[外絮] 俠客:是MMA讓我得冠軍的

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時間推噓31 推:33 噓:2 →:11

Shaquille O’Neal credits MMA for string of championships

Shaquille O’Neal is arguably the most dominant player the NBA has ever seen.
In his resume is a total of four titles, including a three-peat.


Recently, Shaq revealed that his training regimen didn’t consist solely of
basketball. In fact, he credited mixed martial arts as the reason why he won
all those championships with the Los Angeles Lakers and the Miami Heat.


Speaking ESPN’s Ariel Helwani, O’Neal said that for him, playing basketball
was more like wrestling. With that said, he included MMA in his training
program during summers in Orlando.


“MMA is the reason I became a champion. I always used to practice basketball.It wasn’t enough. Because when I played basketball, it was more wrestling. Sowhen I trained MMA with Jon Burke, a friend of mine down in Orlando, I came back in the best shape of my life. That was in 2000. Won. Dominated"


Since his MMA training did wonders, O’Neal did the most obvious thing to do:
continue the regimen. It resulted in the three-peat with the late Kobe Bryant— a feat that has never been done in the NBA since then.


O’Neal also admitted that once he stopped his MMA training, he lost.


“So I’m a creature of habit. Did it again, won a second championship. Did
it again, won the third championship. Got cute, got away from it, lost. Got
traded to Miami, did it again, won the fourth championship,” Shaq shared.


Shaquille O’Neal may have just revealed his secret recipe, the magic potion
to his dominance. Will this revelation trigger a host of NBA players to
include MMA in their training programs?


心得:練罰球(X) 練格鬥(O)


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dear0106 04/16 11:10打人還是打球

seanbacker 04/16 11:11還是被老巴壓在地上摩擦

kediflower 04/16 11:12灌籃完後推人也是MMA訓練項目嗎

Blazeleo819 04/16 11:18慈世平:這麼巧,我也是

dermis 04/16 11:18MMA等級的罰球率

lyc5566 04/16 11:19就是要撞來撞去才好看

frank123ya 04/16 11:26廢話 一堆人抱著他 跟MMA有什麼不一樣

Yanten 04/16 11:33MWP : 表示

chstimuli 04/16 11:38MWP是把打籃球當UFC在打吧

kutkin 04/16 11:54zaza:原來如此

Bainite 04/16 12:08嘴綠:這個要學?

HellFly 04/16 12:31mwp:把mma帶到場上的男人

Mezerized 04/16 12:32duncan也練泰拳

HellFly 04/16 12:33賈霸也跟李小龍練過

newtypeL9 04/16 12:33嘴綠:打弱點就好了不用練

gonzagri 04/16 12:41還以為是SC2冠軍......

corlos 04/16 12:49所以他才敢這麼白目啊,體格好又有訓練wwww

Noxus 04/16 12:49老巴:單挑

kill426 04/16 12:52在現在這樣打會直接驅逐

running711 04/16 12:52brad miller:怕

wtfconk 04/16 12:54原來是MMA呀,還以為是NBA呢…

giunrz 04/16 13:09MMA打過 難怪AI擒抱歐肥時歐肥乾脆直接揹著灌籃

stocktonty 04/16 13:27感覺很像工商服務 自從吃了撒尿牛丸我考試都得100分

globe1022 04/16 13:37石佛:反正我膝蓋也伸不直了,不如彎起來踢人

oreo80473 04/16 13:43怕.jpg

mikotofans 04/16 13:54現在流行 WWE

Fezico 04/16 14:01主要是下肢力量吧,巔峰歐肥靠下肢就一路碾進去

atking 04/16 14:04那個時候的對抗強度確實要練一下

JayceYen 04/16 15:34又在扯

boy1031 04/16 17:19我覺得是真的 你體格好沒用 要有力量跟技術 不然一

boy1031 04/16 17:19下子就被打趴變成玻璃了 人家 駟換上駟 你就gg

ralfeistein 04/16 17:21阿泰:真巧啊 我也是

HaHaPoint 04/16 17:23(X)最成功的籃球員 (O)最想成為的籃球員

gohit 04/16 18:01什麼是MMA 有沒有練過的人說一下

shigeno24 04/16 18:17承認了吼 三連霸之後就懶惰病

InterAdriano04/16 18:17比較好奇誰可以跟他對練阿XD

patrickc 04/16 18:32

patrickc 04/16 18:34

patrickc 04/16 18:34功夫達人俠客

lyinchung 04/16 18:48MMA不能插眼跟踢下體跟NBA差遠了

interact 04/16 19:46俠客的身體素質,MMA有誰敢說打得贏?

kkb512sk 04/16 22:04有阿台灣有某拉頓

nalaculan 04/16 22:53網王:規則裡沒有說不能抱腿摔

VIATOR 04/17 06:37就說吧,貴古迷如果喜歡身體碰撞可以改看MMA

loiqaew 04/17 11:03大鯊魚無誤

luismars 04/17 20:15屁啦...早期都在玩中二忍者COSPLAY和肖想當饒舌歌手