[外絮] AD: 我想再贏一次,我想再成為梗圖(Meme)

看板NBA標題[外絮] AD: 我想再贏一次,我想再成為梗圖(Meme)作者
時間推噓50 推:50 噓:0 →:24

來源: SportsRush

‘I want to win and become a meme again’: Anthony Davis hilariously reveals
why LeBron James and Lakers want to repeat
Anthony Davis搞笑的說為何LeBron James跟湖人想要連霸:「我想要再次拿下冠軍以及成為梗圖。」


Anthony Davis says he is on the path to winning more at the highest level
with LeBron James and the Lakers ahead of their season opener.

The Lakers are looking to defend their first championship in 10 seasons. By
winning the 2020-21 title, the franchise will become 18-time champions, whichwould make them the most successful franchise in league history.

AD had a lot to do with the fashion in which the Lakers cantered to victory
this year. He was the bedrock of their defensive schemes, their trump card
against teams like the Rockets and Heat. He’s able to execute perfectly both
in small ball as well as conventional lineups.

Davis has the potential to win an MVP trophy this season, and is being egged
on by teammate Jared Dudley to pursue it.
AD本季有機會搶下MVP,而隊友Jared Dudley也慫恿AD去搶。

Anthony Davis revealed what LeBron James said to him after the Western
Conference Finals:

“I’m very motivated. I want to do it again. When we won the Western
Conference Finals, LeBron said ‘Just wait until you win a championship and
you hold that trophy.’ Your love for winning just grows, and ever since
holding that trophy I just want to do it again. You want to hold that trophy
over and over and over, you get addicted to winning,”

“I want that feeling again. I want to be able to hold that Larry O’Brien
trophy again. Become a meme again where I’m crying and people are using it
for everything,” Davis continued, laughing. “But that was a good meme! I’m
ready to get started again and I’m ready to get with this group of guys. Get
back to work to be able to hoist one of those trophies again.”
「我想再次感受那樣的感覺。我想要再次捧著Larry O' Brien冠軍杯。我想要哭哭的樣子再次成為梗圖,大家會拿那梗圖去用在所有的地方」AD笑著說。「但是那是個好梗圖!我已經準備好要再來一次,我也準備好要跟這群隊友一起奮鬥。已經準備好要回到場上,好再次去拿下那些獎盃了。」


圖 AD: 我想再贏一次,我想再成為梗圖(Meme)
圖 AD: 我想再贏一次,我想再成為梗圖(Meme)
圖 AD: 我想再贏一次,我想再成為梗圖(Meme)
圖 AD: 我想再贏一次,我想再成為梗圖(Meme)
圖 AD: 我想再贏一次,我想再成為梗圖(Meme)


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LABOYS 12/21 10:42他哭哭的梗圖現在湖人社群真的很常用 XD

LABOYS 12/21 10:43應該會用很久

TheoEpstein 12/21 10:43哈哈哈哈

b991238136 12/21 10:43他脾氣太好~也很好笑XD

bye2007 12/21 10:44大哥,算了算了

tigerlolz 12/21 10:46探頭那張真的很好笑

hbkhhhdx200612/21 10:47AD真的很猛,一個季後賽各種梗圖都有

b2305911 12/21 10:48強人鎖男

orion199183012/21 10:49說真的 姆斯梗圖還沒AD出產的快

vgil 12/21 10:50XDDD

melzard 12/21 10:50他的探頭梗圖真的太有笑點

kkb512sk 12/21 10:51我也很喜翻窩大AD>///<

oralboralb 12/21 10:51第五張圖為什麼這麼北爛

taker627 12/21 10:54甲圖製造機

oralboralb 12/21 10:57近十年只有三巨頭能連霸 所以湖人機率不大

laipyn 12/21 10:57AD投射能維持季後賽水準MVP不意外 真。神獸

laipyn 12/21 10:58說三巨頭才能連霸 但AD LBJ這兩個怪物可以抵三巨頭

laipyn 12/21 10:58了啊......

