[專欄] 活塞的新4號位- Stewart?

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Who’s the 4? Isaiah Stewart’s new shooting touch could transform him from undersized starting center to oversized starting power forward

誰是大前? Stewart的投籃手感可以讓他從矮中鋒變大號大前鋒

The moment Jerami Grant was traded, the big question became, “Who is going to take his place in the starting lineup?” The answer wasn’t found in free agency, with the Detroit Pistons adding center Nerlens Noel, shooting guard Alec Burks and long-shot reclamation project Kevin Knox. Nor was it found in the draft where the Pistons took off guard Jaden Ivey and big man Jalen Duren. As it stands, the Pistons have zero prototypical power forwards on their roster. As we search for answers, Detroit Bad Boys
will be examining five candidates on their potential as the starting 4. Unless a trade is made, it’s gotta be one of these guys, right?


活塞在季中補了中鋒Noel SG Burks 還有延伸型投射球員Knox ,而選秀也找不到(大前鋒),但帶回來了後衛Ivey跟大個Jalen Duren.


Before we take a look at the film to see what Detroit Pistons big man Isaiah Stewart actually showed on the court through two Summer League games in Las Vegas, I first want to give my thoughts on the idea behind him expanding his game to play the “4.”
For me, fans’ thoughts and opinions on this remind me a little bit of the conversation around Saddiq Bey working on his all-around offensive game last offseason and in Summer League. There were some opinions out there that he shouldn’t be working on his off-the-dribble and isolation games and instead should focus on mastering his 3-and-D role. While I understand this opinion and respect everyone’s, I personally disagreed.



The advantage of where this Detroit Pistons organization currently stands is you are able to allow your young players to spend offseasons, Summer Leagues, and even time in-season working on weaknesses because you simply aren’t that worried about wins and losses right now. If they were a legit playoff contender they would not have had the ability and patience to let Bey work through those early-season struggles and eventually regain his “form” throughout the middle and end of the season. Whether it
worked or not is another story but it’s about taking those opportunities to try and maximize the abilities of each of your players.


With that said, I absolutely think that Stewart should be doing everything he can to expand his offensive game beyond what we have seen the first two seasons. The Pistons will yet again be in a situation this season where the wins and losses are not the most important criteria for success. The first two offseasons of his young career have been less than “normal” with the Covid pandemic his rookie year and the ankle injury keeping him out of offseason work most recently. Stewart is finally getting a
summer to work on really becoming a legitimate 3-point shooter and play that stretch big role to go along with what he brings on the defensive end.



When you look at the current roster construction for the Pistons, you see why this would be a major development for Stewart. This would allow Dwane Casey to play him with more paint and pick-and-roll bigs in the rotation like Marvin Bagley III, Jalen Duren, and Nerlens Noel. Stewart is not as good as any of those guys as a vertical threat at the rim in ballscreen situations or in the dunker spot, but if he is able to be a respectable 3-point shooter you can use him to space the floor while those guys
operate in the pick and roll with Cade, Killian, and company.

如果你了解活塞目前的球員名單,就知道這可以使Casey在油漆區調度上更加自由。不同於MBIII , Duren還有Noel,Stewart並不擅長在籃下垂直起跳後暴力進攻籃框,如果他的投射可以成為有效武器,他可以跟Cade還有Killian打擋拆

This also gives you a really intriguing pair of bigs on the defensive end when he is on the floor with Duren or Noel. Stewart can be your ball screen switch big which would leave Duren/Noel roaming on the back line of the defense to provide rim protection. It also gives you a ton of flexibility in general when putting your lineups together depending on your opponent that night. If a team goes big, like the T’Wolves, then you have Stew playing the 4 with one of the aforementioned 5s. If a team wants to
go small then you can play Livers or Bey at the 4 and have Stew, or any of MBIII/Duren/Noel, playing at the 5.

如果Stewart跟Duren或Noel同時在場,除了扎實的防守之外也可以提供高品質的撲前防守,讓Duren或Noel堅守籃下 。這讓球隊有更好的靈活性。需要大陣容的時候可以讓他打4號位,像是灰狼。而其他情況需要小球的時候也可以讓他或MBIII Duren Noel打5號,將Bey拉上來打4號

Again, I am not really worried about all of that right now, although being able to get some of the young bigs minutes at the same time for their development along with keeping floor spacing for the guard development is important. But you can use this off-season and season to develop Stewart at the 4 for those situations down the road when this team is in a playoff series against their Central Division counterpart Cleveland Cavaliers throwing out a frontcourt of Evan Mobley and Jarrett Allen.

