[外絮] 關於Sarver處分The Athletic 長文FAQ

看板NBA標題[外絮] 關於Sarver處分The Athletic 長文FAQ作者
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來源: The Athletic
另外名記者Sam Amick自己也有寫一篇 措辭更加強烈 但我只有手機懶得翻了XD

The NBA punished Robert Sarver Tuesday after the conclusion of a 10-month-long investigation of the Phoenix Suns and Mercury owner. Sarver has been suspended for one year from having any role with the two organizations, and has been fined $10 million.

NBA在長達10個月的調查之後星期二懲罰了太陽與水星隊老闆Robert Sarver。他被從兩隊的管理層停權一年並罰金10M。

The suspension came after the NBA hired a law firm to look into allegations of racism and misogyny by Sarver in an ESPN article published last November. The investigation, performed by white-shoe law firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katzn New York, looked into his 18-year tenure at the helm of both franchises. The league published a 36-page report of its findings, documenting a long list of transgressions by Sarver.

這個處罰是在NBA在去年11月一篇ESPN文章指控Sarver種族歧視與仇女後委託法律事務所調?的。這是由紐約白鞋所(指精英級別的法律事務所)Wachtell, Lipton與Katz事務所接手了Sarver長達18年份、2支球隊的擁有歷史的調查。聯盟出版了一個36頁的報告並記錄了Sarver?滿的踰矩。

Sarver, the report found, used the N-word “at least five times in repeating orpurporting to repeat what a Black person said — four of those after being toldby both Black and white subordinates that he should not use the word.” He disparaged women in the workplace, including telling a pregnant woman she would not be able to do her job after she became a mother, and engaged in “unequal treatment of female employees.”


The investigation painted a picture of a hostile workplace, headed by Sarver, who would embarrass employees and make them feel uncomfortable with behavior thatranged from what the investigation called “sophomoric” to discriminatory. Butfault did not lie with Sarver alone; the investigation found that the Suns organization was a “difficult place for women to work, particularly if they have young children” and that executives occasionally treated women differently there than men.
“Sarver believed workplace norms did not apply to him and viewed common conventions as to what language he should use and what conduct he should avoid as a form of challenge,” the report found. Additionally, the report notes that “witnesses said that Sarver’s workplace actions often seemed intended solely to provoke a reaction from employees — to embarrass them or assert dominance over them.?


Here is an FAQ as to what we know so far about Sarver and the Suns, as a resultof the NBA’s investigation.


What did the NBA find in its investigation?


The report, commissioned by the league, outlined a troubling pattern of behavior by Sarver that included his use of racial epithets; that he “used language and engaged in conduct demeaning of female employees;” that he made crude jokes about the physical appearance of women — including female employees of the Suns;that he twice made male employees uncomfortable by getting naked or showing hisgenitals; and that more than 50 “current and former employees reported that Sarver frequently engaged in demeaning and harsh treatment of employees… that on occasion constituted bullying under workplace standards.”

這份由聯盟認證的調查細數了Sarver很有問題的行為模式,其中包含了他對於種族歧視性綽?的使用;他”用言語及涉入一些羞辱女性員工的行為”;他會對女性外表開一些很粗糙的玩笑—其中包含了太陽的女性員工;他曾經藉由裸露與秀出生殖器2次造成男性員工的不適(抱歉我停一下 嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔);並超過”50名現任與前任員工檢舉Sarver曾對他們有過羞辱以及?薄的對待…這構成職場標準下的霸凌行為。

The report did not deduce a definitive reason for his actions, but its authors wrote that “Sarver often acted aggressively in an apparent effort to provoke a reaction from his targets; Sarver’s sense of humor was sophomoric and inappropriate for the workplace; and Sarver behaved as though workplace norms and policies did not apply to him. Witnesses observed that Sarver “lacked a filter” and“
thrive(d) off” saying and doing things to make others uncomfortable.”


How did the law firm obtain this information?


Investigators at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz began work in Nov. 2021 and reached out to every employee currently employed by the Suns, to more than 150 former employees, and had 20 former employees reach out on their own. The investigators ended up speaking with 320 people — including Sarver and 12 Suns minority owners. The Suns waived any nondisclosure agreements in effect after being asked by the investigators. They reviewed more than 80,000 texts, emails, and documents from Suns employees. They also watched 51 archived Suns employee meetings. TheSuns cooperated in full, the report said. “Early in the investigation, the investigators learned that the Suns’ HR department had historically maintained poor records, and, accordingly, the HR files received by the investigators were limited in number, incomplete, and disorganized,” the report said.


Sarver was interviewed and his work and personal emails were reviewed. As was his phone, which was “forensically imaged and reviewed for materials responsive to the investigators’ requests.”


Why does the NBA have the authority to punish Sarver?


The investigation found that Sarver’s actions were in violation of the Suns workplace policy and the NBA Constitution. The latter gives commissioner Adam Silver the power to investigate issues that could impact the NBA in a negative way to impose punishment in the best interest of the league.

調查發現Sarver的行為違反太陽與NBA機構的職場政策。後者給主席Adam Silver以他造成NBA負面影響為由處罰他的權力以獲取聯盟的最大利益。

What exactly did Sarver do?


