[花邊] Westbrook捐了650台筆電給Houston的學生

看板NBA標題[花邊] Westbrook捐了650台筆電給Houston的學生作者
時間推噓推:144 噓:2 →:17

來源: BleacherReport

Rockets' Russell Westbrook Donates 650 Laptops to Houston Students
火箭Russell Westbrook捐了650台筆電給Houston當地學生

Houston Rockets star Russell Westbrook donated 650 laptops through his Why
Not? Foundation to local students unable to attend school during the COVID-19pandemic.
Houston火箭明星Russell Westbrook經由他的"Why Not?"基金會捐了650台筆電給因為這次中國武漢肺炎爆發而無法上學的學生。

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner drew attention to Westbrook's generosity on
Houston市長Sylvester Turner對於Westbrook的慷慨在推特上回應:

"Now more than ever, we need our internet providers to help our students closethe digital divide in our city. @russwest44 through his Why Not? Foundation andComp U Dot will donate 650 laptops for students in our city to assist them withtheir digital education."
「現在更需要大家幫忙,我們需要網路供應商幫助我們的學生,以減少在我們城市內的數位差距。Westbrook經由他的"Why Not?"基金會以及Comp U Dot捐獻了650台筆電給我們的學生,幫助他們數位學習。」

"Russell Westbrook proves why he is a champion on and off the court," Turner
said in a statement on the Rockets' official site. "This donation will be a
gamechanger for many students and their families coping with the impact of
the COVID-19 crisis. The generous contribution from the Russell Westbrook WhyNot? Foundation will help young people stay focused on their education at
home and until they can return to their classroom."
「Russell Westbrook證明了他為甚麼在場上或場下都是一位冠軍,」市長Turner在火箭官網上的公開信裡說到。「這筆捐獻對於許多學生以及家庭在面對這次中國武漢肺炎爆發是無比重要的。Russell Westbrook的"Why Not?"基金會的慷慨會幫助我們的年輕朋友可以在家專注學習,直到他們可以回到教室。」

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott closed schools statewide through at least May 4 to
limit the spread of the coronavirus. As a result, students have had to work
remotely, with some lacking the necessary supplies.
德州州長Greg Abbott將會關閉學校至少直到5/4,以降低中國武漢肺炎的傳播。也因此,許多學生得要在家學習,但有些學生缺少必須的設備。

Comp-U-Dopt, a nonprofit founded in 2007, has been working to distribute
refurbished computers to those in need during the pandemic. The Rockets notedComp-U-Dopt has handed out almost 1,000 computers since March 18.



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Vedan 04/15 09:56推西河

a1773042 04/15 09:57

Chongwen120404/15 09:58愛心龜

Bainite 04/15 09:58推我龜

Fxxkyou5566 04/15 09:59佛龜

ra19850304 04/15 10:07

kickvsbrad 04/15 10:08

Qorqios 04/15 10:13

lkk88 04/15 10:19拿去打GAME

joker00507 04/15 10:21

Senga41 04/15 10:23善心龜龜

AtDe 04/15 10:26推善心

return7683 04/15 10:30痾 但是希望學童家裡都有網路

Kenshin0707 04/15 10:32推龜龜

abcs4587888 04/15 10:34推我龜

s50101 04/15 10:34善心龜

lionnn 04/15 10:35

Lintendo 04/15 10:35推我龜

RayParker33 04/15 10:38

js0431 04/15 10:38

newyee 04/15 10:39

peoplesay 04/15 10:43推 龜仙人

G12134 04/15 10:47

tyson0522 04/15 10:50

jise51103 04/15 10:52推爆

alan1516171804/15 10:52推我龜

OPPAISuki 04/15 10:54佛龜

sam86716 04/15 10:54

yohohoho 04/15 11:01推善心

dda 04/15 11:03

im31519 04/15 11:04推龜龜

Chung666 04/15 11:07推我龜

GoldX5 04/15 11:11上網跟kd筆戰

jerry954310 04/15 11:16

OrdinaryLan 04/15 11:21好猛阿忍者龜 直接養網軍ㄌ

gp03dan 04/15 11:22明星賽650票計畫通(?)

Ryo5566 04/15 11:27推下

crazycry 04/15 11:30新冠肺炎就好吧…何必呢

jasonokc022004/15 11:33推我龜龜

Miyanishi25 04/15 11:34中國武漢肺炎

Noxus 04/15 11:35好猛喔神龜

jammy50605 04/15 11:39

JH4748 04/15 11:42推善心~

mopackk2998104/15 11:42大推

shh17121730 04/15 11:44中國武漢肺炎

no321 04/15 11:44好的中國武漢肺炎

NCKUlei 04/15 11:45聯盟第一後衛 早說了 人強心更善良

kakakakak 04/15 11:45推我龜

m0202913 04/15 11:47推龜龜 有愛心

KujouKaren 04/15 11:49推 現役第一控

roy159r 04/15 11:49推龜龜

Brucetk 04/15 11:58推我龜,但西河在火箭都不是第一控

HaiTurtle 04/15 11:59龜!

fiftyfloor 04/15 11:59支那湖北省武漢自作孽肺炎

MONKEYGO 04/15 11:59推暖龜

k1k2k367 04/15 12:02推我龜

thbygn98 04/15 12:03愛心推

dndqjsmp 04/15 12:06善心推!

