[情報] Jokic:加入NBA的第一周我一直想回家算了

看板NBA標題[情報] Jokic:加入NBA的第一周我一直想回家算了作者
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"I used to drink two or three liters of Coca-cola every day and I had my lastcan on the flight to the United States, Jokic told Serbia's Arenasport
television in an interview aired on Saturday.



"The first week in practice was tough. All my team mates were more physical
and athletic, they could slam-dunk any way you like and I kind of wanted to
go home.


"I am now in my seventh NBA season, having warmed the bench in the beginning
and then I was given some 'garbage time' before I broke into the starting
five. It was a process, though I suppose I took the road less traveled."



Jokic said he only joined the NBA thanks to being shunned by European giants
Barcelona during his first season at Mega Basket, who compete in a regional
league incorporating teams from the former Yugoslavia.

Jokic 說他會加入NBA,一開始也是多虧在 Mega Basket -
由前南斯拉夫球隊組成的地區聯賽時 - 從歐洲豪門球隊巴塞隆納球隊那裡失去機會。

"They turned up at our home game with Cedevita Zagreb to offer me a move but
they put it on hold after I put in a very poor performance," he said. "Then
the Nuggets came and the rest is history."

「他們出現在我們 Cedevita Zagreb 的主場比賽,然後提供我一個轉隊的機會,


Having singled out Golden State Warriors' triple NBA champion Stephen Curry
and Brooklyn Nets power forward Kevin Durant as the league's most impressive
players, Jokic said he never looked up to any of his peers.

在將勇士隊的三屆冠軍後衛 Stephen Curry ,
和籃網隊的大前鋒 Kevin Durant 稱為聯盟中最讓人印象深刻的球員之後,

Jokic 說他自己不會對同一個年齡層的球員產生類似景仰的情感。

"Any of the top 20 players in the league can nail 50 points on you but if youstart admiring them and accept that they are better players, you lose your
competitive edge.



"I keep saying to everyone, though, if you don't like Curry you don't like
basketball. Durant, in turn, is the best offensive player in the league. He
is unguardable."

「然而我也一直和其他人表示,如果你不愛 Curry 那你應該不喜歡籃球。
而 Durant 是聯盟中最厲害的進攻端球員,他根本無法防守。」


Michael Porter Jr. 闡述他初見 Jokic 的感覺:

"So, Jokic when I first met him, he was fat. When I first met him, he came tothe gym when I first got to Denver. He came to rebound for me for a little
bit and I was like 'oh, he's a good guy.' But I didn't really know too much
about him cause I didn't even watch the Nuggets and he wasn't as good as he
is now.

「所以當我第一次看到 Jokic,他好肥。」


And then we went to training camp, and I'm watching him play and he's doing
alright but Mason Plumlee was doing just as good as The Joker. And I was like'wait, why does Joker start over Mason Plumlee?


「但其實那時候 Mason Plumlee 打得和 Joker 差不多好,

『怪了,那為什麼球隊是讓 Joker 先發而不是 Mason Plumlee 呢?』」

And then I remember my teammates saying 'no, when he wants to, he can score
40 a night. Wait until the season starts."



"And so I waited, and I've never seen anything like him. Just the way he --
he's just a weird dude. Before the game, he's on his phone playing games. I
think he started taking his health more seriously, but like before that, I
heard that before the season, he just goes back, drinks beer, rides horses,
and then tries to get in shape a couple of weeks before the season starts.
He's just naturally amazing."

就像他一樣的怪咖 - 在比賽前在手機上打遊戲。



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melzard 01/02 10:37阿肥家的馬:你不要回來RRRRRRRRR

taikonkimo 01/02 10:37小丑真的是肉眼可看到的每年進步 而且身材問題也在

dwiee 01/02 10:38如果你不愛 Curry 那你應該不喜歡籃球。

WIGGINS22 01/02 10:38

圖 Jokic:加入NBA的第一周我一直想回家算了

LoveNPeace 01/02 10:38太神啦

taikonkimo 01/02 10:38今年解決了 今年他休賽季身材鍛鍊很好啊

XXXaBg 01/02 10:39金塊隊的三屆冠軍後衛 Stephen Curry ???