雖然同時培養過多的大個子並不容易,但這不影響你讓他們在休賽季練習新技術,而活塞的主要對手- 同區的騎士,他們的前場可是Mobley與Allen

All of this is why I was somewhat disappointed in Killian Hayes one summer league game. We saw Hayes do, simply, what Hayes does best, and I wanted to see him get the opportunity to consistently attack to score with the ball in his hands OR even play off the ball but shoot 10 3-pointers a game. Either one of those would, seemingly, put him outside of his comfort zone and force him to work on things he hasn’t shown to be great at. And make no mistake, it is okay to put these young players out of their
comfort zones, ESPECIALLY in the off-season and summer league.


Isaiah Stewart needs to be taking 3, 4, 5 catch-and-shoot 3-pointers a game to start the season. Beef Stew needs to be operating in DHOs, throwing backdoors, attacking closeouts, and all-around seeing what else he can bring to the table offensively. If it is an absolute disaster through the first half of the season and you see he is losing overall confidence in his game, then you dial it back to the things he does best and regroup for next off season. Until then, I want to continue to see this
organization push these young players out of their comfort zones and preconceived bounds to help them reach their max potential as players and for the overall benefit of the team.

Stewart必須出手 3-4-5次CS三分 再開季的時候,他需要更多DHO(空手跑位or 手遞手跑位),也許在季賽開始,這樣會是一場災難,但他需要全方面的開發進攻潛力。如果他失去了信心,沒關係,讓他做回擅長的事情,並在休賽季重新來過。我們希望這些球員離開舒適區,並看看他們的天賦極限。以幫助他們開發潛力並幫助整個球隊


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ioioioaoaoao07/14 10:32跟lbj衝突那個

smithjr 07/14 10:32衝撞皇上的男人

kenkuo1688 07/14 10:32走位練好應該不錯

VL1003 07/14 10:33Stewart 不知道球商能不能做好這些... 不然只是想像

c27932589 07/14 10:34牛肉的三分我覺得有一定水準了 但觀念還是沒救起來

c27932589 07/14 10:34 目前的牛肉打擋拆或無球跑位那是一個悲劇

XXXaBg 07/14 10:34被Sky嫌到爆的那個

c27932589 07/14 10:35牛肉上季三分出手少 但命中率也不錯 夏聯更明顯了

sakraypopo 07/14 10:35感覺還是會讓MB3吧 新合約都簽下來了

Gakura 07/14 10:35Stewart防守大鎖?守住自己人?

azlbf 07/14 10:35今年補一堆大個子 他沒辦法進化 大概就掰了

LEBR0NJAMES607/14 10:36暴力仔

c27932589 07/14 10:36要是樣本數拉高還能維持這樣的命中率的話 有希望成

c27932589 07/14 10:36為破產版KAT

c27932589 07/14 10:37沒有補一堆大個子阿 加duren跟noel 丟garza 多一個

c27932589 07/14 10:37Noel明年約滿八成也會直接放掉 甚至季中就賣了

VL1003 07/14 10:37覺得三分可能練得起來啦,但問題他的球商,要磨到文

gary360 07/14 10:38LBJ陰招的受害者

VL1003 07/14 10:38章內空手跑位和做擋拆,現在看覺得比練好三分遙遠。

wahaha303 07/14 10:41Cade負重器

joeynbaheat 07/14 10:41羌族重點追殺名單

boy80421 07/14 10:44這隻真的有種大前鋒版瘋狗貝的感覺

KobeNi 07/14 10:44這隻不是走位出了名的雷?

KobeNi 07/14 10:44害CC少了超多助攻的男人

Arigatosam 07/14 10:47好啊 不要卡在籃下的打法

Leaflock 07/14 10:47猛男衝鋒

deadair 07/14 10:48練三分之前 擋拆 無球 都要先練起來 跑位超災難的

EZ78 07/14 10:49一堆嘴他很雷 可是防守籃板這些藍領技能他很罩欸

EZ78 07/14 10:50MB3問題應該比他還多

c27932589 07/14 10:52對喔 牛肉的籃板/分鐘是聯盟前20的等級

c27932589 07/14 10:52身材很壯讓他的禁區強度非常高

c27932589 07/14 10:52不過MB3籃板也沒那麼差啦 防守有比較差一點

moss622 07/14 10:54他打四號防守會被敵人拉出去玩死吧

c27932589 07/14 10:55原文就有說打大陣容才讓他扛4了==

hijodedios3607/14 10:56還好吧 他的橫移不差啊

iZinger 07/14 10:56沒差吧,活塞現階段死馬當活馬醫,他也不可能是未

iZinger 07/14 10:56來真正的4號解

c27932589 07/14 10:56小球放他5 bey4 diallo3 ivey跟CC後場也可以

moss622 07/14 10:59他就傳統矮壯坦克,體能又平均而已,傳統禁區技能

moss622 07/14 10:59也沒點滿,才快失去位置

kent0405 07/14 10:59新一代反詹大將軍?

