[情報] Amir Coffey 3Y/11M 留快艇

看板NBA標題[情報] Amir Coffey 3Y/11M 留快艇作者
時間推噓13 推:13 噓:0 →:6

Amir Coffey has agreed to a three-year, $11M deal with the Clippers, his
agents Bill Duffy and Marlon Harrison of @BDA_Sports and WME Sports tell ESPN.

Amir Coffey 三年11M 留在快艇


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kurenaiz 07/01 06:35好耶

mhkt 07/01 06:36原PO 終於搶到一篇文章了 XD

ken720331 07/01 06:36@[email protected]

AtDe 07/01 06:37快艇牌咖啡

KKyosuke 07/01 06:382F好壞

karta199256007/01 06:38恭喜

bakedgrass 07/01 06:43笑了XD 還真的搶了四篇失敗

bakedgrass 07/01 06:44其實他有兩篇搶成功啦

EZ78 07/01 07:02好欸 讚啦

huesis 07/01 07:03必須恭喜原PO

ABiao0220 07/01 07:28恭喜原po!

josephpu 07/01 07:53恭喜咖啡

Ducklover 07/01 08:10原po不屈不撓,給讚!

leg0125 07/01 08:3242A我靠窗邊坐下

YokeYoke 07/01 08:53恭喜原po

ppo7741 07/01 10:27太濃了吧

z50020 07/01 11:02恭喜

AirRider 07/01 15:47恭喜! 原po!

islandant 07/01 16:06咖啡哥這個價位俗耶