[專欄] 湖人隊將在季後賽中擊敗爵士的5個原因

看板NBA標題[專欄] 湖人隊將在季後賽中擊敗爵士的5個原因作者
(鬼父Oni Chichi)
時間推噓 6 推:36 噓:30 →:28



April 6, 2021

猶他爵士隊保持38-12的戰績,是聯盟中最好的,他們場均得分排名第三,防守排名第四,蓋帽排名第四(多虧Rudy Gobert),此外,爵士隊擁有3個全明星,Donovan Mitchell,Rudy Gobert,和 Mike Conley,但與往常一樣,湖人在球場兩端都處於另一層。



湖人隊在常規賽中不太會顯現出來的,那就是冠軍經驗,這支湖人隊在去年的季後賽中輕輕鬆鬆,擁有了NBA最好的全能陣容。丹尼斯施羅德(Dennis Schroder)和蒙特雷茲哈雷爾(Montrezl Harrell)之類的人正處於鼎盛時期。



猶他州本賽季得到了許多不同球員的貢獻,多諾萬米切爾(Donovan Mitchell)平均每場25.6 分帶領球隊,而他的全明星隊友魯迪戈伯特(Rudy Gobert)(14.6分和13.2籃板)和邁克康利(Mike Conley(16.3 PPG))都有職業生涯。喬丹克拉克森(Jordan Clarkson)和博揚博格達諾維奇(Bojan Bogdanovic)分別貢獻17.3分和14.8分,以幫助猶他獲得第三高的進攻表現。

施羅德則貢獻了15.3分和5.1助攻,而Harrell分別獲得15.1分和6.8籃板,這4位球員比猶他州的頂級球員更有才華,而湖人隊的Kyle Kuzma平均每場12.7分和Kentavious Caldwell-Pope的三分球命中率達到39.7%。


安東尼戴維斯(Anthony Davis)本賽季已經缺席了湖人27場比賽,而且對他的長期健康狀況也有很多疑問,戴維斯有傷病的歷史影響到他的整個身體,所以外人不必擔心,這是正常的。戴維斯可能會更早地返回湖人隊,但預計球隊將坐下來確保他的傷病得到100%的恢復。




勒布朗在36歲時場均25.4 分,7.9 籃板和7.9 助攻,這意味著他對比賽的影響比任何人都要好。在進攻端,勒布朗控制的步伐比任何人都要好,可以說是湖人有史以來最偉大的球員,這意味著他將做出調整以擊敗聯盟中的任何一支球隊,包括NBA的最佳球隊。



多諾萬米切爾(Donovan Mitchell)是一位出色的球員,擁有大量的上升空間,但他不足以取代勒布朗詹姆斯(LeBron James)和安東尼戴維斯(Anthony Davis);米切爾不是


5 Reasons Why The Los Angeles Lakers Will Beat The Utah Jazz In The NBA Playoffs

By Eddie Bitar -April 6, 2021 -

The Utah Jazz hold a 38-12 record, the best in the league. They rank 3rd in scoring, 4th in defense, and 4th in blocks per game (thanks to Rudy Gobert). Besides, the Jazz have 3 All-Stars in Donovan Mitchell, Rudy Gobert, and Mike Conley. But as good as they have been, the Lakers are on another level on both ends of the floor.

The Lakers will have the advantage if both teams clash in the postseason because they have key factors in their favor that Utah do not have. In terms of physical and mental intangibles, the Purple and Gold will overcome a worse regular-season record to beat the Jazz. Here are the 5 reasons the Los Angeles Lakers will defeat the Utah Jazz in the playoffs.

5. Championship Confidence

The Lakers have something that cannot be earned during the regular season, and that is championship experience. This Lakers team breezed through the NBA playoffs last year and had the NBA’s best all-around team. This season, the Lakers might have gotten better with the likes of Dennis Schroder and Montrezl Harrell joining the team in their primes.

Of course, LeBron and Davis are the franchise leaders and have continuity in their group. Los Angeles have played at the highest level in the biggest stageof them all, meaning they will know how to play under the bright lights. Evennewcomer Montrezl Harrell has been a part of a playoff team with expectationslast year with the Clippers. The Utah Jazz have the best record in the NBA, but they have not been on the biggest stage of them all, while the Lakers already proved they are NBA champions.

4. The Lakers Have More Talent

Utah are getting contributions from many different players this season. Donovan Mitchell is averaging 25.6 PPG to lead the team, while his All-Star teammates Rudy Gobert (14.6 PPG and 13.2 RPG) and Mike Conley (16.3 PPG) are having career years. Even Jordan Clarkson and Bojan Bogdanovic are putting up 17.3 PPGand 14.8 PPG to help Utah get the 3rd ranked offense.

But even with all Utah’s scoring threats, the Lakers have more talent. LeBron James and Anthony Davis are top-5 players and are averaging 25.4 PPG and 22.5 PPG despite missing a combined 36 games so far this season. Schroder is putting up 15.3 PPG and 5.1 APG while Harrell is chipping in 15.1 PPG and 6.8 RPG.These 4 players are more talented than Utah’s top players, and the Lakers have more depth with Kyle Kuzma averaging 12.7 PPG and Kentavious Caldwell-Pope draining 39.7% of his threes.