ignativs 01/02 10:39只能說他是天才

korgh413 01/02 10:39肥宅之光!

vovoson 01/02 10:39二輪也不是底端了啦 但是看到天之驕子難免會羨慕

f77928 01/02 10:39怎麼沒有談到散步山羊

gyaoqwas 01/02 10:39肥宅之光不是開玩笑的

cloudyst 01/02 10:39要交易嗎 阿肥

derekhsu 01/02 10:40他退休之後不知道會暴肥成怎樣

Joshuaunnnnn01/02 10:40他好肥XD

lens82801 01/02 10:40好文推,幫抓個最後一段多打的 "身體上的的健康"

jyekid 01/02 10:40吃齁肥肥 裝齁錘錘

※ 編輯: LABOYS ( 臺灣), 01/02/2022 10:41:15

EEzionT 01/02 10:41兩三公升真的厲害

Melo 01/02 10:42喝可樂打手遊,曾經的肥宅之光!

rawle 01/02 10:42佩服金塊識人的眼光

allyourshit 01/02 10:43可口可樂公司表示不喜歡不喝可樂的阿肥

pptsodog 01/02 10:43叛徒

benboy 01/02 10:44上次休賽季很自律越來越瘦了

gitaboy 01/02 10:45一天喝超過1.25L是沒問題,不過他是天天…厲害

abcde010710 01/02 10:45肥宅之光

k102asdf 01/02 10:46來美國參加籃球減肥營 順便賺錢

XXXaBg 01/02 10:46不喝可樂的肥宅拿到MVP是否搞錯了什麼

Zeka6721 01/02 10:47沒有快樂水都不快樂了

gerg 01/02 10:48太神啦阿肥

ThreeNG 01/02 10:48肥宅之光!史上最驚奇MVP

owlrex 01/02 10:49什麼神駒載得動

sai5566 01/02 10:50零卡可樂的話2L不難,一直喝一直爽,大賣場40幾上下吧

homeowen 01/02 10:50肥宅之光

god2 01/02 10:50mvp了,個人宰制能力部分沒什麼需要證明了

taikonkimo 01/02 10:510卡可樂 裡面有很多代糖 這其實長期喝也沒好到哪喔

benboy 01/02 10:53印像馬的品種有超大隻的 耕田用的?

HC683150 01/02 10:54你好肥

babyalley 01/02 10:56想回家喝可樂 沒肥宅快樂水不快樂了啦

ymsc30102 01/02 10:57訓練員不給喝快樂水所以想回家

xo1100 01/02 10:58挖掘的球探真的可以說嘴一輩子

overpolo 01/02 11:000可樂才不叫可樂 想噓

johnwu 01/02 11:00肥仔快樂水

albert82042301/02 11:02快樂水沒得喝不快樂

iwinlottery 01/02 11:03愛喝可樂本來體能就差吧

GiantChicken01/02 11:05結果現在在灌人

sunnydragon701/02 11:12

圖 Jokic:加入NBA的第一周我一直想回家算了

sunnydragon701/02 11:14他回家應該是馬在受訓吧…

saintmin100201/02 11:17邊喝可樂邊哭:我們回家吧

lianhua 01/02 11:18肥宅快樂水

albus9768 01/02 11:18灌可樂打手遊聽起來跟我們一般人平常生活差不多軟爛

Azabulu 01/02 11:22沒人擋得住不喝可樂的小丑

jxxnlaihong 01/02 11:23Needcola

mscmobitai 01/02 11:24Jurkic Plumlee 阿肥 金塊真的決定很神

Jarvis7 01/02 11:32喝可樂打手遊 肥宅之光

rayhong 01/02 11:38Needcola太神喇

ThunderLord 01/02 11:38天才阿肥

articlebear 01/02 11:39"所以當我第一次看到 Jokic,他好肥" XDD 阿肥超棒~

tassadar1 01/02 11:40比賽一打幾小時,先把AP消耗掉不然要溢出了 (?

