[花邊] LBJ跟TNT工作人員分享要Wade新工作做甚麼

看板NBA標題[花邊] LBJ跟TNT工作人員分享要Wade新工作做甚麼作者
時間推噓31 推:35 噓:4 →:7

來源: ClutchPoints

Lakers’ LeBron James gives initiation tips to TNT crew for Dwyane Wade
湖人LeBron James跟TNT工作人員分享Dwyane Wade做新工作要做甚麼

Retired NBA player Dwyane Wade has found a new gig as the newest analyst for
the revered TNT crew. Interestingly, however, his on-camera debut saw him
interviewing his good friend, Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James.
退休明星球員Dwyane Wade找到了一份工作,在美國TNT電視當球評。有趣的是,他的螢幕處女秀是訪問他的好朋友,湖人球星LBJ。

As seen in a hilarious clip shared by Sports Illustrated on Twitter, LeBron
suggested several neophyte-hazing tips to the TNT crew.
在Sports Illustrated的推特上可以看到一段影片,LBJ跟TNT的工作人員建議了一些要

The Lakers forward hinted to seasoned TNT hosts Shaquille O’Neal and Candace
Parker that they should force D-Wade to wear some “Dora the Explorer” or “
Spongebob Squarepants” bags.
LBJ跟主持人Shaq以及Candace Parker說他們要強迫D-Wade背像是"朵拉"(Dora the
背包或是"海綿寶寶"(Spongebob Squarepants)背包。

“Or you can make him carry your bag to work. Bring some newspapers, you know
stuff like that,” James said, much to the delight of the other TNT crew


LeBron James and Dwyane Wade, of course, consider each other as brothers
after coming into the league at the same time in 2003. They won championshipstogether as members of the Miami Heat organization and continue to have a
strong relationship outside of basketball.

The pair is part of the famed “Banana Boat Crew” alongside fellow
superstars Chris Paul and Carmelo Anthony.
那著名的"香蕉船兄弟"(Banana Boat Crew)除了這兩人之外,還包括了Chris Paul跟
Carmelo Anthony。

James, meanwhile, had himself quite a night on Tuesday after leading the
Lakers to an easy 129-102 victory over the San Antonio Spurs at Staples
Center. The King had a phenomenal outing of 36 points, seven rebounds and
nine assists in 34 minutes of action.



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ancientchina02/05 17:15甲......

a3221715 02/05 17:16賢妻

casper00120702/05 17:16我給甲上

dannyshan 02/05 17:16秘密的花園♂♂

ooxxman 02/05 17:17幫夫運

mikado2 02/05 17:18XD

wwf1588 02/05 17:18成功的男人背後都有另一個男人

NSYSUheng 02/05 17:19果然很懂

SEVEnMonth 02/05 17:20甲上上

ja1295 02/05 17:21

EMSOK 02/05 17:24什麼時候要結婚

aha8877 02/05 17:26甲上

linceass 02/05 17:32這問題問姆斯就對了

gn00945822 02/05 17:35笑死 給這種建議

bakedgrass 02/05 17:38騙人,這種招式一定只有LBJ自己能用XD

linearppt 02/05 17:41總算不是彩虹小馬的背包

sony0955 02/05 17:42笑死

flicker36 02/05 17:42不愧是賢內助

MK47 02/05 17:49馭妻招式只有老詹能用吧 不要騙

leftavoid 02/05 18:01甲上

a1773042 02/05 18:03靠杯XD

Razzer 02/05 18:06LeBron應該是在提供整新人Wade的點子,不是跟他工作

Razzer 02/05 18:06的秘訣

NanaoNaru 02/05 18:10

tbbyan 02/05 18:12第一次給了姆斯

jcto04 02/05 18:17甲爆

joeytoast 02/05 18:18真的問對人了

inthenchen 02/05 18:24這是NBA各隊 "歡迎" 菜鳥的文化,奇怪不是應該大家

inthenchen 02/05 18:24都知道嗎?

GGdong 02/05 18:27香·蕉·船·兄·弟

a129634 02/05 18:28

semicoma 02/05 18:43香蕉船兄弟.avi

funnyrain 02/05 18:43愛妻照顧守則

b9606022 02/05 18:52說實在,以Wade的實力,還他沒退休時領的薪資真的

b9606022 02/05 18:52很少

AceID 02/05 18:53在香蕉船上蕉流蕉流

amsmsk 02/05 18:58問對人了

ErnieYang 02/05 19:00亂翻 這是要問欺負新人的意見

已修 謝謝指正

wisdomcowcow02/05 19:17

xkiller1900 02/05 19:21甲甲甲

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 02/05/2020 19:45:56

kevinacc084 02/05 20:06腐城

zombierick 02/05 20:06舊愛的重逢

gginin007 02/05 20:07要瘋狂做菜

saschui 02/05 20:29耳環透露出什麼了?

corlos 02/05 22:06博班學長有這個脾氣當菜鳥嗎wwww

yinianlai 02/06 09:46neophyte-hazing可以翻欺負菜鳥