sunnyyoung 04/15 12:09

a50142 04/15 12:09推龜龜

aegisWIsL 04/15 12:09推龜龜

rojjujj 04/15 12:10善良龜

CW4 04/15 12:12推龜龜做好事

Eric60203 04/15 12:13推龜龜 但冠軍?

jamesgmb712 04/15 12:13推龜龜

wastedoor 04/15 12:20我龜助攻+1

godamnumb 04/15 12:20

l5i9hbba 04/15 12:21

Nuclear5566 04/15 12:24推阿龜,祝福永遠拿不到冠,新冠

wenyebin 04/15 12:35推 偶像

pp226055 04/15 12:37推我大龜

smaller 04/15 12:43龜仙人是三洨啦xdd

gooff 04/15 12:44

qw1230124 04/15 12:49推我龜

tp6m4g0 04/15 12:49QQ 原文寫新冠

oreo80473 04/15 12:51龜仙人XD

iamaq18c 04/15 12:53推 龜仙人!

lmf770410 04/15 12:59龜龜讚

ptt821105 04/15 12:59推 Russ加油

Totoro0802 04/15 13:02推做好事

jsai 04/15 13:04推我龜

breeze1108 04/15 13:05這個厲害 推

DALLASDirk 04/15 13:05

ridesuptt 04/15 13:05推龜仙人! 然後台灣官方英文用COVID-19,中文用武

ridesuptt 04/15 13:05漢肺炎,有什麼問題嗎

CaTkinGG 04/15 13:12推龜

russell719 04/15 13:13推龜龜

scott90213 04/15 13:19說不能說武漢肺炎的 請所有病都稱呼正確學名再來

annaxuan 04/15 13:30推龜龜

sogyy 04/15 13:36還好有我龜善心 不然垃圾中國武漢肺炎誰受的了

b9606022 04/15 13:37棒棒龜

koniku 04/15 13:44

Portgas 04/15 13:47推龜

Hisang1105 04/15 13:47推爆

nn516turtle 04/15 14:00推善心

donotguess8804/15 14:05推龜龜

zombierick 04/15 14:06一生平安

linnn320 04/15 14:07推善心

Toy17 04/15 14:11推why not的龜龜

opcihcih 04/15 14:17

g3322023 04/15 14:28why not龜讚爆

Josh160864 04/15 14:34

Bainite 04/15 14:43帥氣龜

eiki787 04/15 14:43PUSH

sks11134 04/15 14:59推,拜託那些高薪的做點事情幫助疫情

ePaper 04/15 15:04溫馨

janson1357 04/15 15:07

Jose 04/15 15:11

abckk888 04/15 15:12善事 推

BreastFeed 04/15 15:14阿龜龜就是有愛!

Ccckkk520 04/15 15:22

godrainbow 04/15 15:23第二段不改等等又有神經病出來鬧

s66449 04/15 15:30

tailsean 04/15 15:33

ken12202408 04/15 15:34善心烏龜

hasn8620 04/15 15:39哈登 要來尬捐物資了嗎

dream6789 04/15 15:42

b08297 04/15 15:42他們愛鬧是他們的事本來就是中國武漢肺炎幹嘛改

jack931018 04/15 15:44

guesswho 04/15 15:48完全實用

carmanlee6 04/15 15:49推西河

Tawara 04/15 15:49現在去休士頓念書來得及嗎

wynton 04/15 15:59

ATND 04/15 16:03

jakeblue 04/15 16:19龜龜

bigbigcc 04/15 16:39推善良龜龜

NSYSUheng 04/15 16:44推個

alfonsosoria04/15 16:45這篇釣的到alen81嗎

f56989 04/15 16:56善心推

LongoriaLin 04/15 17:42武漢肺炎就是武漢肺炎,不能洗白

gannat 04/15 17:55

MrHeat 04/15 18:15推龜龜

indies 04/15 18:19推 愛心龜

LamboPeng 04/15 18:50善事推!!!

misomochi 04/15 18:59推龜龜

liafree 04/15 19:03幸福好運到 我龜威武

kissung 04/15 19:26

jacky0122 04/15 19:27龜龜真心做的沒話說,給推!

vltw5v 04/15 19:31

Wall62 04/15 20:01做好事推一下

younun 04/15 20:15做好事給推,好的中國武漢肺炎

h311013 04/15 22:08我龜我驕傲

dustlala 04/15 22:11好猛

hugh092121 04/15 22:19愛心龜

maxwell0078 04/15 23:17等等 會有種族騎士來噓你 幫推

andyluandylu04/16 00:05推推

raywilly 04/16 00:10我龜真的暖

celtics1997 04/16 00:18

IamJJ 04/16 00:29

koae50 04/16 02:13why not!

yeustream 04/16 04:14哇喔!!

ctes940008 04/16 05:49幫推

darvipon 04/16 09:38佛龜

ji394tb 04/16 16:49龜仙人

sosad0128 04/16 17:26你龜開始發白光

xrmpc101 04/16 19:20

zaza1128 04/16 22:01龜真的很nice

teramars 04/16 22:14推龜龜!!

disbc80158 04/17 10:01推龜龜

gomi 04/17 10:34會被人追隨果然不一樣

eric10158 04/18 19:03推龜龜

alexizakkk 04/19 09:50好事推

alan824650 04/25 19:33