[外絮] NBA球隊期望於6/1 開始召回球員

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Sources: NBA teams expecting guidelines around June 1 for players' return
Adrian Wojnarowski and Zach Lowe

NBA teams are expecting the league office will issue guidelines around June 1that will allow franchises to start recalling players who've left their
markets as a first step toward a formal ramp-up for the season's resumption,
sources told ESPN.

Teams expect a similar timeline on the league allowing them to expand group
workouts that are already underway with in-market players, sources said.

The NBA is discussing a step-by-step plan for a resumption of the 2019-20
season that includes an initial two-week recall of players into team
marketplaces for a period of quarantine, one to two weeks of individual
workouts at team facilities and a two- to three-week formal training camp,
sources told ESPN.

Barring an unforeseen turn of events, many NBA owners, executives and
National Basketball Players Association elders believe commissioner Adam
Silver will greenlight the return to play in June -- with games expected to
resume sometime before the end of July, sources said.

The NBA is still considering a two-site format for the return of the season,
including Orlando's Walt Disney World and Las Vegas, sources said.

The NBA and NBPA are meeting to discuss the structure of a return, including
how the league will navigate the possibility of regular-season games, play-intournaments, playoff formats and whether the full 30 teams will be brought
back to finish the season, sources said.

Many players have stayed in market or returned for individual workouts with
teams. Against the league's recommendations, some players did return to
Europe and overseas -- including Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic -- during
the league's hiatus.

Silver indicated that the North American sports commissioners had indicated
to the Trump administration and governors that they could need their
assistance in helping players return to the country, and fully expected to
receive it, sources said.




不少NBA球隊老闆,高層,和球員工會的人認為Adam Silver將會在六月至七月底這個時間點復賽,而NBA仍在考慮以奧蘭多迪士尼樂園及拉斯維加斯作為比賽場地


大多數球員都回到家中或是回到球隊參加個人訓練,而部分球員違反的聯盟規定離開美國本土,回到歐洲及海外,包括達拉斯獨行俠隊的球星Luka Doncic,而Adam Silver也請人向川普政府和州政府求助,希望屆時政府能幫助這些球員回到美國


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※ 編輯: love1500274 ( 臺灣), 05/21/2020 05:11:51

johnwu 05/21 06:14疫情這麼嚴重還想打

kingsize556605/21 06:16招魂嗎?

CycleEnergy 05/21 06:20叫回來關起來管休XD

BBKOX 05/21 06:37美國災情過了嗎? XDD

laidon 05/21 06:38CBA都把豪豪招回去了,nba還好吧

yowhatsupsli05/21 06:43又有志願役酒駕?

mikol 05/21 07:00美國也連續半個月零確診了嗎

LKN555 05/21 07:01CBA為什麼還不開打? 怕啥?

stocktonty 05/21 07:04美國昨天新增確診還是破千吧?

funeasy 05/21 07:20憂喜參半,有去年KD即將斷阿基里斯前夕的既視感...

funeasy 05/21 07:22雖然有球賽看很爽,但世界疫情的不確定性依然存在

Solid4 05/21 07:22每天確診兩萬

funeasy 05/21 07:26要球員管休或禁欲保持社交安全距離應該會炸裂吧 XD

answertw 05/21 07:32新增確診都是破萬啦

live147222 05/21 07:42美國根本鬧,一臉我就爛等疫苗和特效藥

live147222 05/21 07:42美國=1%的菁英帶99%的低智商低端人口

no321 05/21 07:59美國快160萬了耶 是在哈囉

doledo01 05/21 08:02幾個月沒打球都手腳生疏了

srwcc 05/21 08:05回來一堆胖子

Kidd0502 05/21 08:09太久沒打比賽也很容易受傷

Kidd0502 05/21 08:09還是別逞一時之快

Kidd0502 05/21 08:09展望下個球季吧

wei0429 05/21 08:39一切都是為了利益,利益太大了!不打損失太大,還是

wei0429 05/21 08:39想要復賽

canblow 05/21 08:48本停但大

NanaoNaru 05/21 09:02真的很急

mark30204 05/21 09:14別鬧了...想縮短運動選手的運動生命嗎...

semiacicada 05/21 09:17集中健康管理兼練球吧,不然有些球員形同引退

Kazmier 05/21 09:19美國還一堆抗議活動要求解禁隔離咧

Kazmier 05/21 09:20抗議民眾舉著不自由 吾寧得武肺 的標語

monmo 05/21 09:32乾脆把球員當外島服役 3個月打完季賽放14天假

monmo 05/21 09:32然後回來再3個月打完季後賽XDDD

Leaflock 05/21 09:33召回也需要幾週的時間練球 離復賽還早

justsp4 05/21 09:35來台灣打啦,台灣很安全的

kobe760903 05/21 10:11全部集中到奧蘭多迪士尼 2個禮拜沒問題就可以開打

kobe760903 05/21 10:13奧蘭多迪士尼跟基隆一樣大

huaiken 05/21 10:13我湖今年不打太虧

answertw 05/21 10:45WEI少在那邊風涼話 很多人失業了

Leaflock 05/21 11:05兩個禮拜就開打大概就變成熱身賽 球員要恢復競技狀

Leaflock 05/21 11:05態需要時間

LKN555 05/21 11:23乾 我胖77還要參加減肥營

AterPin 05/21 11:35啊不是說不止7個感染 只是沒公佈 到時候複賽沒上場

AterPin 05/21 11:35又沒傷的球員不就被猜到是他了

glay7566 05/21 11:4377:老闆來載我QQ

tassadar1 05/21 11:55看一下上禮拜川普想復工然後佛奇說了什麼好嗎

st930324 05/21 12:08複賽可以,場上場下全部都戴口罩

st930324 05/21 12:09拒戴的不準進場、脫下的驅逐出場

WILLY955230 05/21 12:22坐等NBA破產

SCLPAL 05/21 16:42回國的現在要回去了吧?不然會趕不上?