EZ78 07/14 11:00主要是MB3的問題比他複雜啦 Stewart也許真的讓他投

EZ78 07/14 11:00三分減少參與進攻就可以解決很多問題 但對他個人球

EZ78 07/14 11:00員發展不是好事就是了

mygapawa 07/14 11:01Stewart 做好藍領該做的就好了,活賽搶投的人一堆

EZ78 07/14 11:02沒吧 活塞上一季問題是貧攻啊XDD

azlbf 07/14 11:02搶頭(O 投不進(O

EZ78 07/14 11:02怎麼會有人覺得活塞不需要人投籃

moss622 07/14 11:03現在新秀長人能跑能跳的一堆,傳統矮壯體能普普的

moss622 07/14 11:03沒一手特殊技能很容易淘汰

azlbf 07/14 11:03其實就是把吃餅讓出去 掩護後蹲底角

answermangtr07/14 11:03看完活塞本季陣容 今年大有可為

c27932589 07/14 11:04活塞的攻擊力加入ivey跟duren應該會改善 而且Burks

c27932589 07/14 11:04也是優秀的戰力

sanjik 07/14 11:04牛肉有在練三分喔!之前還有影片,練習時頗準

EZ78 07/14 11:04Stewart這種藍領工願意領600-1000萬也能在聯盟活很

EZ78 07/14 11:04久就是 當然啦 他機體本來就不是先發等級就是

sanjik 07/14 11:05牛肉防守還算能跟出去到三分線外,凱西也有稱讚過

c27932589 07/14 11:06牛肉不太可能被淘汰 他除了球商以外都很優秀其實

EZ78 07/14 11:06他橫移我記得就禁區球員以上 側翼以下

sanjik 07/14 11:06他如果能練出轉打4號能力,上場時間才能確保

hyw3125 07/14 11:07三分練出來應該會比在內線亂走好很多

azlbf 07/14 11:13Ivey需要禁區空間吧

moss622 07/14 11:18其實肯練的球員都給予肯定,反觀……

moss622 07/14 11:19我絕對不是在說籃網那位 真的

kingianlin 07/14 11:20他的問題是觀念吧 走位好像真的不好

weather12 07/14 11:21勇者

yyest62845 07/14 11:22Steward算蠻耐戰的,球隊還是需要有人卡做髒活

xo45527788 07/14 11:22三分投那麼少 先增加吧?

evangelew 07/14 11:30這篇我看不懂...

evangelew 07/14 11:32現在NBA 哪還有典型四號這種位置?

evangelew 07/14 11:33有缺內線,有缺側翼,有缺控球這都能理解 但缺4號位

evangelew 07/14 11:33是什麼鬼

lafeelbarth 07/14 11:42代表作不是被老詹扁嗎

LoMing1021 07/14 11:48他能練成外線好處很多 多一些時間站在三分線外可以

LoMing1021 07/14 11:48減少卡住隊友進攻路線的機率 也能幫CC Ivey拉開空間

zzzzsos999 07/14 12:08這球商練完外線一樣不會走位啦

Yan963 07/14 12:282k用他打大前 等於C還要再放一個長人 整體進攻速度

Yan963 07/14 12:28變超慢

a44642 07/14 13:08他站位很悲劇

a44642 07/14 13:08幫CC QQ

your1225 07/14 13:22用臉接羌皇霸王肘的男人

a9564208 07/14 13:34不要動就不會有走位問題了(X)

spree1 07/14 14:14有人真的在乎活賽的陣容嗎...

c27932589 07/14 14:25樓上的素質還是回去看台籃吧

saturday556607/14 15:24拿下去年狀元,今年又有樂透簽+潛力新秀,很多人都

saturday556607/14 15:24在期待活塞新陣容吧

vic1201 07/14 16:196’8算哪門子的大號大前鋒

islandant 07/14 16:33他的問題不是傳統技能啊 是球商真的有夠差 看他順下

islandant 07/14 16:33的走位會看到中風

blackorblue 07/14 17:24不在乎幹嘛進來留言討論 時間太多嗎

some80412 07/14 17:26什麼樣的素質就講什麼樣的話

missyou426 07/14 18:19今年真的能幹大事

tswen 07/14 18:44去年打很爛

zyzzyvab 07/14 23:20MB3才是先發四號,這作者根本是傻

zyzzyvab 07/14 23:20英文沒比較屌