[外絮] 記牢牢?小李被訪時用記者之前推特回問

看板NBA標題[外絮] 記牢牢?小李被訪時用記者之前推特回問作者
時間推噓48 推:48 噓:0 →:5

來源: USA Today

Damian Lillard surprises reporter by bringing up his tweet in press conference記者會時 Damian Lillard用記者先前推特回文讓記者驚訝

Damian Lillard is the type of dude who saves receipts of any perceived slightagainst him. If we didn’t know that before about him, we certainly know it

He’s always on social media. He sees and hears everything and he’s not
afraid to trash talk or clap back in any kind of way whether that’s in
person or online.

A reporter found that the hard way out during one of Lillard’s press

As the press conference was ending and Lillard had answered a question from
the reporter after the Blazers 132-126 win against the Sacramento Kings.
After he was done answering, though, he jumped back in for a bit.

Why? To let the reporter know that he saw the tweet where he suggested the
Wizards’ backcourt of Russell Westbrook and Bradley Beal could compete with
the Blazers’ backcourt of Lillard and CJ McCollum.

It was absolutely hilarious.


“Lillard: I saw your tweets where you was saying there was a backcourt
better than me and CJ, too.

Reporter: Today?

Lillard: Well, I don’t see how it would be today after tonight, but you were
saying the Wizards back court was better than us.

Reporter: I raised it as an option because someone said there was no contest,and I said ‘well, what about Beal and Westbrook?”

Then, Lillard hit us with this face that is almost certainly going to be a
meme all season long.


圖 記牢牢?小李被訪時用記者之前推特回問

小李嗆說他有看到推特 記者還卡住了一下....笑死

圖 記牢牢?小李被訪時用記者之前推特回問


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MrSatan 01/15 11:06大學室友網飛密碼

destinyx2 01/15 11:06這表情笑死

LuckyoPuppy 01/15 11:06The 記仇

wupaul 01/15 11:07哈哈哈哈

danieltang 01/15 11:07小李真的很屌

shark157 01/15 11:09方丈為人很小氣的

ATand 01/15 11:09小李不爽的是你可以拿其他後場來比,拿龜龜跟我比?

nuturewind 01/15 11:10這個記者跟側翼網軍蠻像的

tenorio5 01/15 11:11小李真男人啊

lillard000 01/15 11:12哈哈哈哈你很靠北

HaHaPoint 01/15 11:15記恨 XDD

vince4687 01/15 11:16影片後面那個主播跟著耍憨蠻好笑的

nimaj 01/15 11:16法號:夢遺 XD

pounil 01/15 11:16鄉民

leolikerose 01/15 11:17J.sheng

boshrush 01/15 11:18忍者=小李 beal屌虐cj,所以巫師後場完勝雙槍

linnn320 01/15 11:20樓上反串嗎

Despairile 01/15 11:21笑死wwww

l998 01/15 11:21那個瞪瞪到心坎裡

Despairile 01/15 11:21小李應該是不高興他們居然要跟巫師去比ww

AptRain 01/15 11:23KD: 我也整天都在看social media。好兄弟!!!

neverli 01/15 11:23方丈原來姓李啊

PaulChris 01/15 11:24"你這次有麻煩了,方丈為人很小心眼的"

CMPunk 01/15 11:25跟以前的浪花比就算了 拿我跟龜龜比?

Brucetk 01/15 11:27期待龜龜看了這新聞的反應

lost0816 01/15 11:30那個推特影片看了快笑死哈哈哈哈哈 一臉死給你看

tupacshkur 01/15 11:38Reporter: Don't hold a grudge, brotha! > <

chargebro 01/15 11:43NBA方丈

MK47 01/15 11:47XDDDDDD

vestal 01/15 11:49這臉 笑死XDDDD

c332008 01/15 11:49饒舌歌手不記仇怎麼diss回去?

j003862001 01/15 11:53雙槍一個屌臉 一個跩臉 沒在跟你543的

yeustream 01/15 11:56XDDD

h409123 01/15 12:00

圖 記牢牢?小李被訪時用記者之前推特回問

pongbao 01/15 12:01小李講話了 NBA版的各位通通給我吹起來 小李最

pongbao 01/15 12:01棒了

Alicia00 01/15 12:32好會記仇XDDD

mrif 01/15 12:33真男人

SEVEnMonth 01/15 12:39李方丈

rs813011 01/15 12:39就像平常沒表情啊沒預期的好笑

MARTINA3016 01/15 12:46這表情真的好笑

atai1212 01/15 12:47一如往常的帥

supermeme 01/15 13:04不就平常沒表情嗎

matsuwu 01/15 13:11小李真的很會記仇XD

cbk152321 01/15 13:12笑死xD

K0RVER 01/15 13:23笑死 小李夠屌

sampsonlu91901/15 13:27And I take it personally

hdjj 01/15 14:12笑死

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 01/15/2021 14:40:49

sesd 01/15 14:49我一直覺得小李的 行為和想法很東方XDDD

zombierick 01/15 16:43PG:鱉嚇

vincentwade 01/15 19:08NBA方丈

lingling000001/16 11:41你在供3小 XD

oplk 01/16 20:24XD