[外絮] 阿泰:龜龜會是我喜歡執教的球員

看板NBA標題[外絮] 阿泰:龜龜會是我喜歡執教的球員作者
時間推噓53 推:54 噓:1 →:18

Former Los Angeles Lakers star Metta Sandiford-Artest is not one bit concerned about Russell Westbrook and the future of the Purple and Gold despite their disastrous 2021-22 season.


The Lakers missed the playoffs after finishing 11th in the West, a shocking ending to a season that started with championship aspirations behind LeBron James, Anthony Davis and Westbrook. Frank Vogel has since been fired following the campaign, and questions about the team’s future are running rampant.

湖人以西區第11錯過季後賽,對開季圍繞Lebron、AD、龜龜三人展望總冠軍的湖人來說這是很震驚的結局。Frank Vogel也被炒掉了,而這隻球隊的未來也被激烈討論中。

Artest, however, thinks the Lakers’ problems are easy to fix. He even expressed belief that Vogel did a good job with the team, it’s just that the expectations to win are too high in Los Angeles.


“Frank Vogel, I think he did a great job. But it was tough. Lakers are a toughcity, you gotta win,” Metta Sandiford-Artest said, per SNY.TV. “And he wasn’t able to get this crew together like fans would’ve liked. So they did what they had to do.


“So now I think the Lakers will be fine if [Anthony Davis] comes back better. LeBron [James] is fine. LeBron is incredible. And then [Russell] Westbrook, not the greatest season, but I believe in him. I think that all his issues are fixable to me, honestly. Every single one of them. He’s someone who I would definitely love to coach. A player like that, someone who you can help get out of a rut,that’s a real challenge.”




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jim12441 05/20 14:1976人找去當助教實在點

qwerty110 05/20 14:19那鬍子呢

Eijidate 05/20 14:19阿泰去執教哈登啦

Flitz 05/20 14:19不然你來

hunt5566 05/20 14:19其實可以 話題夠就好 哈哈哈哈哈

Ikaruwill 05/20 14:20鬍子給阿泰來執教應該會重回MVP身手

yuenwwjd 05/20 14:20啊泰要教格鬥

sana113821 05/20 14:21阿泰可以欸 來試試?

loserloser 05/20 14:21缺錢?

qmaning 05/20 14:21留下支援鬍子凹臉.jpg

AhirunoSora 05/20 14:21過來給教練尻一下

ljk476820 05/20 14:22我沒有 有請樓下

tf310244 05/20 14:26阿泰回去接教練 心理壓力不會比當球員低吧

tf310244 05/20 14:26這樣對他好嗎

Demia 05/20 14:26我怕她會跟球員打起來

hiphopboy7 05/20 14:27感覺會被揍

xjapan329 05/20 14:27拳擊教學嗎

Neotiger 05/20 14:28球員在那邊不聽話直接開揍 應該很有話題性

a26480924 05/20 14:29禪師教練阿泰助教 好硬喔

wsx808071 05/20 14:31熱血開扁

sakraypopo 05/20 14:39NBA振總

holyhelm 05/20 14:40太棒了 我要看阿泰執教啊~~~~~~~~~~

Gsun 05/20 14:43阿泰執教 不爽來1on1 無規則

liusim 05/20 14:43鬍子甩態的時候 阿泰:你是忘記了還是害怕想起來

Gsun 05/20 14:44阿泰執教鬍子: 聽說你昨晚又去脫衣酒吧? 嗯?(折手

kixer2005 05/20 14:46不乖就揍他

KillLakers 05/20 14:48當然執教哈登阿 哈登馬上變全力登 XDDDDDDD

carey1119 05/20 14:48去76人吧,ㄤ

ms19889120 05/20 14:50物理修正

NTUKarbe 05/20 14:50下季湖人總教練預定?

jacky40383 05/20 15:01格鬥教練

k102asdf 05/20 15:01不乖就打 打龜泰

aegisWIsL 05/20 15:07去執教76吧 比較精彩

yniori 05/20 15:08阿泰....你當教練...誰當球?

RedLiam 05/20 15:10Point God:當我空氣?

amazingwow 05/20 15:11綜藝天團找阿泰 那可以喔!

sexygnome 05/20 15:19樓下支援鬍子被尻的圖

kingroy 05/20 15:21鬍子表示:張遼我的頭又開始疼了

josephpu 05/20 15:22禪師:就是他了

dfish 05/20 15:29這個可以 給過~戲劇效果夠就對了

sky001tp 05/20 15:31阿泰:湖人還不招募我當教練

l2l 05/20 15:40這種毫無資歷的 只要能當教練 什麼爛條件都接受

larson 05/20 15:40阿泰這是在遞履歷嗎?XDD

Ikaruwill 05/20 15:52阿泰履歷上寫著:一肘將哈登從第六人尻成MVP

MrTen 05/20 15:53阿納貝貝要執教秀逗泰山

dlcro 05/20 15:5576人需要你

whhw 05/20 16:01新教練

davidhsu 05/20 16:02世平要打到龜龜聽話嗎?XD

wewe44556 05/20 16:10洛杉磯魏永泰 : 沒關係 龜龜 投不進算我的

asgardgogo 05/20 16:11修正拳

EndGod 05/20 16:34會不會突然揍球員

Hohenzollern05/20 16:55阿泰做總教練一定很鐵血

CW4 05/20 16:55執教風格:在休息室和高管與球員打成一片(物理)

Darius1979 05/20 16:55他大學就把教練趕出辦公室了,執教一定扁球員

gary360 05/20 16:57來76人吧 Harden的表現肯定會回神

flycarb 05/20 17:00看來4他了

winnabe 05/20 17:33美國拳總?

reaman 05/20 17:34教練親自下來打(物理)

ilanese 05/20 17:39打球還是打拳?

Hiatc 05/20 17:46沒有球員是一肘教不會的 如果有 那就兩肘

oops66 05/20 18:08鬍子:............

caesst85149 05/20 18:10就選世界和平當湖人教練好了

ZaireWade3 05/20 18:20打到你龜殼裂開

koae50 05/20 18:26可以來湖人鞭策老詹嗎

vltw5v 05/20 18:51球員不聽話直接尻下去就對了

ymsc30102 05/20 18:59老鼠師傅

asdfzx 05/20 19:05尻力

hawklo1211 05/20 19:17投一次BRICK就尻一次

xman262 05/20 19:30翻譯:想捶爆他

yamatobar 05/20 20:24阿泰表示:不服從我的指導是不是,那就去練舞室解決!

offish 05/21 02:32支持阿泰執教湖人

zzz71084482 05/21 07:29靠背,物理鞭策XD

r05066 05/21 19:05湖人名宿講話了