3. Anthony Davis Will Be Ready

Anthony Davis has missed 27 games for the Lakers this season, and there are many doubts about his long-term health. Davis has a history of injuries affecting his entire body, so it is normal for outsiders to worry. But make no mistake, Davis will be ready for the postseason. Davis could return to the Lakers sooner, but it is expected the franchise will sit him to ensure his injury is 100% healed.

A healthy Anthony Davis gives the Lakers a massive advantage over Utah. The Jazz defeated the Lakers on February 24 in a 114-89 victory (without Anthony Davis), and that shows the difference the best big man in the game can make. Rudy Gobert is a contender for his 3rd Defensive Player of the Year Award, but even he cannot stop Davis who is quicker and an unstoppable scorer.

2. LeBron James Can Adjust To Any Offense And Defense In The World

LeBron James is still the best player in the world. The King has missed 9 games for the Lakers this season but he will also be at full health for the playoffs. LeBron was in the MVP race earlier in the year but he will not play at his best for the remainder of the regular season. A rested King means no player has a chance to be better than the Lakers superstar in the playoffs.

LeBron is averaging 25.4 PPG, 7.9 RPG, and 7.9 APG at 36 years old, which means he impacts the game better than anyone. LeBron will be able to lead his team on offense, even with Gobert inside. He will adjust to Utah’s strong interior defense and make sure he pushes the pace to prevent them from setting up. On offense, LeBron controls the pace better than anyone. Having arguably the greatest player of all time on the Lakers means he will make adjustments to defeat any team in the league including the best team in the NBA.

1. Playoffs Pressure

Postseason pressure is real, and the Utah Jazz fell victim to that last season. Up 3-1 against the Denver Nuggets in the first round, they could not close the deal against a contender. While Utah is a better team this year thanks to the improved play of Mike Conley (16.3 PPG on 41.4% shooting from three) and Jordan Clarkson (17.3 PPG), there is evidence they will falter to the Lakers thanks to pressure.

Donovan Mitchell is a tremendous player with a ton of upside, but he is not quite good enough to usurp LeBron James and Anthony Davis. Mitchell is not an MVP player because he is not among the top-10 players in the world, and that means the pressure will be on Utah. The Lakers can handle any pressure because of their franchise prestige and also their superstar power, meaning the Jazz are very likely to fold with the lights shining brightest.


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※ 編輯: GhostFather ( 臺灣), 04/10/2021 23:44:05

vince4687 04/10 23:43簡單講就歷史第二人姆斯大賽經驗+神獸AD>今年爵士

vince4687 04/10 23:43整隊

LBJ23 04/10 23:433.安東尼滅劃饍絞N準備好 聽起來超強

jonathan890704/10 23:43季後賽開始了?我怎麼都不知道

tonyparker1804/10 23:44籃網:他們在爭什麼

camelot0603 04/10 23:44湖人剛好是外圍防守蠻強的球隊

※ 編輯: GhostFather ( 臺灣), 04/10/2021 23:45:02

omage 04/10 23:45這麼早就在舒服喔?

pean1204 04/10 23:45我詹粉,但這三小

看到這篇 不是應該要開心嗎?

cp3bg32 04/10 23:45[專欄] 湖人隊在總冠軍賽中擊敗籃網的五個原因


※ 編輯: GhostFather ( 臺灣), 04/10/2021 23:49:20

ThreeNG 04/10 23:46安東尼滅劃饍絞N準備好 太兇殘了吧

亂碼 已修

live147222 04/10 23:46這三小…技戰術都沒寫 乾脆直接寫湖人就是比較強

Addressg 04/10 23:48看推文才是重點,不要舒服我湖

pighong 04/10 23:48對戰組合還沒出現 是在廢文什麼

a3221715 04/10 23:48鬼父那你英文很好欸


FAYeeeeeeee 04/10 23:49遇到最快也是二輪的事了 還是覺得湖人會78

MK47 04/10 23:50[專欄] 湖人隊在總冠軍賽中擊敗 XX 隊的 n 個原因

BeanBryant 04/10 23:52這幾個原因中我只相信季後賽經驗差

※ 編輯: GhostFather ( 臺灣), 04/10/2021 23:54:42

ksuenjjr 04/10 23:54每隊都舒服一下

turnpoint 04/10 23:55完全不用數據的分析,只是一堆形容詞的堆砌,這只是

turnpoint 04/10 23:55英文版的糗爺文吧?

ksuenjjr 04/10 23:55根本還沒進季後賽就在寫這種文xD 根本還不知道會不

ksuenjjr 04/10 23:55會對到

stocktonobrk04/10 23:56總結:小市場球隊又沒S級球星...洗洗睡吧~~~

efbnm753 04/10 23:58湖人怎麼可能輸 湖人怎麼可能會輸的

Amis5566 04/10 23:59這翻譯...

qpeter 04/10 23:59怎麼通篇都是精神層面的 加持文?

