[花邊] DJJ:就算對手是我媽我一樣隔扣她

看板NBA標題[花邊] DJJ:就算對手是我媽我一樣隔扣她作者
時間推噓45 推:45 噓:0 →:13

I asked Derrick Jones Jr. about playing his former Mavs teammates later this month and it led to an incredible exchange.

“I want to win, no matter who is in front of me. I told you before, if my mom is down there, I'm dunking on her. I don't matter. I'm gonna get a stop on my mom, my grandmom, my sisters, my sons, it don't matter. If it's a game, I want to win. I ain't trying to lose.”

Me: “Dunking on your mom though?”

“I ain't gonna say it again. Mom's getting punched on. It is what it is.”

@BA_Turner: “Man, if you punch on mom, you know what's coming next. She gonna get you at the house.”

“Yeah, that's cool. That's cool. I gotta live with that. I gotta live with the results of my actions.”

我問了Derrick Jones Jr. 關於這個月底將對上他的前東家小牛隊隊友的比賽,結果我們進行了一段令人難忘的對話。








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johnny00040812/08 06:51太狠了8

qmaning 12/08 07:01還好吧 又不是待在小牛很久

a26895983 12/08 07:069分

SeanLi1013 12/08 07:34其實我一直蠻好奇犢迷對於DJJ離開會不會覺得很傷

SeanLi1013 12/08 07:35畢竟上個賽季的季後賽破船對決到他們 真的被DJJ的三

SeanLi1013 12/08 07:35分冷箭射了好幾發 當初真的超氣www

LeGGoRay 12/08 07:36我瘋起來連我媽都打(?

ssshleo 12/08 07:38說好不提老母的

ThreeNG 12/08 07:40老母表示:( ̄▽ ̄)

asfg465223 12/08 07:41你到底是要我打他還是打他的媽啊

asfg465223 12/08 07:41搞的我好亂啊

Gsun 12/08 07:42那你敢扣9韋嗎? 他可是給你10分的恩人

yamatai 12/08 08:03扣我老母

Playonenight12/08 08:07這我給10分

bee12 12/08 08:16拖鞋牙起來 直接巴頭

ymsc30102 12/08 08:33扣你媽

abbei 12/08 08:37好險你媽不打NBA

jerrystarks 12/08 08:41好險你媽不是鉛筆,不然整天哭給你聽

jason0829 12/08 08:41好色喔

jan58912 12/08 08:46DJJ爸:看來我需要多準備幾個老婆了

iamaq18c 12/08 08:47XDDDDD

oceanway062012/08 08:55現在正好有一對父子在打球的

billy830922 12/08 08:56不肖子

leito 12/08 08:56J欲扣

eu1986 12/08 08:57DJJ作為POA真的好用

ClownT 12/08 09:01洛杉磯不孝子

jesuskobe 12/08 09:04以前george mikan也說過如果他媽在場上他也一樣一拐

jesuskobe 12/08 09:04把她給放倒,工作態度~

www2967 12/08 09:19一直換隊也很辛苦 光有體能在NBA還是不夠 加油

Youngwuj 12/08 09:22媽:關我?

XXXaBg 12/08 09:23孝感動天

evol6381 12/08 09:26笑死,原文好好笑XDDD

madaofreak 12/08 09:31媽:來啊小夥子,老娘一定把你封下來

mvpdirk712 12/08 09:37賣隔安捏扣我媽媽

jardon 12/08 09:51這他去年就講過

ctai0118 12/08 09:54笑死

wakayama 12/08 10:00群組訊息:兒子啊你今天晚餐回家吃

asoft40 12/08 10:11這個人狠起來六親不認XD

yniori 12/08 10:13這對話聽起來智商很…

owlrex 12/08 10:14滿滿的幹話XD

ABiao0220 12/08 10:28扣你媽!

a19951218 12/08 10:30阿扣表示

bingripplw 12/08 10:34笑死

SCLPAL 12/08 10:39好色喔

benson1212 12/08 11:05you mother dunker

JackSmith 12/08 11:34老媽:今年聖誕節沒有你的位子了(掛電話

kevinkeynes 12/08 12:19超中二哈哈哈哈

ywt 12/08 12:34其實DJJ去年真的打很好 跟你犢很配可惜沒能談成續

ywt 12/08 12:34

laputaca 12/08 13:19XDDDDDDD

jay0055846 12/08 13:25回去媽媽一定叫你跪著

shooooooboom12/08 13:55我叫你爸 你隔扣我媽 這樣對嗎

tyler11342 12/08 14:16在為灌籃大賽鋪哏了嗎

a9564208 12/08 15:46MILD

LatteXS 12/08 16:33其實完全不戀棧,Naji比他好用多了

ayuro 12/08 17:19麥勾阿捏扣我媽媽

CLUMBO 12/09 00:38小牛媽媽:乖兒子以後不用回來 我們有新兒子

Eijidate 12/09 08:15黑人都怕媽媽~不怕爸爸