[花邊] 丹尼綠送95歲老奶奶簽名球衣

看板NBA標題[花邊] 丹尼綠送95歲老奶奶簽名球衣作者
時間推噓36 推:36 噓:0 →:4

來源: SI

Sixers' Danny Green Sends Signed Jersey to One of His Biggest Fans
76人Danny Green寄簽名球衣給他最死忠粉絲

Twitter user Lili Gu shared a brief story about her 94-year-old Grandma
earlier this month. As everybody in the world spent most of the past year in
quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was a good time for people to
explore new hobbies and learn something new.
這個月初,一位推特用戶Lili Gu分享了一個她94歲奶奶的小故事。去年整年全世界的人因為武漢肺炎的關係得要隔離,對大家來說這時間去找新的樂子以及學點新花樣是個很好的主意。

Gu's grandma decided to pay close attention to pro basketball and study the
NBA. And in doing so, the now 95-year-old decided to take notes highlighting
who some of her favorite players on different teams are.

Based on the notes seen, just three players made the list. Two from the
Brooklyn Nets and one from the Philadelphia 76ers. As expected, James Harden
and Kevin Durant represented the Nets on the list. For the Sixers, it wasn't
the usual suspects in Joel Embiid or Ben Simmons. Instead, Danny Green was
the new fan's favorite.
從筆記本上,有三個球員的名字在上面。兩個是籃網球員,一位是76人。如大家所預期,James Harden跟Kevin Durant代表籃網。而至於76人,不是大家想的是Joel Embiid或者Ben Simmons,相反地,Danny Green是這位新粉絲的最愛。


圖 丹尼綠送95歲老奶奶簽名球衣

So, when the post went viral back in mid-March, Green and the 76ers must've
caught the story and decided to do something special for the Green Ranger's
newest superfan. On March 27, Gu and her grandma received a surprise package
in the mail and it just so happened to be an exclusive Danny Green Sixers
因此,這篇推特文在三月中爆紅,而Green跟76人球團也一定有看到這篇故事,決定要幫這位Green的新死忠粉做點特別的。在3/27,這位Gu小姐跟老奶奶接到了一個驚喜包裹,裡面剛好就是一件Danny Green的球衣。


On the back of the jersey, Green added a message for his newest fan. "Thank
you for picking me," Green wrote in silver sharpie. "Here's to 95," he
concluded. Of course, Green's surprise gift was much appreciated by his
biggest fan as she went on to rave about his recent performances where he wasthe standout for the Sixers.


"she watches more actual games than r/nba"

"The way he wrote “Thank you for picking me” was so sweet "

"Class act! Too bad Danny isn’t on the Reptons anymore so we could have a
favourite player too :_("

"sad Lowry noises"

"I know I catch myself yelling "Damn it Daniel" at the screen all the time buthe's a legitimately good dude"

KD跟鬍子 該你們了


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tj2061 03/29 12:39好心推

ssshleo 03/29 12:41

ya123yo 03/29 12:41

westley 03/29 12:42阿嬤好可愛阿

HellFly 03/29 12:47repton XDDD 推暖心

okichan 03/29 12:48哇哇哇哇瓦

lgates 03/29 12:49Ki:

Toy17 03/29 12:50小綠人真的很好

hunt5566 03/29 12:51如大家所預期,

hunt5566 03/29 12:51James Harden跟Kevin Durant代表籃網

HellFly 03/29 12:52ki 搶先送球衣

freetempo 03/29 12:54日爰

Qorqios 03/29 13:02這95歲頭髮太黑了吧太誇張

TooGodLa161603/29 13:02KI:我先來的欸

zx850408 03/29 13:04靈堂認證XD

ErnieYang 03/29 13:05大推

ginopun1047703/29 13:07推我綠

drcula 03/29 13:10頭髮可以染啊,這老奶奶像香港華僑的感覺

Hsan 03/29 13:10應該有染吧

AV771118 03/29 13:21奶奶好可愛喔

xkiller1900 03/29 13:30華僑

charleydd 03/29 13:30好可愛

Alex663322 03/29 13:37可能前陣子ki都不在 阿嬤以為Ki最後來的

hjt11201213 03/29 13:43太溫暖了

kratos0993 03/29 13:43因為他長得像張鐵林(x)

wesley72338603/29 13:43奶奶好可愛

tinhanho 03/29 13:51lowry crying

hotpamsko 03/29 14:08溫馨

alvin50909 03/29 14:17她連比分都記得好清楚喔 阿嬤厲害

TyrYawiaj 03/29 14:28暖爆 推個可愛小綠

laputaca 03/29 14:31XDDDD

gigiii1134 03/29 15:25馬的靈堂

asia2505 03/29 15:51

rxvt 03/29 16:17Gu這姓氏應該是中國的漢語拼音 但孫女應該不從阿嬤

rxvt 03/29 16:17的姓氏

kkb512sk 03/29 16:22林粥嬤年輕的時候就在看羅素大戰老張west爺^_^

lkk88 03/29 17:09阿嬤名字叫做古莉莉?

drcula 03/29 17:14孫女是古莉莉吧,可能是奶奶不是外婆,所以同姓

uluvu0 03/29 19:27她看的比賽應該真的比鍵盤鄉民多

DannyGreen 03/30 10:00大推!