Dorae5566 12/21 11:01現代三連霸,綠葉要一直換的...湖人目前是有望

Dorae5566 12/21 11:01今年整個隊伍直接年輕五歲

Dorae5566 12/21 11:01同一組人打到第三年,老死殘傷。

Dorae5566 12/21 11:02根本不太可能三連霸

live147222 12/21 11:06

圖 AD: 我想再贏一次,我想再成為梗圖(Meme)

oralboralb 12/21 11:10目前快艇 籃網 公鹿 76人 金塊看起來都五門齊

oralboralb 12/21 11:11各隊扣掉雙巨頭的陣容 湖人真的是沒有比較好

Jinx 12/21 11:12這探頭真的好笑

a11011788 12/21 11:12AD出去自己帶隊啦

percy90723 12/21 11:17這邊扣一下那邊扣一下 剩下一對一單挑好了 直接決定

percy90723 12/21 11:17冠軍

uf1276 12/21 11:18探頭那張超好笑

hbkhhhdx200612/21 11:24扣掉雙巨頭陣容,但湖人的雙巨頭就是比較強啊,哪可

hbkhhhdx200612/21 11:24以直接扣

slimak 12/21 11:25讓韋德吃醋的男人

society 12/21 11:31球隊就是壓兩個超巨可以打爆你們其他,扣掉是在哈囉

Dennis0428 12/21 11:36請問哭哭梗圖是哪張啊? 沒印象

s66449 12/21 11:36哈哈

IAMGRICE 12/21 11:36靠背,你早就一堆梗圖了不是嗎XDDDDD

oops66 12/21 11:36大哥算了算了

utcn92 12/21 11:40他的臉就很好笑

tt665389 12/21 11:45

圖 AD: 我想再贏一次,我想再成為梗圖(Meme)

tt665389 12/21 11:45哭哭是這張嗎

LABOYS 12/21 11:48對,不過通常是 gif 動圖 XD

LABOYS 12/21 11:49

LMYuan0617 12/21 11:56XD

brian455461 12/21 11:59喬丹:.....

matsuwu 12/21 12:01AD表情包真的都超白爛,可以做貼圖了

k7202001 12/21 12:08兩個第一隊雙巨 其他隊連一個一隊都難

iamczc 12/21 12:13論梗圖的高度你還是比不過老尖,你放棄吧!XD

benptt 12/21 12:15雙神獸吧!雙巨不足以形容。

kaede0711 12/21 12:22太好笑

SwissMiniGun12/21 12:28怎麼都是從後面來的圖啦XD

cktony 12/21 12:28加油,再拿一冠

cktony 12/21 12:29ad配豆總打出神獸數據,再來個老詹直接奪冠

iamaq18c 12/21 12:34XDDDDDDDDD

baigyatsh 12/21 12:34扣掉雙巨湖人還有最佳第六人 最佳第七人耶

takeshi11 12/21 12:39可是你的梗圖都甲甲的

kevinacc084 12/21 12:39接吻那張很好笑

js0431 12/21 12:41你超多圖了

jeffsu 12/21 12:44上季拼裝車是還好 但這季多兩個最佳第六人等級 已經

jeffsu 12/21 12:44比西區各隊強了

piyo0604 12/21 12:47探頭那張是從哪出來的XDD

louis152334 12/21 13:05XDDDDD

ken720331 12/21 13:07探頭真的看一次笑一次超喜

k7626773 12/21 13:17讓我想到Crying Jordan meme,再拿一個冠軍,以後C

k7626773 12/21 13:17rying AD meme也能用很多年了

cookiey 12/21 13:44迷音都甲圖==

Dolphinku 12/21 14:13NBA那微醺

jerrychlin 12/21 14:40AD那麼大隻,做的梗圖超好笑

monstertsai 12/21 15:06哭哭梗圖還是喬丹的天下

ePaper 12/21 15:22笑死 喜劇演員

Aequanimitas12/21 15:5876人五門齊確定不是反串嗎

your135 12/21 16:02AD都是從後面上LBJ的圖,何時LBJ才能在後面呢

cms1717698 12/21 19:04氣氛真的好 我皇多久沒在這種球隊打球了

re920113 12/24 09:46好可愛笑死