Sarver used the N-word at least five times, including in a 2004 recruiting meeting with a free agent, during a team-building exercise, and at least twice retelling an incident with a player’s family member. “As early as 2004, Sarver was made aware that he should not use the N-word even when repeating another perso’s use of it,” the report said. After Sarver used the N-word during the 2012-13team-building exercise in front of players and some coaches and front office staff, summarizing what a player had said, a team representative told him he couldnot say the word.

Sarver使用了N-Word至少5次,其中包含了於2004年與一名自由球員的招募會議(難怪沒人要?笑死)與球隊建築內運動並至少2次於一場與球員家人的事件中覆述。”早在2004, Sarver早已被告知他不該在另一個人講的時候復述。”報告指出。根據一個球員說, 在Sarver 12-13年在球員與一些教練面前,在球隊代表早告訴他不該講這個字的狀況下用這個字。

In October 2016, after a game against the Warriors, Sarver complained to a Black Suns coach that a Black Warriors player was allowed to say the N-word without punishment. The report recounted the interaction: “Why does (the Warriors player) get to say (N-word, N-word, N-word, N-word, N-word)?!” After the coach said,“You can’t f—ing say that,” Sarver replied, “I can’t say (N-word, N-word,
N-word)?” Sarver then sent an email to the NBA league office complaining aboutthe officiating during game, mentioning several other instances, but also “he purported to quote the Warriors player as saying the N-word spelled out with an ?a” at the end,” according to the report.

在2016年10月一場對決勇士的比賽後,他對太陽黑人總教練抱怨為啥黑人勇士球員可以說N-Word而不被處罰。報告回憶了互動情形:”為什麼(某勇士球員)可以說(B B B B B太長了 我?))?!”教練說”你他X的不准講”Sarver回道”我不能說(B B B)?” Sarver接下來便寄了一

The investigation found that Sarver “engaged in inequitable and demeaning conduct toward female employees, including bullying.” He told one pregnant female employee in 2008 that she could not continue in her role coordinating an event because when the event was to occur she would have already given birth. “Witnesses recalled Sarver saying, in substance, that the employee could not perform the assignment because she would be “breastfeeding” and her “baby needs their mom, not their father,” the report said. The woman became upset and cried. Anotheremployee who had witnessed the event later told Sarver that he had not handled that situation properly; Sarver and a lawyer later called that witness and the lawyer told her Sarver didn’t do anything wrong and “Sarver then criticized thewitness for questioning Sarver’s judgment.” The pregnant woman kept her job.


In 2011, a week after he screamed at a female employee because he was unhappy with a video she had produced, causing her to cry, Sarver entered her office and closed the door and “said in substance, ‘Why can’t we get along? What’s wrong
with you?’ When the female employee began to cry, Sarver then said in a raised voice, ‘Why do all the women around here cry so much?'” Soon after, Sarver held a lunch for Suns and Western Alliance Bank employees (he is its CEO) and allemployees were women. “Two Suns attendees perceived Sarver’s arrangement of the lunch to be a response to the video incident described above, to reflect Sarver’s opinion that female Suns employees were insufficiently tough and/or “cry so much,'” the report said. “And was intended to enable the female bank employees to explain to the female Suns employees how to handle Sarver’s demands. Thesame attendees perceived the lunch as uncomfortable and demeaning.” Sarver admitted the lunch was arranged but said it was to “facilitate networking between the entities,” according to the report. Investigators wrote that they believed the lunch was for the purposes stated by witnesses, not Sarver.

2011年時在Sarver因為對一名女員工製作的影片不滿意對她大吼並讓他哭的一週後, Sarver進入她的辦公室並關門,實質上的說”為什麼我們處不好?你有什麼問題?”當女性員工開始?之後, Sarver隨即提高音量”為什麼這些女人總是那麼愛哭?”隨即,Sarver與阿萊恩西部銀行的員工(他是CEO)且所有員工皆為女性開午餐會。其中銀行的2名員工反映了上述的影片事件並指出Sarver認為女性員工都很爛且很愛哭。且想要讓銀行的員工去跟該女員工解釋如何處理Sarver的要求。這兩位午餐會的參與者敘述該餐會為”不舒服”且”貶低性”的。Sarv

The report outlines six times when Sarver made vulgar or sexual jokes to employees. It found he sent around pornographic material to male Suns executives, including a video and photos of a naked woman.


He made male employees uncomfortable, as well. While a male employee was on hisknees giving Sarver a fitness check, Sarver dropped his underwear and exposed his genitals. In 2016, the report said, Sarver stood naked in front of an employee after taking a shower in the coaches shower.

他也造成男性員工的不適。當男性員工在他的膝蓋上幫他試衣服是否合身,Sarver脫下他的?褲來讓該男性員工看他的生殖器(嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔)。2016年時,報告指出, Sarver在?練浴室洗完澡後於一名員工面前脫光衣服的站著

On several instances, the report found that Sarver made demeaning or inappropriate comments about women in the Suns organization, including about the bodies and attractiveness of Suns dancers.


