[情報] NBA一月MVP:Nikola Jokic/Joel Embiid

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時間推噓32 推:32 噓:0 →:13

Denver Nuggets center Nikola Jokic and Philadelphia 76ers center Joel Embiid have been named the NBA Players of the Month for the month of January.

The playmaking center guided Denver to an 11-5 record in January with averages of 26.6 points, 13.3 rebounds and 9.0 assists in 16 games. Jokic capped off the month with a triple-double (18 points, 10 rebounds, 15 assists) in a road win against the Milwaukee Bucks on Jan. 30. The Nuggets (28-22) are currently the 6th seed in the West standings.

Philadelphia’s standout center powered his team to a 12-3 January with averages of 34.0 points, 10.8 rebounds and 5.1 assists in 15 games. He had a 50-point, 14-rebound game in 27 minutes against the Magic on Jan. 19, scored at least 31 points in five straight games (Jan. 3-12) and closed out the month with 36 points, 12 rebouns and six assists in a win vs. the Kings on Jan. 29. The Sixers (31-19) are currently the 2nd seed in the East standings.

圖 NBA一月MVP:Nikola Jokic/Joel Embiid


另外一月東西區最佳新人為Josh Giddey/Cade Cunningham

圖 NBA一月MVP:Nikola Jokic/Joel Embiid


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※ 編輯: jeff1013 ( 臺灣), 02/03/2022 04:09:13

Vedan 02/03 04:09大中鋒時代又要來了

※ 編輯: jeff1013 ( 臺灣), 02/03/2022 04:14:03 ※ 編輯: jeff1013 ( 臺灣), 02/03/2022 04:14:47

Tommy92C 02/03 04:18這季MVP應該就這兩個爭了?

nnkj 02/03 04:22大魔球時代才是真的 內線>三分線>中距離

utcn92 02/03 04:32NBA終於又有超級中鋒了

md3q6e 02/03 04:33上一季被Le推毀掉的大中鋒對決終於復活了

NightElf 02/03 05:15我大及第又連莊了

love1500274 02/03 05:21Giddey狂拿獎 然後ROY不在前三榜單==

Wi1lXD 02/03 05:26因為西區沒人跟他爭阿 頂多下半季green長起來的話

Wi1lXD 02/03 05:26有機會

patrick123 02/03 05:40太陽13-1表示

cocojohn111 02/03 05:57我壓恩比德MVP

Pinky555 02/03 06:15金塊這戰績還OK啦 上個月鉛筆(8-6)都拿了XD

hsiung9 02/03 06:33說個笑話 跑死歐肥

kkkk0923 02/03 06:42小丑都沒跑死了,還跑死歐肥勒

EZ78 02/03 06:44最佳新秀前幾名都在東區吧 西區好像就Giddey Sengu

EZ78 02/03 06:44n Jones

ODFans 02/03 06:49及第會不會瓜之後第二位拿滿分區最佳新人卻沒有ROY

EZ78 02/03 07:01蠻有機會的吧 今年西區真的沒什麼其他新人他也打得

EZ78 02/03 07:01好 但東區那三隻太強

TimmyJiang 02/03 07:14可能要阿銀突然宣布要把獎項拆成東西組各一個像MLB

TimmyJiang 02/03 07:14那樣

matsuwu 02/03 07:19覺得未來 及第師父 vs 狀元cade 也蠻可期待的

ljk476820 02/03 07:2430歲以上的老人果然只是季初曇花一現 歲月不饒人

langeo 02/03 07:26giddey會排西區第一是西區沒有其他人比他強了阿

heavensun 02/03 07:272位都是 主力隊友 不能上場 還打出好戰績的

langeo 02/03 07:27不然看新秀周排名是CC mobley sb giddey

EZ78 02/03 07:29CC已經用表現讓季初質疑他的人閉嘴了 真的有夠強

sycc 02/03 07:39各位!!兩個中鋒!!

jyekid 02/03 07:44CC適應調整速度真的夠快

hiphopboy7 02/03 08:55中鋒式微(X) 沒有超級中鋒(O)

jzsc5566 02/03 09:15上季就該看到的中鋒對決,可惜其中一人被LBJ弄傷搞

jzsc5566 02/03 09:15掉了

L1ON 02/03 09:15不就爛隊刷數據

k7202001 02/03 09:20鉛筆的傳球能力被低估了 中鋒還有五次很驚人了 但

k7202001 02/03 09:20跟他比的是小丑…

queen100000 02/03 09:335號KD對決5號CP3,今年會上演嗎

madeathmao 02/03 09:33兩個超級中鋒,分別被玻璃心跟玻璃背的隊友耽誤

whhw 02/03 09:38

pharhan 02/03 09:58東筆西肥!

ShawDie 02/03 09:59東區新秀還有魔術的Wagner

jsliao9786 02/03 10:05太帥啦 雙C復興

QVQ9487 02/03 10:47^U^

ThreeNG 02/03 10:53新時代的中鋒時代!

hughjetman 02/03 11:45去年十二月好像也是雙C月最佳

arthur8787 02/03 12:05大中鋒復興