[花邊] LBJ幫CJ打氣:"你不只是棒...是超級棒!"

看板NBA標題[花邊] LBJ幫CJ打氣:"你不只是棒...是超級棒!"作者
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來源: Newsrush

“CJ McCollum, you aren’t just nice, you’re super nice bro”: LeBron James
compliments Blazers guard after CJ said he’s indifferent to whether he ever
makes an All-Star Game
阿拓後衛CJ說他對於是否能參加全明星賽不在乎後 LBJ給他打氣:"CJ,你不只是棒,你是超級棒!」

The Portland Trail Blazers emerged from their conflict towards the Heat finalevening with a hard-fought victory. The sport was a detailed affair all by
means of its length, and it took some clutch play from CJ McCollum to shut itout for the Blazers.
阿拓昨天跟熱火有番激戰後拿下勝利。雙方都使盡全力,而CJ McCollum拿下幾個關鍵得分後幫助阿拓鎖住勝利。

CJ completed the evening with 35 factors on 14-of-25 capturing from the
sector. This determine included his 6-of-14 figures from downtown. McCollum
is taking part in his manner again from a leg damage he suffered in January,
and this sport was a large enhance.

Following the sport, CJ said this in an interview: “If I never make an
All-Star Game, I won’t be sad about it because I know I’m nice.”


James appears to have seen CJ’s scintillating post-game interview. Having
seen CJ up shut all by means of his profession, LeBron understands just how
good the combo guard could be. James posted this message to his Instagram


圖 LBJ幫CJ打氣:"你不只是棒...是超級棒!"
"“You ain’t super nice bro




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「Joe Kelly再禁8場。」

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"Lebron is cool with most players."

"LeBron is cool"

"Lebron ain’t cool...Lebron super cool bro!!!"


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"LeGM Tampering"



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qwe88016 03/27 14:24把天賦帶到拓荒

bemjamen123 03/27 14:25The 稱讚

SwissMiniGun03/27 14:26LeGM Tampering XD

nnkj 03/27 14:26KCP out

msdie911545 03/27 14:26LBJ+CJ+DL+瓜哥

handfox 03/27 14:26Joe Kelly 躺著也中槍笑死

akko76815 03/27 14:27欸 西街 我姆斯 來我湖啦

loveless01 03/27 14:27Young king +1 ?

kano2525 03/27 14:30Joe Kelly:???

MG1211 03/27 14:32表弟那個我笑出來

圖 LBJ幫CJ打氣:"你不只是棒...是超級棒!"

qw30404224 03/27 14:33暖姆

candbilly15303/27 14:34

圖 LBJ幫CJ打氣:"你不只是棒...是超級棒!"

e49523 03/27 14:34未來是你的

ginopun1047703/27 14:35偷招募?

f92174 03/27 14:38the 招募

foolishbi 03/27 14:42挖 曇花老大對我拓雙槍青睞有加啊

linyi520 03/27 14:42詹牧師

a1773042 03/27 14:54你好bang

pejawade 03/27 14:56CJ在東區就明星賽了

Edison1174 03/27 14:57James棒的

SwissMiniGun03/27 14:58其實是因為他受傷缺賽 到明星基本都有打個25-30場

SwissMiniGun03/27 14:58CJ只有打13場該怎麼進去

WSzc 03/27 15:00棒 真是棒

roger262390003/27 15:05Le棒

jtch 03/27 15:06北爛XDDD

leevarchu 03/27 15:07the 打氣

yuiop358 03/27 15:07阿不就好棒棒

Spinner3 03/27 15:15the好棒棒

a222317168 03/27 15:17羊king人選加一

wwwxxx1999 03/27 15:26The打氣

gginin007 03/27 15:33S級品腿師認證

semicoma 03/27 15:33昨晚你好棒

coin330 03/27 15:37LBJ確實對阿拓雙槍都很多讚譽

mmchen 03/27 15:41品腿界的GOAT認證

s9300093 03/27 15:48The讚姆士

eno03 03/27 16:05The 品

matsuwu 03/27 16:09啊拓雙槍 vs 蘿莉毒龍鑽 7戰4勝 誰贏面大呀~

matsuwu 03/27 16:10老詹超愛雙槍但對暴龍那兩隻似乎無感

skylion 03/27 16:19the 交際

Hsan 03/27 16:29Le棒

wx190 03/27 16:42好棒棒

fwiller 03/27 16:54LBJ + 雙槍 太美了...LBJ愛小李又愛CJ?!

fwiller 03/27 16:55AD ♥-1

HellFly 03/27 17:04姆斯+CJ+小李+瓜哥 幾冠

parkerlived 03/27 17:16湖人:我的

edwinrw 03/27 17:28棒 真是棒

bwnzer 03/27 18:43the 吹

gintamancf 03/27 18:43魔術罰5萬XDD