[外絮] 溜馬 LeVert 可望下半季復出

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Liz Roscher Fri, March 5, 2021

節錄。Yahoo Sports 全文:

Cancer surgery has kept Caris LeVert out of the Indiana Pacers'
lineup for over a month, but it may not keep him out for too
much longer.

癌症手術已經讓 LeVert 被排除在溜馬陣容中超過一個月的時間,但看

Shams Charania of The Athletic reported that LeVert, who had
surgery to remove a cancerous mass on his kidney on Jan. 25,
is expected to return to the Pacers' lineup in the second half
of the season.

The Athletic 的 Shams Charania 報導說,1月25日手術移除腎臟小腫
瘤的 LeVert 將在下半季回歸到溜馬的陣容中。


When the Pacers announced LeVert's successful surgery on Jan.
26, they were also able to share more good news: with the mass
removed, LeVert wouldn't need any additional cancer treatment.
That's likely why he's going to be able to return in the second
half of the season — with no chemotherapy or radiation
treatment, LeVert can focus on his recovery and getting himself
fully healthy so he can get back to business this spring and

溜馬在1月26日宣布了 LeVert 手術成功,並分享了好消息:LeVert 腫





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tatata 03/05 11:42真是大幸

tatata 03/05 11:42可能因為交易多活了幾十年

kyoko367890603/05 11:43太好了

Bigcookie2 03/05 11:43這季不太可能吧 大病初癒

Bigcookie2 03/05 11:43別太急阿

pounil 03/05 11:43加油啊 渦輪就比較可惜了 完整陣容的溜馬競爭力強

MK47 03/05 11:44加油!希望他能健康打球

joystation 03/05 11:44溜馬起飛

msarthur 03/05 11:44加油!

chatnoir 03/05 11:46LeVert加油!

Kazmier 03/05 11:47溜馬也真好 這種吃虧交易怎麼沒跟籃網要求補償

Tabrisyang 03/05 11:47這樣溜馬陣容很完整 前後場都有

s925407 03/05 11:48第一次看到被交易而得救的

a3221715 03/05 11:48清掉Ola 很賺了 也不是運動傷害

sasewill 03/05 11:50有人幫清歐拉不錯了

cv120345 03/05 11:50真的因為交易救了一名好球員

Benvera 03/05 11:53渦輪呢?

Joey1999 03/05 11:57我溜起飛

Benjamin901 03/05 11:58籃網有補現金跟二輪選秀給溜馬的樣子

SugarK2222 03/05 12:01加油!!

gglonkey 03/05 12:03真的是因為交易多活幾十年...

sh58702e 03/05 12:09levert很強

NetsFan 03/05 12:10加油!

k960674 03/05 12:11溜馬有獲得補償啊 而且人家說真的也不一定要給你

NetsFan 03/05 12:11哈登跟KI間接拯救他的人生

k960674 03/05 12:11算是幾支參與交易的球隊總管都蠻有道義的

k960674 03/05 12:16畢竟當時情況溜馬幾乎不可能取消交易

Lattendue 03/05 12:22恭喜

reaman 03/05 12:29腎戰士

ya123yo 03/05 12:52加油

rbki3 03/05 12:54好快

SEVEnMonth 03/05 14:53不幸中的大幸

Koch 03/05 18:57

jack0727 03/06 10:45還好有交易發現