[外絮] Kobe遭竊的高中球衣已於上週六被歸還

看板NBA標題[外絮] Kobe遭竊的高中球衣已於上週六被歸還作者
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圖 Kobe遭竊的高中球衣已於上週六被歸還

The search for Kobe Bryant's stolen high school basketball jersey
is over, according to a report from the Associated Press. The
jersey was able to make its way back to Lower Merion High School
for a ceremony before the team's first home game since
Bryant's death on Jan. 26.
Kobe Bryant在Lower Merion高中遭竊的退休球衣於上週六比賽中被歸還。

"Because of Kobe, Lower Merion High School is known all over the
globe," principal Sean Hughes told the crowd, per the AP. "Despite
his international fame, Kobe kept very close to our hearts. He
returned here to meet with beloved (English teachers), and of
course, coach Downer. He helped make this gym the wonderful
facility it is. He was a strong supporter, not only of our
basketball teams, but all of Aces Nation."

Kobe's famous No. 33 jersey -- which he wore as a member of the
team from 1992-1996 -- was stolen back in 2017 from a display case.
Other memorabilia from his high school playing days, including the
1996 PIAA Boys Basketball State Championship trophy, a net from
that state title game and five pairs Nike sneakers that Bryant had
autographed, were also stolen. No arrests were ever made during the
investigation from Lower Merion police.

While every detail of that heist isn't exactly clear, what is clear
is that the Bryant jersey made its way all the way to China over
the last couple years. A Chinese jersey collector and Kobe fan
named Liu Zhe alerted Lower Merion that he had potentially received
stolen merchandise back in 2019, after purchasing it for $2,000.
Liu's wanted to return the jersey to Bryant in person at the the
draw for the 2019 FIBA Basketball World Cup. Ultimately, he decided
against this, and Chinese professional basketball player Saiyuan
Bian was used as an intermediary to try and help return the jersey
to Philadelphia as an act of good faith to the school.

Lower Merion held a 33-second moment of silence on Saturday prior
to the team's game against Souderton. Other parts of the pregame
ceremony included a former student singing the national anthem, a
teacher unveiling a painting of Bryant and school administrators
giving speeches. The gym was packed to capacity with at least 1,600
in attendance to watch Lower Merion win 42-37 in overtime.
LM高中在上週六的比賽中為Kobe Bryant默哀33秒鐘,並在1600名觀眾的見證下以42


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QoGIVoQ 02/05 22:15老大!

zaq851017 02/05 22:16LM 高中 原來老大是吱吱

JerrieRip 02/05 22:18邊塞遠,這個球員住市區嗎(誤

Ayanami5566 02/05 22:18小偷也被感化了QQ

silencepap 02/05 22:19中職這種垃圾聯盟就別拿出來講了

Ayanami5566 02/05 22:19靠 原來是被收藏家買下來 我以為小偷拿去還咧

diefish5566 02/05 22:19看文章是粉絲買走贓物歸還吧...不是小偷被感化

kkb512sk 02/05 22:20買主還的不是小偷還的...

diefish5566 02/05 22:21小偷:爽喔 我賣掉了 還知道這件在哪 改天再偷一次賣

tim8333 02/05 22:37LM 上色正確

teller526 02/05 22:38好事推個

dkl1027 02/05 22:43因為賣不掉了

AndyWT 02/05 22:45看清楚內文吧 球衣早被賊賣掉了 是買家歸還的

sosad0128 02/05 22:58誰還敢偷去賣,到時候被粉絲面交直接打死

ssweet 02/05 23:05心得不可能 想太多

heavensun 02/05 23:06賣得掉 黑市賣給其他收藏家

dkl1027 02/05 23:07這種時候誰敢買?買贓物被肉搜批鬥

QoGIVoQ 02/05 23:12都2020了 誰還在面交= =

kevinh0718 02/05 23:43買這種東西還讓消息傳到老百姓耳裡當然活該被肉搜,

kevinh0718 02/05 23:43以為收藏家買這種東西還要來跟你報備方便你義憤填膺

kevinh0718 02/05 23:43喔?別把自己看的太重要

Scarletbird 02/06 01:32誰敢再偷啊。可能會被私底下處理...

kuorobo14 02/06 01:41中國仔確定是買下來的嗎

vking223 02/06 02:22又是中國

restingbeast02/06 03:26樓上跟樓樓上可以自掏腰包買來還別人再來說嘴吧

guitarcho 02/06 04:12重點:最大的資助者

lewisk 02/06 04:28嘻嘻 2K美這麼便宜 某樓急著幫支那仔護航ㄏ

restingbeast02/06 04:57人家做善事還需要護航? 是反到是非都不分腦袋壞了?

tree748596 02/06 08:17一想到再過10年20年以後 就沒有老大的新聞,只剩舊

tree748596 02/06 08:17聞就覺得QAQ

k952gfjk 02/06 08:19這種文章能酸買家的也是奇葩

LBJ4 02/06 08:59溫馨給推