Sarver commented about the “sex lives, bodies, and sexual orientation” of players, including at least once about a player’s partner. “In another instance, when the Suns were recruiting a free agent in 2015, Sarver made a joke that the team should have players impregnate local Phoenix strippers so they would feel connected to the area, giving the Suns a potential edge in free agency recruitment.”

Sarver還會對球員的”性生活,身體與性取向”,其中至少一次是對於球員的伴侶。另一個狀況下,當太陽於2015要招募自由球員時, Sarver說出了隊員應該要讓鳳凰城地方的脫衣舞孃?孕才能讓他們覺得與當地有連結才能給他們自由球員潛在優勢的玩笑。

More than 50 employees said Sarver yelled or cursed at employees as a way to manage them, including in a way that would be considered bullying under the Suns workplace policy, according to the report. Sarver denied yelling at employees to investigators but admitted he may have “raised his voice” after they gave him specific examples.


The report states several times that there was “no finding that Sarver’s conduct was motivated by racial or gender-based animus.”


Employees expressed concerns and issues with the Suns organization as a whole, tying some of them to Sarver’s leadership, but to which the report said it could not directly find a connection. The Suns’ human resources department had poorrecord keeping and the report said that investigators had trouble corroboratingallegations of racial and gender discrimination in the organization’s hiring because of this.


“The investigation finds that the Suns organization has been a difficult placefor women to work, particularly if they have young children, and that Suns executives have on occasion treated female employees differently because of their gender and/or pregnancy. The investigation also identified a few reports of unwanted touching and sexual harassment by or of Suns employees, some of which were mishandled by the team.”


The investigation also found instances of executives engaging in “anti-gay sentiment.”


The report outlines the ways in which the Suns’ HR department has been overhauled since 2021 after it undermined the trust of Suns employees and broke their confidence in previous years.

What do the Suns say?


Phoenix Suns

圖, 關於Sarver處分The Athletic 長文FAQ

What does Sarver say?


大意就是我尊重聯盟判決 我道歉 但這些我都沒有做錯且否認部分報告。
圖, 關於Sarver處分The Athletic 長文FAQ

Why didn’t Sarver get fined more?


The $10 million is the most that the NBA could fine him under its rules.


What happens next?


Sarver can’t have anything to do with the NBA or WNBA, the Suns or Mercury, orhis duties as a team governor for the next year. He can’t even attend games. He has to undergo a training program for respect and appropriate workplace conduct.


What does Adam Silver say?

Adam Silver說了什麼?

He released a statement with the NBA’s ruling.


“The statements and conduct described in the findings of the independent investigation are troubling and disappointing,” Silver said.


“We believe the outcome is the right one, taking into account all the facts, circumstances and context brought to light by the comprehensive investigation of this 18-year period and our commitment to upholding proper standards in NBA workplaces. I am hopeful that the NBA community will use this opportunity to reflecton what this great game means to people everywhere and the values of equality, respect and inclusion that it strives to represent. Regardless of position, power or intent, we all need to recognize the corrosive and hurtful impact of racially insensitive and demeaning language and behavior. On behalf of the entire NBA,I apologize to all of those impacted by the misconduct outlined in the investigators’ report. We must do better.”


Why didn’t the NBA strip the Suns away from Sarver like they did with Donald Sterling?


That’s a good question. It seems now that the Sterling incident might have been a one-time case, impacted by the large amount of attention paid to the very public nature of what Sterling said and all the attention it brought down on the league, especially during the playoffs. It was clear in the aftermath that Silver?s decision was not universally supported by other NBA owners. This time, the NBA handed down a penalty in line with what the NFL gave Daniel Snyder last summer— $10 million and taking away day-to-day control — after the Washington Commanders faced allegations of sexual harassment and workplace misconduct.

這是一個好問題。現在看來Sterling的事件可能會是前無古人後無來者,因為他被大量的對?Sterling的公眾注意力以及當時季後賽期間的關注度所衝擊。很顯然的Silver的決定並不受所有NBA球隊老闆所待見。因此這次,NBA比照NFL去年夏天給Daniel Snyder的處分—10M罰款並停權—在華盛頓司令面臨性騷擾與工作場合不當行為指控之後。


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liusim 09/15 11:51NBA的職場環境還是不錯 調查出來也有保障

liusim 09/15 11:51轉頭看看廖.....

cody7052 09/15 11:53換老闆要三分之二的老闆們同意,也就是20支球隊老闆

cross980115 09/15 11:53推翻譯 Sarver行徑真的很噁心

icou 09/15 11:53簡單講 就是個垃__

cross980115 09/15 11:54他行徑遠比Sterling誇張

pneumo 09/15 11:54有翻有推 果然是個板主人才

TSbb 09/15 11:54太陽好像不意外

tyrone0923 09/15 11:55Sterling那次比較像是天怒人怨,聯盟想要殺雞儆猴

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 09/15/2022 11:59:50

liusim 09/15 11:55話說是不是刻意挑休賽季啊 內容看起來跟當初指控沒

liusim 09/15 11:56差別~~但調查好久

a22122212 09/15 11:56感謝翻譯 刻意對男員工露鳥到底是...