asidy 01/02 11:47太棒了,阿肥界之光

ApAzusa126 01/02 11:48騎騎馬,馬:

kuo3027 01/02 11:50肥宅之光

LoveBea 01/02 11:54XD

skixhbyu 01/02 11:56更早時還有nurkic是先發,jokic真的太強

hardy3412 01/02 11:57他好肥 笑死XD

vince4687 01/02 11:57阿肥這季沒再亂吃之後今年明顯扛很久 而且考量金塊

vince4687 01/02 11:57各種爆炸

allyourshit 01/02 11:59阿肥:我把不能喝可樂的憤怒都發洩在球場上了

bluemei 01/02 12:08他好肥XDDDD

jay0055846 01/02 12:10他好肥XDDD

wylscott 01/02 12:13他好肥XDDDDD

wylscott 01/02 12:13以前看他各種靈性傳球時就很喜歡他了

jacky123ooo 01/02 12:24阿肥家的馬:幹

Ikaruwill 01/02 12:27he was fat

cokeman0223 01/02 12:31肥宅勝利組

fablife 01/02 12:34真的是天賦 好猛

rojjujj 01/02 12:34阿肥的NBA旅程也好勵志

littlehouse 01/02 12:36he was fatXD

bobeyiyi 01/02 12:37肥宅之光

KeMBaWallKer01/02 12:38他好肥笑死

lwei781 01/02 12:38Horses knows better

mvpdirk712 01/02 12:39他好肥XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

jhunfong 01/02 12:44盯可樂的照片XDDD

cyc0307 01/02 12:46哈哈哈哈肥宅之逛

cyc0307 01/02 12:46*光

WLR 01/02 12:47現在是阿瘦

whhw 01/02 12:47

leo255112 01/02 12:49Needcola Jokic XDDDDD

josephpu 01/02 12:49阿肥真的全身都是梗

tommica33 01/02 12:49阿肥真的很強

im31519 01/02 12:53肥宅之光 給推!

jindes 01/02 13:00阿肥是不是在嘴柯黑啊

MyDarkLife 01/02 13:03休賽期 換馬在受訓

MyDarkLife 01/02 13:04他跟字母真的猛 持續進化

queen100000 01/02 13:04可樂表示:好了啦我們回家QQ

dcoog7880 01/02 13:09可口可樂決定把代言抽掉

dream128520101/02 13:14阿肥的名號應該要給77了吧

LAriza 01/02 13:15肥宅快樂水!

OneCell 01/02 13:22哈哈

Wall62 01/02 13:26所以當我第一次看到 Jokic,他好肥XDD

gn00152097 01/02 13:42已經開始擔心退休後的小丑了,會不會淹死在可樂海

gn00152097 01/02 13:42

maxmeyer 01/02 14:02他這季速度上來 防守也提升很多

jerrylin 01/02 14:45伸縮自如的身材

bestforbest 01/02 14:59馬:換你勞動,我喝可愛囉

ohnacl 01/02 15:19上一季就有差了

tingx2 01/02 15:30四樓圖片好好笑

Mafty 01/02 15:31肥XD

susuplay 01/02 15:36零卡喝多我反而不行也 喝多有種奇怪的感覺..

kattte 01/02 16:01騎馬能減肥?

mark0204 01/02 16:14

a3221715 01/02 16:22阿肥 現在太瘦了

BREAKFAST20401/02 17:04MPJ: 他好肥

mumimumimumi01/02 18:32阿肥真的強 每年都更強 最喜歡他跟curry兩位球星

ihczfu 01/02 19:02肥宅之光

XiCheng 01/02 19:07好文

sam123343 01/02 20:13阿肥算是體能差了點 才被放那麼後面順位

sam123343 01/02 20:13新人時期 其實就不難看出 有一定實力了

sam123343 01/02 20:15前面還卡一個nurkic 被重用的時間才比較慢

wahaha303 01/02 22:59肥宅之光

a8084123 01/02 23:48阿肥之光

namon 01/02 23:53阿肥新人年打我犢就直接讓我看呆了,會內線還很會分

namon 01/02 23:53球,然後之後每季都打爆我犢內線。

yeustream 01/02 23:59阿肥家的馬 XDD