve been told, have not entertained
waiving and stretching the veteran forward at this moment.

PJ Tucker的合約是最後一年快艇也整個休賽季都在與他的代表對話來尋求最佳的解決方案。據記者所知,快艇並不被裁掉Tucker並攤提的方案所吸引。

Spoke briefly with PJ after yesterday’s preseason game vs Warriors. Tucker
mentioned that he is here “for now” after he was a healthy DNP-CD

Tucker was the only Clipper not at media day, and the Clippers did not find atrade from December to February’s deadline last season.



This is the second offseason in a row that Clippers have had a situation witha veteran contract year forward in the preseason

Last year, Marcus Morris Sr. was with team but did not play in a game or makeroad trip to Utah prior to trade that brought Tucker to LA


去年,Marcus Morris Sr.在快艇隊上但也沒出戰更沒隨著球隊到猶他直到快艇將Tucker交易回來帶到LA。



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※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 10/07/2024 03:42:34

driftcreator10/07 03:38一個轉職成人肉TE的概念

bm1041644 10/07 03:38呼叫黃蜂

cool8418 10/07 03:41到底誰會在意他

babyalley 10/07 03:53早就退化到難用了

cross980115 10/07 03:53交易的時候會注意到啊

SeanLi1013 10/07 04:27躺著領錢 好爽

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 10/07/2024 04:28:49

gm79227922 10/07 04:45只剩海外能打了吧

will313 10/07 04:55生涯平均6分,最高賽季9分。能每年有合約算很好了

lovesakuya 10/07 05:39防守KD高光