ebabyebaby 09/15 11:56看起來他並未特別種族歧視黑人而是歧視所有無產階級

ebabyebaby 09/15 11:57就是個慣老闆如果在鬼島他這些言行應該不會出大事

TSbb 09/15 11:57就標準老白男的形象

tyrone0923 09/15 11:57就是歧視所有為他工作的人,最好在台灣這樣會沒事,

tyrone0923 09/15 11:58台灣有哪個老闆會對男員工露鳥?

sezna 09/15 11:58對男人露鳥是什麼性向

RadioMan 09/15 11:58好噁 露鳥 幹

hydeless 09/15 11:59這在慣老闆天堂的鬼島根本是日常

ljk476820 09/15 11:59好扯

TSbb 09/15 12:00露鳥一直是變態直男的行為啊 有人很喜歡說這是甲

Fafnir316 09/15 12:00誇張,這真的該滾

liusim 09/15 12:00孕婦那個......濃濃即視感 但在台灣貌似真的沒事了

Mezerized 09/15 12:00有的人自己比納粹還右 當然看誰都是極左

ebabyebaby 09/15 12:00甲甲?!跟這老闆洗澡最好別在浴室撿肥皂

hydeless 09/15 12:00$arver也一直罵白人員工紅脖子啊,他就真的只是一

hydeless 09/15 12:00個超雞掰的老白有錢男,沒特別歧視黑人,他誰都歧

hydeless 09/15 12:01

TSbb 09/15 12:01露鳥就是權勢象徵 就像監獄有人會肛小白臉 他們當然

liusim 09/15 12:01他就變態老人 又很愛酸人

TSbb 09/15 12:01不是甲甲

TSbb 09/15 12:02黑袍糾察隊的祖國人還會飛到屋頂打手槍

Evonn 09/15 12:03不是歧視人種或性別,就是歧視所有為他工作或中/無產

s891234 09/15 12:03推,好噁,這NBA處罰不了,但沒有證據員工一起告一

s891234 09/15 12:03告嗎?

