[外絮] Antoine Walker:湖人應該交易三巨頭

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Antoine Walker:湖人應該交易三巨頭

NBA and LA Lakers superstars LeBron James and Anthony Davis have had a tough season, which has prompted folks in the media to believe that the Lakers could be set to lose the duo.


Appearing on Fox Sports' morning show First Things First, former NBA player Antoine Walker believes that the best course of action for the Lakers moving forward is to trade King James and Davis. Walker said:

前NBA球員Antoine Walker出現在Fox Sports的節目First Things First中,他認為湖人隊向前邁進的最佳方案是交易LBJ和AD。Walker說:

"You got to blow it up. It's hard for me to come to this decision but you got blow this up. And what I mean by blow it up, you have to trade LeBron, AD and Westbrook. I want to add Westbrook to the equation as well."


"If I'm the Lakers, I'm calling OKC. I'm calling OKC and offering them AD and Westbrook with an expring contract to get me some picks, to start over. So LeBronsituation, you may want to open those Cleveland door again, LeBron may want to retire home. You may want to call down Miami, where they've got a bunch of three-point shooters."


While there won't be any shortage of suitors for Davis and James, Russell Westbrook, on the other hand, is a different problem as he has had a terrible campaign thus far and is on a mammoth contract. He is set to make over $47 million nextseason.


LeBron James has also been involved in a power struggle with Pelinka and the team's hierarchy. Many reports said the superstar might be interested in a move back to his former team, the Cleveland Cavaliers. The idea is that he may stand a better chance at winning a championship with them than the Lakers.


Anthony Davis, on the other hand, has missed a huge chunk of games due to knee and ankle injuries. The former Pelicans star has a history of being injury-prone, and the Lakers' management and fans' patience seems to be running thin with Davis and his unavailability.


Russell Westbrook is on a massive contract but has only one year left on his deal which might enable teams such as the Indiana Pacers and the OKC Thunder, who are not competing for championships, to take him on.



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k385476916 03/24 00:03什麼時候輪到你說話啦

Despairile 03/24 00:03如果湖人的高層跟球迷有耐心等待的話可以試試

※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 03/24/2022 00:03:29

iamnotme 03/24 00:03這三隻是要怎麼交易...

sindbad903s 03/24 00:03你跟O'neal拿過冠軍又穿過8號跟24號,你說甚麼都對

ste14563 03/24 00:03笑死

sissykin 03/24 00:03在找拜總回來榜眼穩穩到手

tomoti 03/24 00:04這你知我知,湖人高層也知,知易行難...

qwe88016 03/24 00:04LBJ貼簽換AD跟西河

saTUnotSATO 03/24 00:04這一位我記得破產了?

manny875468 03/24 00:05我柯

super009 03/24 00:05484僥倖迷反串的 季後就要一波連勝了誰跟你交易

kraftman 03/24 00:06要怎麼交易

jingle87052403/24 00:06哪來的三

WIGGINS22 03/24 00:09不懂為何他說溜馬跟雷霆可能接受龜 球團寧願給新人

WIGGINS22 03/24 00:09球權隨便打也不需要一個低效率刷子吧

amazingwow 03/24 00:09為了球隊未來好 是這樣沒錯

heavensun 03/24 00:12砍掉重練阿 那去市場賣 但是龜龜賣不掉

NOKIA8888 03/24 00:14確實

hugr85 03/24 00:15溜馬 雷霆 老闆裸照在龜龜身上才有機會吧

Benetnasch 03/24 00:16在騎士贏總冠????Are U kidding?

efbnm753 03/24 00:16ok 我一個禮拜前發了一篇差不多內容的文 結果被桶7

efbnm753 03/24 00:16

ioioioaoaoao03/24 00:19破產人

justice0926 03/24 00:20當初沒找來姆斯就好了啊

derrick1220 03/24 00:21到底在公3小?那湖人可以得到啥?

sezna 03/24 00:22雷霆還是那樣 多包首輪有機會

KarlTowns 03/24 00:22會破產的人,這樣想法很正確,不要跟笨蛋爭辯

mirac1e 03/24 00:22這老醬包又老又貴 誰會要啊

derrick1220 03/24 00:25你自己都講了RW下季薪水47M 誰會要?誰付錢?

