[情報] Pat Connaughton和公鹿提前續約

看板NBA標題[情報] Pat Connaughton和公鹿提前續約作者
時間推噓23 推:23 噓:0 →:6

Milwaukee Bucks swingman Pat Connaughton is finalizing a three-year, $30 million contract extension with the franchise, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.The deal takes the Bucks' key shooter and well-regarded leader through the 2025-26 season.


Milwaukee Bucks G Pat Connaughton has agreed on a three-year, $28.5M extension with a player option, his agents Jeff Schwartz and Jordan Gertler of @ExcelBasketball tell ESPN.



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※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 07/13/2022 11:53:28

lp123gbaj 07/13 11:54般皿

KKyosuke 07/13 11:55現在10M叫做中產以下了..

sezna 07/13 11:57角色球員差不多吧 中產級

TheoEpstein 07/13 12:01鳥權,應該是低於中產

※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 07/13/2022 12:03:12

tomoti 07/13 12:04中產應該有快到12M了吧...

gbs 07/13 12:06佛心約

pay17 07/13 12:12算便宜吧

KKyosuke 07/13 12:12今年中產起薪10.5左右吧

taipeifinest07/13 12:12降薪留舒適圈

harry881210 07/13 12:14便宜

※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 07/13/2022 12:15:07

robinkidd 07/13 12:18陪字母一起走四年

fatoil27 07/13 12:19恭喜

hcl00 07/13 12:20現在中產10.5了

Bigcookie2 07/13 12:22讚 恭喜

bbbyes123 07/13 12:29這樣公鹿還留得下大羅嗎 ?

Linmamba 07/13 12:34還蠻聰明的續到字母球員選項那年字母離開也能跳車

hcl00 07/13 12:34大羅有鳥權 但已經簽Portis了

ginopun1047707/13 12:55已羨慕 他超讚

TheoEpstein 07/13 13:11不對我搞錯了!

TheoEpstein 07/13 13:11這是延長合約不是鳥權續約

craymond 07/13 13:21簽高一點好包起來換KD?

liefuchen 07/13 13:22Pat這個價應該算剛剛好 滿符合他的身價

mPotatoHead 07/13 14:37現在是34M/4y

s21mo9025 07/13 14:45差不多啊

jack1993199307/13 15:03矮歸矮但很壯 可以跟字母PK重訓的男人

thorn 07/13 15:11冠軍那年很準

jyekid 07/13 20:48干 太便宜了吧

loopdiuretic07/13 21:35不錯

evan700607 07/14 11:43正資產 有3D有籃板