Evonn 09/15 12:04階級,難怪給薪這麼摳,當球員是為他工作的奴工而已

breagb3746 09/15 12:04美國廖

kitoik5427 09/15 12:04乾好噁 垃圾真的不分國界種族學歷能力

cross980115 09/15 12:05太陽整個職場環境根本被Sarver搞到有毒了

cross980115 09/15 12:05刻意露鳥、霸凌孕婦、開會公審樣樣來

ebabyebaby 09/15 12:05停權一年輕判了Sterling得罪所有黑人停權終身=死刑

ebabyebaby 09/15 12:06應該好險他是歧視不分種族跟Sterling一樣專歧視黑人

ebabyebaby 09/15 12:07早就出大事了

EZ78 09/15 12:08沒 跟種族關係沒那麼大 主要還是Sterling是季後賽

EZ78 09/15 12:08時期突發狀況又在LA 然後又是TMZ報導的 否則Sarve

EZ78 09/15 12:08r的嚴重性高很多

Aggro 09/15 12:08你就把他想成白人奴隸主思維 大概就這種感覺

EZ78 09/15 12:09TMZ+LA+季後賽直接把事件升級到全國等級

kitoik5427 09/15 12:09謝謝翻譯 可以囂張這麼多年沒事

kitoik5427 09/15 12:09難怪他覺得委屈呵呵

Aggro 09/15 12:09上面說的沒錯 他不是單歧視黑人 基本是歧視所有下屬

kitoik5427 09/15 12:10根本不覺得自己有問題

EZ78 09/15 12:10然後他直接叫自由球員N 小城市夠不利了這樣誰要去

Aggro 09/15 12:10史特林那個我是猜他吸血吸的太明顯 聯盟也不爽很久

doclin 09/15 12:11就是歧視窮人,無分男女 膚色,比我窮就低端

Aggro 09/15 12:11快艇之前就是擺明我就靠大城市爽賺

Aggro 09/15 12:11現在問題是 沙佛其他老闆挺不挺 他有盟友的話就很難

EZ78 09/15 12:12Amick是直接狂噴猛噴噴nba一整篇文 我翻的這篇措辭

cross980115 09/15 12:12另外一篇有提到Sarver 在去年的商務會議上聊自己小

cross980115 09/15 12:12時候怎麼了解口交、在2011年的員工會議上討論保險

EZ78 09/15 12:12溫和很多 至少還有有利Sarver的部分

Aggro 09/15 12:12扳倒他

cross980115 09/15 12:12

cross980115 09/15 12:12還至少20次以上在各種工作場所提到性/性解剖學等等

cross980115 09/15 12:12,還對女員工侃侃而談自己的懶覺。

EZ78 09/15 12:13Amick超氣

EZ78 09/15 12:14所以就會覺得球員不滿判決很正常 更不用說不少歧視

cross980115 09/15 12:14氣是正常的,正常人看到都會直接開噴的那種

EZ78 09/15 12:14字眼都是直接衝著球員來的

hydeless 09/15 12:14$arver好像叫所有愛爾蘭裔男員工都叫Mick,他就是台

hydeless 09/15 12:14灣慣老闆日常啊,美國人玻璃心

cross980115 09/15 12:15台灣慣老闆也不會三不五時對你談懶覺 露鳥給你看好

cross980115 09/15 12:15

hydeless 09/15 12:15台灣慣老闆性騷擾才厲害

Aggro 09/15 12:16台灣職場現在對性騷擾意識很高了

EZ78 09/15 12:16台灣慣老闆…可是他是美國老闆欸

hydeless 09/15 12:16老直男露懶覺就逞威風啊

boy80421 09/15 12:16Sarver真的比一開始爆出來的還誇張不少

sasewill 09/15 12:16台灣有哪個慣老闆會直接露鳥的啦

cross980115 09/15 12:17一開始還想說沒幾個人指證,結果報告一出來 遠比S

cross980115 09/15 12:17terling 誇張啊

EZ78 09/15 12:17美國老闆這方面規範嚴格多了 更不用說他很多都是違

hydeless 09/15 12:17之前一個台灣老闆叫原住民都叫番仔也沒怎樣了

EZ78 09/15 12:17反nba甚至是隊內自己訂的政策的

EZ78 09/15 12:18那是台灣有很大的問題啊。

EZ78 09/15 12:18台灣這樣做沒被罰不代表沒錯欸

gundam01 09/15 12:18美國禁忌多 但是他有錢屌大

manny875468 09/15 12:18感覺罰一罰就沒事了

Aggro 09/15 12:18台灣露鳥現在一樣會出問題拉

hydeless 09/15 12:18所以應該派來鬼島磨練一下

cross980115 09/15 12:19根據調查超過100多人目睹過Sarver 違反太陽隊自己

cross980115 09/15 12:19的工作政策規範

gundam01 09/15 12:19罰錢他球隊省一下就賺回來啊

hydeless 09/15 12:19各位的老闆最好每個都沒做$arver哪些破事

hydeless 09/15 12:21這世界就是有錢屌就大,出外靠關係,$arver跟其他

hydeless 09/15 12:21老闆關係那麼好你根本吹不長他拿他沒辦法的

cross980115 09/15 12:21在台灣也很難見到Sarver這麼誇張的好嗎

EZ78 09/15 12:22我倒是很好奇台灣有幾個大型企業老闆敢做這些

tyrone0923 09/15 12:22覺得露鳥在台灣是日常的要不要說一下公司名字啊

EZ78 09/15 12:22Sarver管的不是小公司欸。

hydeless 09/15 12:23老詹CP3想要把戰場拖去種族跟性別但$arver這種無差

hydeless 09/15 12:23別地圖炮雞掰根本是無解

EZ78 09/15 12:23呃 可是沙佛是在美國 這些很嚴重。

nk10803 09/15 12:23如果在大公司 一般員工也很難見到老闆 應該說老闆也

nk10803 09/15 12:23很少視察員工吧

cross980115 09/15 12:24你在台灣找得到哪個大型企業老闆 露好幾次鳥給員工

cross980115 09/15 12:24看、開會霸凌孕婦、對女員工侃侃而談自己懶覺、傳

cross980115 09/15 12:24色情影片給員工的?

xhakiboo 09/15 12:25歧視所有人 的有錢老白男

cross980115 09/15 12:25超過100多名以上的員工目睹、指證

nk10803 09/15 12:25中小企業老闆還有可能 尤其是那種家族企業的XD

hydeless 09/15 12:26除了露鳥的部分,我知道的很多台灣老闆都有做過

EZ78 09/15 12:26他要是敢指名道姓是哪個老闆 應該都可以幫他找記者

cross980115 09/15 12:26慣老闆頂多有一兩項壓榨員工啦,但很難有Sarver 這

EZ78 09/15 12:26了啦。

cross980115 09/15 12:26麼誇張的

cross980115 09/15 12:27Sarver 是樣樣來 不是其中一項而已

gowaa 09/15 12:27所有人都罵 就不是歧視了...呢...

kitoik5427 09/15 12:27不用幫台灣講話哈 美國至少會見光 台灣多少自己吞

kitoik5427 09/15 12:28之前藥廠少主長期在作業線上露鳥欺負女員工

cross980115 09/15 12:29Sarver還這樣搞了18年

hydeless 09/15 12:29還是歧視啊,之前就有爆$arver連VP等級的都照玩不誤

kitoik5427 09/15 12:29最後受不了自己偷帶手進去機拍下來

hydeless 09/15 12:29啊,高階主管都難倖免於難了,怎麼會對基層員工客

hydeless 09/15 12:29

hihi29 09/15 12:29真的罰太輕 應該強迫把球隊賣掉才對

aeio9875 09/15 12:29尿老大

handfoxx 09/15 12:30NBA料老大

sezna 09/15 12:31殺佛如果跟其他老闆關係有搞好,要換他蠻難的。

gowaa 09/15 12:31太陽換老闆的戲碼究竟能成功呢?