wewaJamesla 03/24 00:28也可能想打電話給邁阿密,那裡有一群三分射手☎

DogBe105 03/24 00:30這個建議不錯喔

DogBe105 03/24 00:31湖人不要趕快別浪費時間一堆人排隊好嗎

corlos 03/24 00:36你說丟就丟喔 當別隊都你湖人的回收場 -.-

e49523 03/24 00:50交的出去早就交了還需要你講嗎

ste14563 03/24 00:50想多了

r789p987p 03/24 00:54LBJ跟AD丟出去還是一堆人搶著要,龜龜不好說最近狀

r789p987p 03/24 00:54態回暖了

Gsun 03/24 00:56你誰啊? 會扭就了不起?

foolishbi 03/24 00:58老詹只能FA回克城才好奪冠

candbilly15303/24 01:02就算真的這樣搞,我覺得最後湖人還是會把簽跟小醬再

candbilly15303/24 01:02打包出去換明星然後又暴死

chinringo 03/24 01:08這位才是真正的「安東尼」

kraftman 03/24 01:14哪隊要

Kevin0608 03/24 01:23雷霆要AD這個已經過巔峰的痛痛人幹嘛

Kevin0608 03/24 01:24短期無爭冠機會 合約還那麼長

black510113 03/24 01:28要交易別人也要能撿啊= = 當別隊都傻了?

black510113 03/24 01:30尤其龜龜要交易來卡薪資空間嗎…..

iopjklbnm 03/24 01:39你給雷霆兩隻首輪 雷霆是有可能幫忙裁西河啦 尤

iopjklbnm 03/24 01:39其合約就一年 西河跟雷霆的關係又不錯 雷霆明年

iopjklbnm 03/24 01:39也沒薪資壓力

flicker36 03/24 01:40一個老 一個廢 一個傷

NOKIA8888 03/24 01:45誰不知道

tomoti 03/24 01:47這三隻如果都領二千萬,大家都會真香~但這三隻都頂薪

karta328 03/24 01:47龜龜可以去尼克啊 LBJ去騎士 AD去公牛

asdfzx 03/24 02:11破產人講的話值得參考嗎?

VL1003 03/24 02:23要雷霆幫吃龜龜一年約要貼籤才有得談,還想拿籤一

VL1003 03/24 02:23定是被掛電話的, 而 LBJ 交易去熱火/騎士,對面要

VL1003 03/24 02:23出什麼? AD 要交易去溜馬也等傷後回歸再說吧…

saTUnotSATO 03/24 02:29所以說留龜放權帶雜魚給他打 AD LBJ有價值的去換籤

AterPin 03/24 03:08珍妮阿姨會留著LBJ賣票吧 退休巡迴 賺爛

xxxrecoil 03/24 03:31誰要?

sameber520 03/24 03:32根本不是做出決定的問題 媒體這種屁話也一篇報導

illmatic 03/24 03:53Westbrook不算巨頭吧

huesis 03/24 04:50LBJ不會離開的啦

orangeray 03/24 05:46但是湖人不敢,也沒人要收

scopeowl 03/24 06:34可以丟就丟啦現在比賽比老大時期難看許多

kaybear3001 03/24 07:00他講的是小市場球隊的作法 湖人就是等下一個巨星

ilanese 03/24 07:07多方交易的話,是可行的。

lpmybig 03/24 07:15真的 應該要把我姆交易走

HellFly 03/24 07:21唯二跟o'neal奪冠穿8號的男人

jordan1109 03/24 07:30濫投王始祖

danorken 03/24 08:09交易可以 要換誰? 根本想不到誰要換

boshrush 03/24 08:10AD就神獸級的,丟出來秒簽

Demia 03/24 08:55當其他隊都盤子?

bernie88030303/24 08:55欸 不是欸 龜的合約就是我雷給的 現在要自己吃認真

bernie88030303/24 08:55

Elfgj 03/24 08:59AD+LBJ 換KI+BS,winwin

yeshavan 03/24 09:04頭洗下去了 誰跟你退錢 傻哦

skygray2 03/24 09:13勇士500收,富邦勇士

skygray2 03/24 09:1475大不算巨頭,484看不起人啊

ackaidsss 03/24 09:26為了411,湖人和本人不會交易的

Wishmaster 03/24 09:28lbj,ad都好解決,龜龜...

AngelNo13 03/24 09:28我科說話了

aimlikenoob 03/24 12:36能賣掉早賣了

power2618 03/24 12:52ADLBJ 剩下一位巨頭是誰?

ILLwill 03/24 12:52時代先驅,舊時代不理解他的球風

whhw 03/24 13:53確實

roudolf 03/24 20:25AD痛成這樣,Westbook薪水太高