[外絮] Perkins:Pierce跟LBJ的過節起因於吐口水事件

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時間推噓17 推:25 噓:8 →:27

來源: BleacherReport

Kendrick Perkins: LeBron James vs. Paul Pierce Beef Began with Spitting
Kendrick Perkins說 LeBron James跟Paul Pierce之間的過節起因於吐口水事件

Even if it's a stretch to call Paul Pierce and LeBron James true rivals, it'shard to dispute the two have a strong dislike for each other.
即使現在把Paul Pierce跟LeBron James兩個人稱作死對頭有點過頭,但是這兩個人互相不喜歡對方是個不爭的事實。

From 2004 on, Pierce and James engaged in a sometimes-one-sided battle that
had two of the NBA's top players bickering back-and-forth. That dislike came
back up again this week when Pierce said James isn't a top-five player in NBAhistory.

On Wednesday, Kendrick Perkins spoke with ESPN's Cassidy Hubbarth and Amin
Elhassan about the spark that led to the feud, noting Pierce was fed up with
all the "Chosen One" talk surrounding James' entry to the league. That led toa fateful preseason night in 2004 when Pierce spit in James' direction on thebench.
星期三的時候,Kendrick Perkins在ESPN的節目上說到那兩個人的過節的起因,他說
Pierce在LBJ剛進聯盟時,一堆圍繞著LBJ講到"天選之人"(Chosen One)的話題讓Pierce受夠了。所以在2004年的熱身賽的那一天晚上,Pierce往LBJ坐的位置方向吐了口水。

(Note: Perkins says the incident took place in 2003, but the two teams did
not meet in the preseason that year.)

"Paul is talking noise to the bench, right?" Perkins said. "He's talking big
noise to the Cavs bench, and they're sitting over there, Bron and them,
they're all sitting over there. ... Paul actually spits over there at the
bench, right? The ultimate disrespect."

Pierce was fined $15,000 by the NBA for his actions, but that was hardly the
end of it. The Cavaliers and Boston Celtics were playing on Ohio State's
campus that night, and both locker rooms were located next to each other.
According to ESPN's Brian Windhorst in 2012, Pierce had to be carried away
from James in the hallway after the game to prevent a fight.
Pierce因為那舉動被聯盟罰了15000鎂,但是事情還沒完。那晚騎士跟賽提在俄亥俄州大比賽,兩隊的休息室就在隔壁。根據ESPN記者Brian Windhorst在2012年的報導,在賽後

Perkins had the good fortune of playing with Pierce in Boston for a number ofyears as well as one season with James in Cleveland. He says the disrespect
between the two is still palpable.

"Ever since that moment," Perkins said. "LeBron James and Paul Pierce hate
each other. They don't speak to each other. Even now, today."
「從那之後,」Perkins說。「LBJ跟Paul Pierce兩個人就互相討厭,他們彼此是不會講話的,直到現在。」

Which brings Perkins back to Pierce saying James isn't a top-five player in
league history. The former forward believes it's entirely personal. It alwayshas been. Maybe it always will be.

For the record, Perkins believes James does belong on that list—whether he
believes James is the greatest of all time, is a different argument.



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johnwu 05/21 13:12真胎歌

kevinduh4 05/21 13:12還會吐屎

MonkeyCL 05/21 13:13老皮排第幾?

shwkz 05/21 13:14三個名人堂 圍毆年輕LBJ 一冠吹多年

BlackTea102305/21 13:14這兩個是長不大?

MK47 05/21 13:14不愧是拉屎王 還會吐口水 符合他的技能設定

NSYSUheng 05/21 13:14還好後來打老皮都有贏

shwkz 05/21 13:14

MonkeyCL 05/21 13:15老皮能一神帶四坑 縱橫東區十幾年嗎?

live147222 05/21 13:16Pierce碰瓷仔一個,對戰姆斯場均得分差10+ 命中率還

live147222 05/21 13:16低,也能吹的自己好像五五開甚至壓制LBJ

MaroonSheran05/21 13:16包皮以為自己是誰

HSKAO 05/21 13:20兩人等級差這麼多 隨便他怎麼講XD

shwkz 05/21 13:2120年後LBJ出紀錄片 大概就會寫進去了...快記起來

yellowbooky 05/21 13:21可能一開始不爽LBJ的焦點太多,但後來發現自己離LBJ

yellowbooky 05/21 13:21越來越遠,吹的好像宿敵

Redchain 05/21 13:23吹得好像是宿敵,實際上……?

CW4 05/21 13:23有可能 這組真的是人設大師

encorek0123105/21 13:24其實是LBJ自己說老皮是他宿敵的==

yowhatsupsli05/21 13:25還好是吐口水不是丟大便

yowhatsupsli05/21 13:25U.jpg

yowhatsupsli05/21 13:26

圖 Perkins:Pierce跟LBJ的過節起因於吐口水事件

CW4 05/21 13:27落賽換褲子可以先塑造成差點大傷還是英勇歸來 這種

CW4 05/21 13:27事寫成小說還會被砲沒真實感

Acetoxy 05/21 13:28笑死 可悲小丑

a19911205a 05/21 13:34可憐 組團前的賽隊還不是爛爆

kem0606 05/21 13:36打球嚇到烙賽

windisbig 05/21 13:39看文章的話 覺得都是老皮在秀下限 LBJ什麼都沒做

jason38152 05/21 13:40clown

shwkz 05/21 13:41LBJ可能沒那麼討厭包皮 被講的好像有仇一樣...

shwkz 05/21 13:43有講過是宿敵... 後來對KG態度也是尊重 雷槍不用說

atking 05/21 13:44組團咖的互嗆 吐口水是過分了點 但lbj真實力排不進

atking 05/21 13:44歷史前5也是事實

ChildX 05/21 13:47有夠中二啊老皮

aterthy 05/21 13:50這傢伙說的話.......

f22313467 05/21 13:53組一個三巨頭只拿一次冠軍 也滿好笑的

Childishan 05/21 13:55我皇很安靜

Childishan 05/21 13:56atking又再裝中立 笑死

coolrr 05/21 14:04難怪被砍

Kazmier 05/21 14:15他是姆斯兄弟了啊

Kazmier 05/21 14:17之前看到他的發言還一直酸綠血人

kkjjkkjj 05/21 14:29吐病毒?

deanisme 05/21 14:29PP不意外

future0stw 05/21 14:49一冠說10年,不EY

pp3435 05/21 15:08老皮針對性,除非小前鋒排bird

firemm444 05/21 15:1208有冠08猛

arias 05/21 15:21難怪包皮會被殺那麼多刀 有時候不能怪別人

Ommmmmmmmmm 05/21 15:37臭臉姆咪舔夠了沒

ksk0516 05/21 15:41有人知道包皮為什麼被砍嗎

chccang 05/21 15:48包皮懶趴本是同根生,相煎何太急

poo200 05/21 17:04心眼真小

ebv 05/21 17:14等級不同 只能吐口水 可憐哪

s955346 05/21 17:18LBJ應該滿頭黑人問號?? 又沒惹到你...

shadya1227 05/21 18:20本來當初還蠻喜歡他的 結果現在看起來這咖真的 ....

Brucetk 05/21 18:42講的好像讓這幾年才看球的以為這兩個是宿敵,醒醒

Brucetk 05/21 18:42吧,兩個根本不同等級

DolphinCP 05/21 22:47這麼骯髒,果然是雜血人

ks96021019 05/22 10:15發現新秀比自己強,發洩情緒不行嗎

iamaq18c 05/22 12:42老皮這樣我真的挺不下去

q4690744 05/22 22:19綠賽,喝喝