gowaa 09/15 12:32究竟何時能*

melzard 09/15 12:32要2/3的老闆不爽他這門檻太高了

hydeless 09/15 12:32$arver跟其他老闆關係麻吉的咧,剛爆出來的時候,

hydeless 09/15 12:32很多老闆都覺得$arver人很好一點問題也沒有

hydeless 09/15 12:33你去看美國Reddit的討論也都變成慣老闆大家文了

love1500274 09/15 12:34版主好

sezna 09/15 12:34這個處罰可能就是橋完的結果,真的要換會像快艇

mangojocker 09/15 12:41雙標聯盟 就這麼簡單

hanslins 09/15 12:43他噁心但他沒有動手,差一點就能幹掉殺佛了

chinhan1216 09/15 12:43我去游泳池時 有更衣室 也一堆老頭不在更衣室換 直

chinhan1216 09/15 12:44接露老二給人看啊 看完整篇就一個白目糟老頭而已

hanslins 09/15 12:44他如果有動作方面被揭露應該就bye了,例如動手脫員

SCLPAL 09/15 12:44要不要看我的迪克先生.....

hanslins 09/15 12:44工衣服,接觸員工身體

EZ78 09/15 12:45在游泳池跟在職場是兩回事。

hanslins 09/15 12:45殺佛的行為跟川普很像,美國白人大男人主義

hanslins 09/15 12:46殺佛整篇沒有身體的接觸大概也是他能脫身的原因

hanslins 09/15 12:48我看他也很噁心,但無法讓殺佛的朋友跟他絕交,他

hanslins 09/15 12:48的行為沒辦法 讓超過2/3 的老闆幹掉他,只能期待外

hanslins 09/15 12:48界壓力了

shau7276 09/15 12:51他歧視比他窮的

chinhan1216 09/15 12:51除了那個當人家面露老二 其它就白人慣老闆

magamanzero 09/15 12:51以這篇來說 我覺得史特林嚴重一些

magamanzero 09/15 12:52Saver除了老二那個 就一般慣老闆 而且重要的是

hanslins 09/15 12:52我認真想想如果我的好朋友做出殺佛舉動,我會疏遠

hanslins 09/15 12:52他,但要我直接翻臉報警還差一點點

magamanzero 09/15 12:52懷孕那個還是保住飯碗了 如果被搞走了 那才是爆炸

magamanzero 09/15 12:53他沒有針對種族歧視 他就慣老闆...

amen123 09/15 12:53希望能開除殺佛

chinhan1216 09/15 12:54鳳凰城廖老大

hanslins 09/15 12:54就跟那個懷孕女員工,她最後保住工作了,她如果沒

hanslins 09/15 12:54保住殺佛也bye了,殺佛就是剛好差紅線一點點就bye

hanslins 09/15 12:54了,他每次都剛好差一點

EZ78 09/15 12:55律師團是想查最直接的僱傭上有沒有歧視的情形啦 結

EZ78 09/15 12:55果太陽人資資料殘破到查不了 笑死

magamanzero 09/15 12:55所以..期待下一次吧 幫楊迷QQ

hanslins 09/15 12:56真的幫QQ,他真的沒有史特林嚴重

EZ78 09/15 12:56沒 照阿銀的說法 就算有下一次 也很難…

EZ78 09/15 12:57史特林那個沒那麼嚴重 甚至證據薄弱很多 只是被他

EZ78 09/15 12:57老婆賣了XDD

hanslins 09/15 12:57史特林是直接公開跟歧視火車對撞,還有老婆背叛,

hanslins 09/15 12:57殺佛連八字都沒一撇

EZ78 09/15 12:59本人沒有意願賣的話 誰都動不了…

Eijidate 09/15 12:59N-Word 是指尼哥嗎? 黑人自己先不要講吧

EZ78 09/15 13:01他那一塊的問題不是他講N word的行為本身 是動機與

babyalley 09/15 13:01就垃X慣老闆阿 但是沒史特林嚴重 不可能開除掉Sarv

babyalley 09/15 13:01er

EZ78 09/15 13:01其他行為

EZ78 09/15 13:02你們把史特林當年的事情看太重了 他其實就是兩句種

EZ78 09/15 13:02族不敏感發言 沙佛是長達18年的系統性問題…

korgh413 09/15 13:07標準老白男,很有錢ㄋㄚˋㄓㄨㄥ

donkilu 09/15 13:10真的是爛人

magamanzero 09/15 13:12但問題在米國 種族歧視是死罪 慣老闆不是

cross980115 09/15 13:12他遠比Sterling 嚴重啦

magamanzero 09/15 13:12你做一件 種族歧視的事情可能就GG 但做一萬件慣老闆

magamanzero 09/15 13:13頂多就醫植被投訴

magamanzero 09/15 13:13加權指數不一樣XD

timedilation09/15 13:13尿老大笑死

cross980115 09/15 13:13是因為聯盟上次Sterling 事件搞到讓大多老闆不太支

cross980115 09/15 13:14持,所以這次才打算草草了事…

cross980115 09/15 13:14這個最後一段有解釋

ARCHER2234 09/15 13:15說句難聽點的,就是那群左派囂張到了極致所以這個愛

EZ78 09/15 13:15沒有 Sterling有做的類似事情沙佛都有做…

JayJayC 09/15 13:15生小孩就開出是某廖好大嗎

ARCHER2234 09/15 13:15歧視的慣老闆反而可能被保下來...

