[花邊] Devin Booker賣掉亞利桑那的房子 345萬鎂

看板NBA標題[花邊] Devin Booker賣掉亞利桑那的房子 345萬鎂作者
時間推噓33 推:37 噓:4 →:13

來源: ClutchPoints

Suns star Devin Booker sells Arizona home for $3.45 million
太陽明星球員Devin Booker以345萬鎂賣掉亞利桑那的房子

Phoenix Suns All-Star shooting guard Devin Booker has sold his Arizona home
for $3.45 million, making a $200,000 profit from it.
鳳凰城太陽全明星得分後衛Devin Booker以345萬鎂賣掉他在亞歷桑那的房子,賺了20萬鎂。

Via Jack Flemming of the Los Angeles Times:
根據洛杉磯時報記者Jack Flemming的報導:

"The estate spans an acre in Paradise Valley, a suburb of Phoenix located
about 15 miles northeast of the team’s stadium. Built in 2016, it boasts a
sleek, modern style (and a surprising amount of green space given its desert
「這房產坐落在鳳凰城郊區距離球隊場館約15英里遠的Paradise Valley,占地約一英畝(1224坪)。房子建於2016年,有著流暢現代的風格(雖然是在沙漠,但是有著很驚人的綠地面積)。」

"Wood accents and glass walls touch up whitewashed, minimalist living spaces,including an indoor-outdoor great room and dining room with wine storage.
Elsewhere are four bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, a theater room and office across
5,600 square feet."

"There’s plenty of space to entertain outside, as a massive covered patio
with a fireplace expands to a fountain-fed swimming pool and spa. Grassy
lawns, drought-tolerant gardens and a courtyard fill out the rest of the


圖 Devin Booker賣掉亞利桑那的房子 345萬鎂

Devin Booker signed a five-year, $158 million contract extension with the
Suns before the start of the 2018-19 season. He is set to make $29,467,800 in2020-21 and $31,650,600 in 2021-22, per Spotrac.
在2018-19年球賽開季前,Devin Booker跟太陽簽了5年1億5800萬鎂的延長合約。下個賽季他可以拿2946萬鎂,2021-22可以拿3165萬鎂。

During the 2019-20 regular season, Booker averaged 26.6 points, 4.2 rebounds
and 6.5 assists per game for the Suns. The former Kentucky star shot 48.9
percent from the field, 35.4 percent from beyond the arc and 91.9 percent
from the free-throw line as well.

Booker led the Suns to an impressive 8-0 record at Walt Disney World during
the seeding games. Unfortunately, Phoenix still missed the 2020 playoffs in
the rugged Western Conference, as the Portland Trail Blazers secured the
eighth seed by defeating the Memphis Grizzlies in the play-in game.

One of the best young scorers in the NBA, Booker is certainly motivated to
lead the Suns to the playoffs next season. Just because Booker sold his housein Arizona doesn’t mean he’s looking to leave the Phoenix franchise.



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Bainite 10/06 10:20應該不會走吧 要買更大棟的

kkjjkkjj 10/06 10:20賺20萬美

jordanlove 10/06 10:23要去灰狼兄弟籃球了?

Yan5566 10/06 10:23The投資

smallwenwen 10/06 10:23這個房子對他現在的身價來説太小了 他會買更大的

Puye 10/06 10:24投資吧

hua0122 10/06 10:24賺錢順便換房

asd860079 10/06 10:27炒房仔

REI3173 10/06 10:27一坪7字頭

Verlander35 10/06 10:28才4年蠻新的

jackal44748 10/06 10:32都簽完大約了 當然是換更好的

ccl007 10/06 10:32真正的豪宅!

ooxxman 10/06 10:42該轉了,到灰狼玩三兄弟籃球

ahadears 10/06 10:44話說一樣的錢 台北市只能買個100坪的...

ahadears 10/06 10:45100坪對比1224坪 台灣真可憐

KirkSynder 10/06 10:45只是賣房子 剛賣掉的房子 你以前還不是

MisterBoar 10/06 10:46看來太陽要選狀元了

MK47 10/06 10:49要去灰狼組三巨頭了?

etjj 10/06 10:49台北市是市區欸

hank7218 10/06 10:50要也是比紐約吧

antiall 10/06 10:52亞利桑那大概跟屏東潮州差不多吧,你可以去蓋城堡

cl3bp6 10/06 11:02鳳凰城也算大城吧

eericchutw 10/06 11:04說台北的要比紐約市區吧 差那麼多

otaku690 10/06 11:06要付5~6%傭金給agent 再加各種fee. 應該還是賠錢

ATand 10/06 11:09附近都沙漠的地方,真的是可以去城堡呢

JasonIm 10/06 11:10booooooker炒房

chan15 10/06 11:17不能這樣比吧,你知道美國維護房屋每年要噴多少嗎..

a9564208 10/06 11:32先恭喜灰狼了

YU0158 10/06 11:36這都舊聞了還在灰狼

Transfat 10/06 11:36100% Overpaid ,可惜太陽也簽不到人了

Oskar 10/06 11:40賺這20萬镁 不知道要不要繳相關的稅

h321123aa 10/06 11:41拿大約換大房吧,原本的房子對NBA球員很一般

cmy512 10/06 11:47GTA5?

micbrimac 10/06 11:54現在疫情這麼嚴重 還有賺喔

vking223 10/06 11:58明年收三千萬,當然要換更大更爽的(地方)

drcula 10/06 12:00這地方開車到球場搞不好要2小時,現在有錢買個市區房

fantacliff 10/06 12:07發大財

asher02 10/06 12:08一定換豪宅

gototheptt 10/06 12:19看看台灣盤房

friends29 10/06 12:36鳳凰城房地產很好炒 懂欸

hcrcool 10/06 12:37未看先猜又要拿台北出來比較

FRANCO11 10/06 12:41這價錢在台北市也只能買公寓

d147258 10/06 12:42看起來是很郊外的地方

jerry761031 10/06 13:21台灣QQ

galaraga911 10/06 13:25比台北的就免了吧,差這麼多

ZaireWade3 10/06 13:29拿這種超鄉下的地方比台北 也只有酸民想得到 笑死

AterPin 10/06 13:58薪水漲了十倍 房子當然要換一個貴十倍的啊

iamdahiphop 10/06 14:35台北房子這麼舊 跟紐約比才笑死人

Peter521 10/06 16:13紐約房子不舊是在開玩笑的吧?

maydayholic 10/06 17:59我在紐約住的大樓是1917蓋的 嫌台北舊XDD

ZaireWade3 10/06 19:45上面那個iam真的笑死人哈哈

sam352306 10/06 19:45可以

dgdgevil 10/06 22:59紐約跟台北也不同等級吧= =

hlkevin8192510/07 12:11台北跟這個沙漠也不同等級 比起來跟紐約還比較像...