alwaysstrong04/11 00:00一堆屁話 跟糗爺程度差不多

gamera 04/11 00:00湖人輸X隊只有一個原因,得分比失分少

kkb512sk 04/11 00:02湖人已經在前往加賽的路上還在跟你對爵

WesMatthews 04/11 00:03湖人有LBJ跟AD 爵士輸定了

slowsoul199804/11 00:03比糗爺還廢的分析 真不簡單

e920528 04/11 00:04這翻譯太像機翻的了吧…

YouGot5566 04/11 00:05湖人的對手不是籃網嗎?

society 04/11 00:07我是覺得遇不到

karlwu 04/11 00:11糗文味濃

MOTONARI 04/11 00:13可比「很可惜 但也不用太擔心湖人隊」

MOTONARI 04/11 00:14話說KOBE+NASH+魔獸+世界和平+Gasol那年拿冠了嗎XD

anarky 04/11 00:20這麼瞧得起我爵 被提到欸 哇賽 能跟湖人一起討論

rkbey 04/11 00:20這是糗爺文?

anarky 04/11 00:21湖人就一直下修到老八就可以對上我爵了..揪咪~

jick156 04/11 00:26先別舒服耶

shwkz 04/11 00:28頂多第6第7吧 第8是要打什麼...

harrybbs 04/11 00:39比才華? 爵士7人輪替都有先發實力欸

swingingbear04/11 00:39這一定狐迷寫的 kuz 被算到更有天份那邊 跟當年狂

swingingbear04/11 00:39喊三連霸結果被小牛四連敗的智障一樣XD

harrybbs 04/11 00:42庫黑德 都是第六人等級

harrybbs 04/11 00:44吹得比爵士三星+最佳第6人還強???

kevin81005 04/11 00:501. 有LBJ 2. 有AD

julian42 04/11 00:54湖人在AD LBJ不再都是防守第一耶,而且湖人可用之兵

julian42 04/11 00:5410人左右

sept9048 04/11 00:57。阿是遇的到喔。第一輪金塊我湖就下去了啦

julian42 04/11 01:00金塊小丑沒上的時候根本很弱

ammon 04/11 01:02推推推

clearhdmi 04/11 01:04說這是分析文看起來更像捧殺

HMDS 04/11 01:05爵士沒信心,沒才華 ,沒準備好,沒LBJ,抗壓性低

sato111 04/11 01:06好了啦,湖人總冠軍就是了啦

s2kfd3s 04/11 01:08反串文化搞得每隊球迷都神經兮兮,捧的酸的都是黑,

s2kfd3s 04/11 01:08可憐哪

efbnm753 04/11 01:09金塊怎麼可能打的贏湖人 金塊兩個全明星而已 一個

efbnm753 04/11 01:09還是要退的米爺 湖人有坐二望一 the goat lbj 現代

efbnm753 04/11 01:09神獸 ad 四屆籃板王 抓猛 西班牙巨獸 馬甲獸 白人男

efbnm753 04/11 01:09孩克星 黑肉

efbnm753 04/11 01:10金塊只有 阿肥 jokic 屁孩/kd頭 Murray 馬的光綽號

efbnm753 04/11 01:10就輸了

yuh15420 04/11 01:14感謝信心加持 我已經all in了

taiwanrules 04/11 01:22本來期待有什麼分析 結果像是在抬槓

mickeygg69 04/11 01:32低能文

jonathan890704/11 01:40這篇居然沒噓到X

xisee 04/11 02:02別舒服

aeio9875 04/11 02:31籃網: 嗯?

patrick0627 04/11 02:44舒服舒服好舒服

HotDogCC 04/11 03:42LBJ 現在受傷耶哥

CHERRYCOLA 04/11 04:11寫文章的敢賭身家今年湖人冠軍嗎?

aaagun 04/11 04:25不管啦先舒服完再說

nnkj 04/11 06:20無時無刻都要舒湖就對了

a9527a 04/11 06:42湖人隊進不去季後賽的五個原因

tim8333 04/11 07:35爵士要想辦法證明它們現在不是季賽行情

jacky199362104/11 07:42廢文 原來國外也有糗爺

EXUAN 04/11 07:49舒服文

ysfrank 04/11 07:55完全沒分析的原因,都主觀...

nuturewind 04/11 08:18球評:銀河湖>>>>地方爵,我話說完,我贊成,誰反對

ilanese 04/11 08:28六神合體雷霆網表示……

jardon 04/11 08:40吹哨子壯膽

Newstart 04/11 08:45我爵士迷覺得有理有據 令人信服

JeremyKSKGA 04/11 10:37不要舒服我湖 = =

ktv421 04/11 10:39湖人隊在季後賽能擊敗爵士的最大原因:得分比失分多

ktv421 04/11 10:39

kkjjkkjj 04/11 11:00穩了

shin5678 04/11 11:46恭喜爵士

stylerpan 04/11 12:10整篇廢話

orangeray 04/11 13:13沒有看原文只看翻譯,不覺得是翻問題但就覺得原文內

orangeray 04/11 13:13容是通篇廢話

vasia 04/11 14:1710年前的姆斯會怕大隻門神,現在應該不會了

njunju 04/11 14:47這文風怎麼那麼像糗爺?