EZ78 09/15 13:15他都直接叫黑人N了欸

ARCHER2234 09/15 13:16物極必反,他又有種族和錢權三重加成

EZ78 09/15 13:16兩個人罪名都有種族不敏感發言這條啊

cross980115 09/15 13:18什麼種族加成啦,Sterling猶太人一樣下去好嗎

Leaflock 09/15 13:21推翻譯

hanslins 09/15 13:22我講得很清楚,殺佛越過黃線但剛好在紅線前停下來

hanslins 09/15 13:22,他每次都闖黃燈但剛好沒有針對越過紅燈,無論他

hanslins 09/15 13:22闖多少次黃燈但聯盟這是第一次追查只能算一次,他

hanslins 09/15 13:22就剛好都沒有越過紅線

allse1032 09/15 13:23台灣又領先世界了 美國廖老大

EZ78 09/15 13:23如果你覺得史特林踏的是紅線 Sarver早就超過了

hanslins 09/15 13:24他講尼哥也剛好紅線前停下,他質疑為啥黑人能講白

hanslins 09/15 13:24人不能講?聯盟無法解釋到讓他信服就離種族歧視還

hanslins 09/15 13:24差那麼一點點

EZ78 09/15 13:25史特林跟貝勒爺打的種族歧視官司是查無不法的

hanslins 09/15 13:25史特林是公開直接對撞美國媒體,你這麼不長眼還能

EZ78 09/15 13:25沒 他是刻意叫的。那個問題是後面補的 而且對方都

hanslins 09/15 13:26怪誰?

EZ78 09/15 13:26跟他講不能這樣叫了還持續叫欸。

EZ78 09/15 13:26難不成你真的天真到以為他的問題是認真的問問題?

hanslins 09/15 13:29他就是類似台灣的館長廖老大之類的,滿嘴幹話,你

hanslins 09/15 13:29跟他講這個不行他就幹回來,我實在無法真的為這個

hanslins 09/15 13:29判他死刑?

hanslins 09/15 13:30要真正讓他掛就必須抓到他的行為,例如讓女性離職

hanslins 09/15 13:31之類的,他真的差一點

EZ78 09/15 13:31你同理放到史特林 你要為了他跟情婦講的吃醋氣話判

cross980115 09/15 13:31這跟死刑差那麼多…

EZ78 09/15 13:31他死刑?

cross980115 09/15 13:31你拿他跟Sterling 比就好 行徑遠比Sterling 誇張,

cross980115 09/15 13:31還是持續18年來的行為

lovemeteor 09/15 13:32鳳凰城當地媒體Gambodoro講NBA不想直接開除殺佛老

EZ78 09/15 13:32你找給Sarver的理由在史特林身上大多都適用喔。

lovemeteor 09/15 13:32闆資格導致要對簿公堂,而是揭露出來讓太陽其他股

lovemeteor 09/15 13:32東、贊助商、媒體來逼殺佛賣球隊(公審)

cross980115 09/15 13:32聯盟想丟給太陽股東自己處理就是踢皮球啊…

EZ78 09/15 13:33對 當地媒體講得蠻正確的 阿銀也是直接說讓他脫手

hanslins 09/15 13:33他就跟媒體對撞啊,你沒看殺佛躲多好?重點是上次

magamanzero 09/15 13:33沒阿 史特林大多是種族歧視阿 這裡有嗎?

EZ78 09/15 13:33球隊這個憲法保障的權利過程太過繁雜

hanslins 09/15 13:33那次判決聯盟老闆其實後來很反感,這次就更難了。

hanslins 09/15 13:33所以唯一機會就是除了待退老將外,其他聯盟新星一

hanslins 09/15 13:34起反才有機會

lovemeteor 09/15 13:34所以阿銀那軟蛋發言看起來有燒到球員那開始叫殺

EZ78 09/15 13:34對啊 他賣掉球隊是CNN造成的 但是被終身ban不是。

lovemeteor 09/15 13:34佛滾蛋

EZ78 09/15 13:35他是跟情婦講的氣話被流出就被永ban了

EZ78 09/15 13:35不過兩者對我來說都是不能接受的啦

pennymarkfox09/15 13:39這真的很扯...

nolander 09/15 13:44只停權一年?

magamanzero 09/15 13:55那個N-word太輕微了 可以往前翻翻 N-word頂多罵他

magamanzero 09/15 13:55要定罪他種族歧視太難了 畢竟一堆人在說

magamanzero 09/15 13:56所以說他躲得很好

magamanzero 09/15 13:56像上面那個nohomo.. www

TheoEpstein 09/15 14:06其實現在是看CP3他們要不要加重力道了。

amen123:轉錄至看板 PHX-Suns

09/15 14:38

JayJayC 09/15 14:46

HOWyun2648 09/15 14:49難怪之前流出來的新聞,板上也沒什麼討論,原來是美

HOWyun2648 09/15 14:49國和NBA的規範和我們不同

hankwan1218 09/15 15:02真的比Sterling還扯

gp03dan 09/15 15:30NBA寧王,動不動亂發飆

bluemei 09/15 15:37好噁心

wahaha2005 09/15 15:43現在就是看球員等能否令其他老闆支持他們,但看來很

wahaha2005 09/15 15:43

lwei781 09/15 16:01Sarver 比 其他兩位的誇張啊

lwei781 09/15 16:02最輕和最不嚴重的罰最重

lwei781 09/15 16:04Sterling 有做的事 沙佛都勸導後還做了 n 次

waitwind 09/15 16:06藉由裸露與秀出生殖器2次造成男性員工的不適???

