[外絮] 嘴綠:黃蜂比賽領T被驅逐比16總決禁賽更

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圖 嘴綠:黃蜂比賽領T被驅逐比16總決禁賽更
Draymond Green blamed himself for the Warriors losing the 2016 Nba Finals.


With Golden State up 3-1 on the Cavaliers, Green got suspended for committin
g too many flagrant fouls during the playoffs(the last of which was for hitt
ing LeBron James in the groin).The Warriors lost Game 5 without Green then l
et the series get away from them.


That episode returned to the forefront Saturday.


Golden State led the Hornets by two points 9.3 seconds left when Green got t
wo technical fouls. Charlotte guard Terry Rozier made both technical free th
rows then hit the game-winner.

勇士以9.3秒的優勢領先黃蜂兩分在Green兩次技術犯規後,Terry Rozier兩罰全中,之

I was dead-ass wrong. And not that I was wrong, like I said, for the first t
ech per se. But once – whatever that situation is – once I had the first t
ech, I can’t get the second tech.


And so I was a bit disappointed – I’m still a bit disappointed – in mysel
f, because I think that whole situation bothered me.


I know for sure it did. It bothered me more than being suspended for Game 5
of the NBA Finals in 2016. And the reason that it bothered me more than that
is because – you can have your thoughts on the Game 5 situation. I for sur
e have my thoughts on the situation.


But this situation in particular, I had complete control over it.And I let t
hat control get away from me, and in turn, I let the game get away from myse
lf and my teammates.


And this young team has not had – the guys on this team has not had much ex
perience with winning. And so to take the game away from my teammates – whi
ch they worked so hard for – was a bit frustrating for me, because I let th
em down.


Now, I have to do what I have to do to make that up to my teammates.I apprec
iate the support of me. But that action does not warrant support.



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doooooooooog02/23 17:33知道錯就好,不然可能不會少一冠

gn00152097 02/23 17:33看來是有被高層叮了

doooooooooog02/23 17:33別整天讓自己像顆未爆彈阿,隊友很累耶

cv120345 02/23 17:34不會少一冠可能會少兩冠阿

ct2189 02/23 17:37不要那麼火爆

janson1357 02/23 17:37

tim8333 02/23 17:39自己要嗆裁判的 後果自行承擔

sasewill 02/23 17:40活該阿,直接蒸發一冠還學不會教訓

tony20095 02/23 17:40看起來是在說這場的確是他的錯所以抱歉 但G5不是

xd987 02/23 17:41他對別人整骨的時候有對自己感到失望嗎

gp03dan 02/23 17:43幫Adams噓的

tygaga 02/23 17:43Adams:

MarcPolo 02/23 17:44別人懶得提 自己很愛提

a50142 02/23 17:45會反省代表還有救了

ljk476820 02/23 17:45Adams:

sunnyyoung 02/23 17:46他竟然還知道自己爛

airandy1102 02/23 17:53少往自己臉上貼金了

nba407t 02/23 17:55功夫籃球讚讚

s39602104 02/23 17:56之前嘴自己隊員也能吃t 裁判說沒針對 鬼才信

Niubert 02/23 17:57多一冠少兩冠,這樣你賠喔

ken720331 02/23 18:00對不起這是你嘴綠應得的

ken720331 02/23 18:00爽習慣還敢要更多

anoymouse 02/23 18:06你哪次不失控

fdruecek 02/23 18:19講得不錯阿

Utley26 02/23 18:27怪~~~我~~~一錯再錯學不會~~~

k20057 02/23 18:27the跨

smik 02/23 18:32下一場30分大三元才能說彌補

Lebaldshames02/23 18:34說真的 還好你有被趕出去 讓咖哩有台階下 不然全員

Lebaldshames02/23 18:34到齊被逆轉更丟臉

q210216 02/23 18:37對~全部都你的錯你真他媽該死~還是識相點快滾吧!呵~

zephry 02/23 18:55你自己管不住嘴,不要拿激情當藉口

kevin852 02/23 18:55剛看完這場的重播 真的會被嘴綠笑死

gyaoqwas 02/23 18:57自走砲綠師父

whathappen 02/23 19:05總算講了一次人話,這次給推

toeic900 02/23 20:36總是學~~~不~~~~~會

vvvv0o0vvvv 02/23 20:58早禁賽的話你連Final都進不去

ChaosK 02/23 21:52球商有夠低

ahinetn123 02/23 22:09THE 跨

UltraKill 02/23 23:29你一直在失控啊

Derrick906 02/24 22:2687滾啦