[花邊] KD新鞋廣告主角Chet Holmgren 和OKC為故
New KD 17 commercial starring Kevin Durant… Chet Holmgren and Oklahoma City.
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[花邊] 賽後Chet Holmgren要求要隊友一起受訪來源: OKC記者Brandon Rahbar推特 網址: Chet Holmgren refused to do a postgame interview with ESPN unless they included one of his teammates. 在賽後,Chet Holmgren表示除非有隊友一起,不然他拒絕ESPN的訪問。爆
[花邊] Chet Holmgren單場7火鍋 刷新隊史新秀紀錄The new rookie record in OKC for blocks in a single game belongs to Chet Holmgren Chet filled up the stat sheet tonight for the Thunder! @okcthunder | #ThunderUp99
[花邊] Chet成為隊史首位第一個月多場30分的新c4sQ9HA Chet Holmgren is the first rookie in OKC franchise history to record multiple 30 + point games in the first month of their career. NBA歷史官方推特:88
[情報] Chet腳部韌帶受傷There’s fear Oklahoma City Thunder No. 2 pick Chet Holmgren has suffered liga ment damage in his foot and he is undergoing further opinions, sources tell @T heAthletic @Stadium. Chet Holmgren腳部韌帶受傷,正在進行更進一步的診斷。88
[情報] Durant回應Holmgren穿自己簽名鞋:看到你了消息來源: I see u cookin 7. First day on the job was a success, love the kicks @ChetHolmgren Kevin Durant 剛剛在個人推特轉發雷霆隊新秀 Chet Holmgren 穿自己簽名鞋的貼文63
[花邊] Chet出演Nike為 KD17 拍攝的廣告,KD擔任Chet出演Nike為KD17 拍攝的廣告,KD擔任旁白 消息來源:(網址或出處)46
[花邊] 今日Chet Holmgren 31分4板5助2鍋Chet Holmgren tonight: 31 PTS 5 AST 2 BLK38
[花邊] KD, Chet Holmgren, Jalen Green 一起訓練Kevin Durant, Chet Holmgren, and Jalen Green getting in some work together KD, Holmgren, Green 最近一起接受訓練 同時他們也有打對抗賽31
[情報] 雷霆向聯盟申請傷病補償來源: The Oklahoma City Thunder have applied to the NBA for a Disabled Player Except ion worth $4.95 million due to the season-ending loss of Chet Holmgren, per so urces. 由於Chet整季報銷的原故,雷霆向聯盟申請4.95M的傷病補償。8
[問卦] 文斑雅馬和Chet哪位比較強?如題 Victor Wembanyama,馬刺隊新秀 身體就像是電動裡特別調過的角色 三樓版KD Chet Holmgren,雷霆隊,也算是新人(2022)
[情報] AD自己走一走翻船,傷退= =爆
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