lwei781 09/15 16:13不逼賣球隊 也該終身禁賽

lwei781 09/15 16:14賣球隊那邊很麻煩, 禁賽時間至少比照 Sterling 啊

cloki 09/15 16:28感謝翻譯...其實也證明了那些措施阻止不到老闆了吧

malain 09/15 16:34感謝翻譯

shadow0326 09/15 16:59太廖了吧

ctttttt 09/15 17:03終身禁賽也沒什麼用吧 主要還都是他在職場對

ctttttt 09/15 17:03員工猥褻 不禮貌

ctttttt 09/15 17:04但大家一起凝聚與論壓力應該可以改變情況 不然現階

ctttttt 09/15 17:04段太噁了

VL1003 09/15 17:15Sarver 跟 Sterling 最大不同就是跟其他老闆間的關

VL1003 09/15 17:15係吧? Sarver 比較像看不起自己底下的人,但跟自己

VL1003 09/15 17:16平起平坐的應該不會這樣,而能不能拔掉它的老闆位置

VL1003 09/15 17:16的正是這些平起平坐的其他老闆們,受薪階級在肚爛他

VL1003 09/15 17:17也沒辦法讓他丟掉這位置,除非輿論壓力起來影響到這

VL1003 09/15 17:17些老闆們感受壓力,才可能讓他們同意拔掉 Sarver。

whhw 09/15 17:40

JackSmith 09/15 18:25都罵人N-word了然後跟我說沒有種族歧視問題?

tmactsai 09/15 18:34在台灣還有市長叫人瑪麗亞呢!

jackyu0810 09/15 19:03嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔

xo1100 09/15 19:15從老闆下手有點難啦 大家都會忌諱自己變下一個

xo1100 09/15 19:16從媒體贊助商球員施壓他自己賣掉比較有可能

XXXaBg 09/15 19:53有夠噁… 拜託SJW快把他燒下來

YpFeron 09/15 20:05Sarver 感覺就是抗壓很強的老闆,大家別想太多了啦

AbdulRauf 09/15 20:29CP3怎麼老是遇到這種事

MK47 09/15 20:31他搞這齣比較大的爭議點就是他是污辱所有的人 不是

MK47 09/15 20:32像Sterling那樣只針對黑人 舉個不太準確的例子 可能

MK47 09/15 20:33他講胖子就說肥宅窮鬼 講黑人就嗆n-word 嗆婦女就開

MK47 09/15 20:33黃色玩笑 所以就有模糊焦點的可能 不像快艇那個擺明

MK47 09/15 20:33就是針對有色人種

MK47 09/15 20:34這就讓很多討論變成他是沒品的慣老闆 而不單是種族

MK47 09/15 20:34歧視

shau7276 09/15 21:06樓上重點抓到了,殺佛沒針對特定族群,他只是把所有

shau7276 09/15 21:07沒他有錢的都當作次等人,他歧視窮人,不是黑人

tco 09/15 21:08就一個糟老頭,遛鳥俠,你能罰他甚麼?

tco 09/15 21:09而且他整體看來就是對下屬/女人/員工有歧視,不尊重

tco 09/15 21:09講話刻薄難聽,但沒有肢體接觸,也沒有動手

tco 09/15 21:09如果他們其他股東或是老闆相處上沒有問題,聯盟很難

tco 09/15 21:09弄掉他。

gowaa 09/15 21:44簡單說 他是看你有錢沒錢 決定要對你怎樣的人?

RoyeC 09/15 22:04他好像沒特別針對種族歧視(都瞧不起算另類的平等

RoyeC 09/15 22:04嗎,比較歧視窮人或中產

gm79227922 09/15 23:25美國料老大

Landius 09/16 00:26沙佛就那種:"我說在場的各位...都是垃圾"類型的,沒

Landius 09/16 00:27特別針對哪個定向,所以最多只能得到一個超級G8人的

Landius 09/16 00:27結論.

stja 09/16 00:34

DarkHolbach 09/16 07:33就是個沒品的慣老闆

asidy 09/16 09:38審視18年喔...真厲害

asidy 09/16 09:39起因看來是人本來就超g8吧,所以全中

nuggets0916 09/16 09:50美國廖老大

SnoopDuck 09/16 11:27所有種族都噴,某種程度上也算是種族平等,尊重

yeustream 09/16 12:28全都歧視就不算歧視了唷

Ten6666 09/16 12:40On his knees應該是指男員工在跪著

Ten6666 09/16 12:41然後文章一堆? 應該是字元超出一行限制

cross980115 09/16 13:07樓上 那應該是手機app顯示問題 用網頁版看就不會有

cross980115 09/16 13:07?了

goolgo 09/16 15:15大吼大叫的上司還蠻常見的,但會用性別調侃貶低以及

goolgo 09/16 15:16露鳥的老闆就沒看過了

dcoog7880 09/16 16:10可惜不在台灣

OFWGKTA 09/16 18:03很像廢柴聯盟裡面的老白男 笑死

zaza1128 09/17 01:25惡名昭彰竟然就這樣輕判?