[外絮] Luka Doncic對戰鵜鶘比賽中重摔

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圖 Luka Doncic對戰鵜鶘比賽中重摔
Luka Doncic was ruled out with a right heel contusion on Thursday night, justdays after he returned from a right ankle injury. (Ron Jenkins/Getty Images)

Luka Doncic在周四晚上因右腳跟挫傷而退場,就在他從右腳踝受傷回歸的幾天後。

Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic appeared to injure his right foot again
after taking a hard fall in the third quarter of their game against the New
Orleans Pelicans on Thursday night.

達拉斯獨行俠隊球星Luka Doncic在週四晚上對戰紐奧良鵜鶘隊的比賽中第三節重重摔倒後,右腳似乎再次受傷。

Doncic drove to the rim in the third quarter at the American Airlines Center,but was met by Pelicans big man Jonas Valanciunas. Doncic drew the foul, but
fell awkwardly and hard on his back in the lane.

Doncic第三節在美航中心球場切入上籃,但被鵜鶘隊大個子Jonas Valanciunas阻擋。


He came up clearly in pain, and reached for his right ankle. After trying to
stay in the game initially, Doncic walked off and went straight back to the
locker room.


The Mavericks then ruled him out the rest of the way with a right heel
contusion. While it’s not an ankle injury, it is the same leg that knocked
Doncic out for a game last week.

獨行俠隨後因右腳跟挫傷將他排除在剩餘的比賽之外。 雖然這不是腳踝受傷,但上週在一場比賽中Doncic因傷出場的是同一條腿。

Doncic finished the night with 31 points, eight rebounds and four assists in
23 minutes. He entered Thursday night averaging 33.4 points per game, second
only to Joel Embiid, along with 8.9 rebounds and 8.3 assists.

僅次於Joel Embiid排名全聯盟第二,並外帶8.9個籃板和8.3次助攻。

The injury came just a week after he initially rolled his right ankle againstthe Phoenix Suns. He ended up missing just one game, and then returned on
Monday to drop 53 points in what was a chippy win over the Detroit Pistons.
That marked his fourth 50-point performance of the season, and fifth of his

This post will be updated with more information shortly.




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freetempo 02/03 12:27QQ

hunt5566 02/03 12:27超猛

WayThuz 02/03 12:27哭啊

doooooooooog02/03 12:27傷癒歸隊狀態很好但好衰

roger262390002/03 12:28完了 剩下那些人打的贏火箭嗎?

jacklions 02/03 12:28希望不要太嚴重qq

earldunn 02/03 12:28阿銀:請直接休息 例行賽沒明星賽重要

matsuwu 02/03 12:28這鄧到看來好痛

dwiee 02/03 12:28早日康復 看影片 超痛的感覺

sniper777 02/03 12:29QQ

RonArtest93 02/03 12:2977保重

ODFans 02/03 12:29希望沒事 小獨也只能靠77了 沒77大概要下去搶樂透了

FAYeeeeeeee 02/03 12:29屁股摔很重 但看起來是右腳撐那下的傷

Dearstar 02/03 12:30AD有機會替補明星賽?

FAYeeeeeeee 02/03 12:30Ja上去 Fox補吧

Kazmier 02/03 12:32...

※ 編輯: HarunaOno ( 臺灣), 02/03/2023 12:33:55

foolishbi 02/03 12:32看完第四節 我是覺得可以跟火箭有來有回的雷

great5566 02/03 12:32讓77養傷 小犢也加入搶斑馬 77+斑馬 蒿吐鷺鷥

taikonkimo 02/03 12:33請好好休息

doooooooooog02/03 12:34但上次77缺席打火箭被蓋19鍋你知道嗎XD

evangelew 02/03 12:34希望沒事

doooooooooog02/03 12:34直接被菜鳥們寫紀錄教訓,打得超醜

a11011788 02/03 12:35超危險..

foolishbi 02/03 12:35XD 那場沒跟到 這麼慘

wwey2000j 02/03 12:35希望沒事…

doooooooooog02/03 12:35我一直期待別隊也被蓋爆,結果等不到哈哈哈

doooooooooog02/03 12:35想說服自己火箭天賦太強才會蓋成那樣嗚嗚嗚

tyrone0923 02/03 12:35少了77,小犢應該比活塞、火箭都還差

jardon 02/03 12:36那場打火箭命中率30%三分20% 外加吃19鍋 夠慘了吧

wwey2000j 02/03 12:36我要寫個慘字~~

jardon 02/03 12:36永遠忘不了的數據

LBJKO 02/03 12:36希望他沒事….

zego41 02/03 12:37凳到尾椎

b0023098 02/03 12:38幹明星賽到底要缺幾個

k798976869 02/03 12:43GG

gameking16 02/03 12:44喔不...

MK47 02/03 12:49好衰

jack734289 02/03 12:51不會這季直接報銷了吧

Blazeleo819 02/03 13:00拜託不要有大礙

psychic 02/03 13:01這球真的髒,硬是拉下來

hansingi 02/03 13:01希望沒事

charmania 02/03 13:05這沒什髒的吧,就球真的被封住了啊

pippen2002 02/03 13:14摔得好危險!!手腕!! 腳踝!

pippen2002 02/03 13:16建議修養兩周吧??

pippen2002 02/03 13:17可是對手剛好只是拉到球耶!!??

newandnew 02/03 13:29太胖

JustWinslow 02/03 13:44垃圾時間還壓球 太沒品了吧 以前公園打33 都禁止壓

JustWinslow 02/03 13:44

IRPT001 02/03 13:57右手比較危險

iamjojo 02/03 13:58防守者是往球阿 哪有什麼硬拉??

supermni 02/03 14:02大V防守連續動作沒定位不用再那邊護航

supermni 02/03 14:04鵜鶘沒胖虎就不會打球,防守開始幹骯髒活才能贏球?

hihi29 02/03 14:18髒活在哪 就是個普通犯規而已

hsienhao 02/03 14:57難得歐洲強度的對決

camelot0603 02/03 15:12單純意外吧,live文當下根本沒人吵這個

cphs102007 02/03 15:13希望77沒事 但是 蛤 髒在哪

abs135790 02/03 15:14哪裡髒 77想硬吃順便買飯以為這招無敵是吧

utsunomiya 02/03 15:27拜託好好養傷,現在戰績壓力還好健康最重要

CarlosArroyo02/03 15:42他是世界籃球的寶藏 要保持健康呀

supermni 02/03 15:44你先看回放就知道77坦克切就算想煞車還是會撞大V

supermni 02/03 15:45大V沒定位在那等77撞耶?買什麼飯?77打球是很

supermni 02/03 15:47會買也很難看,都這麼明顯也直接說77進攻犯規

DEGON 02/03 16:38怕 傷病退散

KirkSynder 02/03 16:38

ICELEE 02/03 17:03頂不開重摔...

whhw 02/03 17:13

pekka 02/03 20:19還以為又在學喇叭

SCLPAL 02/03 22:12!?弄球的不是14號? 英滾?

Kulan 02/04 00:05幹 希望不會太嚴重

ojizz4u 02/04 01:02看起來最少扭到了…

Somebody99 02/04 13:48有問題是英滾吧,都打到失去平衡了,還施力向下