[外絮] 匿名經紀人表示DDR不想留馬刺被本人駁斥

看板NBA標題[外絮] 匿名經紀人表示DDR不想留馬刺被本人駁斥作者
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Report: NBA agent says DeMar DeRozan 'doesn’t like San Antonio and doesn’t w
ant to be there'

DeMar DeRozan wants out of San Antonio, according to an unnamed NBA agent.

The Athletic granted anonymity to 20 player representatives so濳hey could speak freely about the league's handling of the Orlando bubble, free agency and front offices.
《The Athletic》對20名代表做了問卷調查,他們可以對泡泡圈、自由市場和聯盟高層自由的發表意見。

One agent, asked to name the highest profile player they expected to change teams, mentioned the Spurs star.

"DeMar doesn't like San Antonio and doesn't want to be there," the agent said.他說DDR不喜歡聖城也不想留在那

DeRozan joined the Spurs from the Toronto Raptors as part of the Kawhi Leonard trade in 2018. He averaged 22.1 points and 5.6 assists for the team last season.

The agent noted that DeRozan could reunite with former Raptors teammate Fred VanVleet and coach Dwane Casey in Detroit, where Casey leads the Pistons.

"That relationship with the former coach is strong. Comes down to money (for VanVleet) and the situation in Toronto is rough with the taxes. VanVleet on the Pistons elevates his status as the number 1-2 guy on a team," the agent said.也提到DDR和Casey的關係一直維持的很好。而VV也可能因為多倫多麻煩的賦稅問題前往活塞,且VV在活塞將可以擁有前二的領袖地位

DeRozan responded to the claim in an Instagram post Wednesday afternoon. He shared a clip of a confused Ice Cube with the caption, "Me trying to figure outwhen I said that s***."

Earlier this month,DeRozan spoke about the difficulty of watching Toronto winning a title without him. He also recognized that the clock is ticking as he enters next season at age 31 with one year left on his contract.

Spurs general manager Brian Wright also got a shoutout from an anonymous agent. Asked which front-office leader they trusted the most, the agent said, "Brian Wright. A lot. He’s honest. Not gonna BS."
馬刺總經理Brian Wright也被其他匿名經紀人認可,當被問到他們最信任哪個高層領導,該經紀人十分肯定Brian Wright



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※ 編輯: Taco5566 ( 臺灣), 10/22/2020 20:53:05

iamchyun 10/22 20:56來我湖化解心魔

katsyuan 10/22 21:03在馬刺陪少主練球

ntusimmon 10/22 21:10經紀人亂放話???

LuckyoPuppy 10/22 21:11好像不是DDR自己的經紀人?

currit 10/22 21:20DDR這兩年為馬刺付出很多 然後球技也成熟很多

benptt 10/22 21:30DDR:走到哪都有 LBJ.. ..

camilo 10/22 21:53唉,一直磨也不是辦法,挑部好的車上吧

Sparxxx 10/22 22:03DDR為馬刺付出很多,但今年的馬刺就是不成氣候...

melzard 10/22 22:06如果他去快艇你各位會支持嗎

sky0158 10/22 22:07怎麼不是VV去馬刺?

hydeless 10/22 22:10沒到馬刺之前不知道他那麼全能

horstyle041110/22 22:12DDR找經紀人放話有啥用?

hydeless 10/22 22:14那不是他經紀人......

hydeless 10/22 22:15沒到馬刺前以為他只是得分手,來兩年發現他根本就是

hydeless 10/22 22:1520/5/5機器,從一號打到四號,根本刮目相看

horstyle041110/22 22:18DDR找自己經紀人放話根本沒好處 那是誰幫他放話的

gigiii1134 10/22 22:22不知名經紀人跑去幫別人放話是哪招

gigiii1134 10/22 22:23那我可以幫川普放話他想給我錢嗎?

hydeless 10/22 22:25DDR是PO,他根本不用放話去吹密

Puye 10/22 22:25我覺得DDR不是這樣的人

pieceofcake 10/22 22:28他一直都是20/5/5在暴龍就做得到了

hydeless 10/22 22:36做得到跟打77場平均下來,是有差距的

darkdixen 10/22 22:39希望DDR也能上車拿戒指 哪台車都好

qaz940233 10/22 23:00我湖收

duriamon 10/22 23:03喇叭到西區了,不過老實講DDR應該比嘉玲機器老實啦

duriamon 10/22 23:03!嘉玲機器就是心機鬼,連自己恩人波波都鬥。

josephpu 10/22 23:56The Athletic的爛新聞也越來越多,各種匿名不據實

acer71113 10/23 00:16DDR 真的蠻不錯的,如果能回暴龍就好了

dudu5566 10/23 00:59馬刺還不一定想留他咧

swingingbear10/23 02:22到馬刺那麼全能?馬刺一直以來的特色就是壓抑單一球

swingingbear10/23 02:22員發揮 用團隊戰術使之成為略全能型的球員 妳確定是

swingingbear10/23 02:22他全能了 還是只是馬刺戰術帶來的假象?

dogville 10/23 04:49樓上再講什麼我怎麼看不懂? 馬刺什麼時候有戰術可以

dogville 10/23 04:49讓不全能球員看起來變全能球員? 有這種事? 我怎麼不

dogville 10/23 04:50知道? 可以試舉例之?

ventxyz 10/23 05:05這隻來湖人會解決湖人第三得分點的問題嗎?

duriamon 10/23 06:57不老石佛表示:嫩!

hydeless 10/23 06:58我只知道去小牛後會立刻讓他們在PR變第一

RAY1203 10/23 07:54DDR PO根本不需要放話

hydeless 10/23 10:09凱西最後一年把DDR調教成能夠助攻分球,但跟打一號

hydeless 10/23 10:10差距還很大,畢竟有蘿莉跟范喬丹在頂,但是在馬刺

hydeless 10/23 10:11代打控球整個大局觀、組織、控制節奏,都是沒看過的

hydeless 10/23 10:12以前以為DDR就是二號得分手偏軟,但是在馬刺除了常

hydeless 10/23 10:13態性打三號外,之後根本也常常站四號位,硬扛一堆

hydeless 10/23 10:14肌肉棒子現在誰還敢叫他軟,複賽打四號不是只有掛名

hydeless 10/23 10:15實際上還常常背打那些傳統四號替球隊拉空間

hydeless 10/23 10:16DDR的防守籃板在馬刺時代都是生涯最高次高的,他可

hydeless 10/23 10:17不像龜龜用撿的,他都是硬卡硬擠用彈性硬保護下來的

louisnight 10/23 10:54DDR三分爛死 自己下去

louisnight 10/23 10:54

kururu215 10/23 11:24推樓樓上

FF14 10/23 11:35其實現在分手對兩邊都好

yfa0420 10/23 12:40褲子換,我湖小虧

Aretimis734510/23 17:21DDR是PO 根本不用放話 且他個性也不會那樣做

sinben 10/23 18:53DDR根本不是這種人 少在那裡黑了

Hiara 10/23 22:00推一下DDR,完全沒發怪聲真的敬業

AxelGod 10/24 11:05LBJ受害者

K0RVER 10/26 14:25DDR是個有情有義的人 不是守舅派的