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其實算是舊聞了 但是看到覺得蠻有趣就來翻一下XD

Amar'e Stoudemire was part of the Brooklyn Nets the last time controversy
engulfed Kyrie Irving. Now, he has some advice for the embattled point guard.
During an appearance on ESPN's "Get Up" on Wednesday, the former NBA All-Starwho spent two seasons as an assistant coach with the Nets said that Irving
needs to apologize after sharing a documentary containing antisemitic
conspiracy theories and falsehoods on Twitter.

“You have to give an apology because if you’re going to promote a
documentary that has false allegations inside of it, and you may not
understand that these allegations that’s inside the documentary are false,
OK you made a mistake, right? So apologize for it."

“And so I think that’s the issue. By not apologizing for that, [that's] an
issue the NBA’s going to probably take a look at.”

Amar'e Stoudemire曾經是籃網這隻因Kyrie Irving捲入爭議的球隊的一份子。他對於這位正在惡鬥的控衛有話要說。

在他星期三上ESPN節目"Get Up"的時候,這名曾在籃網作為助教工作兩季的前NBA球星說KI需要為在他推特分享了一個包含反猶太陰謀論與假新聞的紀錄片道歉:



Stoudemire converted to Judaism in 2020 and has been granted Israeli
citizenship, but had previously believed in the Black Hebrew Israelite
movement that forms the basis of some of the statements Irving has been
criticized for.

Irving combatively defended the tweet after a game Saturday night as well as
a past sharing of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, but deleted the tweet
containing the link to the documentary on Sunday night.

Stoudamire在2020時便轉信了猶太教並已經被給予以色列公民權,他也曾經相信黑希伯來 猶太運動,這也是Kyrie Irving這次被抨擊的根源。

Irving在星期六晚上比賽後戰鬥式的護航他那則推文與之前分享陰謀論者Alex Jones的言論,但也隨後刪除了包含該紀錄片連結的推文。

Later on Wednesday, the Nets released a statement containing a quote from
Irving in which he said he takes responsibility for "the negative impact of
my post towards the Jewish community," while also claiming to not believe
everything in the documentary was true. The Nets said they and Irving would
each donate $500,000 to "causes and organizations that work to eradicate hateand intolerance in our communities."

At no point in the statement did Irving specifically apologize.

Before that happened, Stoudemire didn't say Irving should be suspended when
asked, but said the NBA should at least consider it:

"Well, I think something has to happen, whether it's an intensive
conversation with the Commissioner about what he’s doing and what his plans
are as a basketball player. So I think that conversation has to happen. As
far as (suspension and these things), I’m not sure how that’s going to play

“I mean, Kyrie’s a guy who’s trying to find himself. He’s always on this
quest for learning and knowledge and information. And if you’re not totally
factual or understanding what you’re learning and what you’re trying to
promote, then just don’t promote it. Just learn quietly and try to figure it
out. But once you start putting information out there that’s not true, then
now it creates a problem.”






Stoudemire, who also had words for Irving's vaccine-related absences when he
resigned from his Nets job, is far from the only person to criticize Irving
for his behavior, and not the only former NBA star either.

Charles Barkley and Shaquille O'Neal both took aim at Irving during TNT's
"Inside the NBA" show on Tuesday, with both calling the guard an "idiot."
Barkley questioned why Irving had not been suspended, noting the past
precedent of former Miami Heat center Meyers Leonard, who was suspended
indefinitely after saying an antisemitic slur during a Twitch stream.


Chrles Barkley與Shaquille O'Neal都有在星期二TNT的節目"Inside the NBA"針對Irving,他們兩個都稱該後衛是一名"白痴"。Barkley質疑Irving為甚麼不用被禁賽不像前熱火中鋒Meyers Leonard在Twitch直播中說了反猶太俚語就被無限期禁賽。


從小在一個浸信會的環境中長大,但因母親的緣故接觸Black Hebrew Israelites且深深相信自己是希伯來人後裔。並在2010後開始多次造訪以色列追本溯源並開始積極參與以色列事物。2016退休時更是直接加入以色列職籃。2018年的時候開始轉信猶太教,最終在2020年時終於正式入教,成為猶太教徒與以色列人(2019)。以色列名字為:Yahoshafat Ben


同樣的東西 一些人拿來搞陰謀論 一些人拿來好好真心學習信仰


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※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 11/04/2022 18:57:16

magamanzero 11/04 18:57意思就是不懂就閉嘴 不要整天點火

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 11/04/2022 18:59:56

Bilison 11/04 18:59:別來沾邊 死得很快

Zeka6721 11/04 18:59KI他現在正被他的軍隊推著上斷頭臺中

wahaha303 11/04 19:02你以為你扔的是末日錘,事實上是迴力鏢

f77928 11/04 19:05只知道阿罵去以色列職籃 不知道他成為真黑猶太

Puye 11/04 19:05同意 不是真的理解就別急著傳播

JackSmith 11/04 19:07阿罵講得有道理,你沒有完全理解就別亂說

puro 11/04 19:09

圖 前籃網教練Stoudemire談論KI

enemyli 11/04 19:09這才是正確的信徒阿 直接跑到當地了解 不是看個陰

enemyli 11/04 19:10謀論就黑人最屌

xkiller1900 11/04 19:10直接加入以色列XDDD

gundam01 11/04 19:11改信猶太教的才能稱作猶太人

kevin789 11/04 19:14

f77928 11/04 19:14真 打不贏就加入 KI要好好學習前輩的智慧 痛定思痛

f77928 11/04 19:14加入搞不好事情就過了

tomoti 11/04 19:14翻譯:我才是真.黑猶太人,你印地安黑人在那裡亂信啥

gowaa 11/04 19:16真 黑猶太人 wow

CrazyCharlie11/04 19:19都快忘記Stoudemire了

Gilbertsky 11/04 19:25阿罵這個例子完全可以反觀耶 太有資格評論這件事了

jackjoke200711/04 19:27黑猶太人是不是buff疊滿 出口都是聖光

naruto82030211/04 19:27好久不見的啊罵

amos30627 11/04 19:33希伯來人後裔很重要嗎 KI也不信猶太教啊

jtch 11/04 19:35像這樣加入要服兵役嗎

amos30627 11/04 19:36會有這種想法是黑人至上主義的延伸吧

BobbyMiller 11/04 19:38Ki貼文好像只有分享影片沒有做評論 這樣算不理解亂

BobbyMiller 11/04 19:39說嗎

highwayshih 11/04 19:40當你不做任何評論分享某物 被當成默認贊同很合理吧

gp03dan 11/04 19:43要看他受訪後續言論

AgentZero 11/04 19:45阿罵直接轉職黑猶太人 太強了吧

BlauWal39 11/04 19:51笑死 信仰本身不就是陰謀論的綜合體嗎?

xjapan329 11/04 19:51 [外絮] KI女兒跟他說:今年別亂搞 大家都在看

chenese 11/04 20:01湖人還願意收KI嗎

hasroten 11/04 20:04KI女兒是不是先知

Qorqios 11/04 20:04!!!!

StaR7925 11/04 20:07Meyers就錯在他名氣不夠 看KI撐多久才跪

tomwdc 11/04 20:12KI可不覺得他不懂呀

webberfun 11/04 20:24

ooplus 11/04 20:27把信仰上昇到陰謀論有點多 西方宗教比較像是過去政

ooplus 11/04 20:27治的延伸品 但比不上陰謀論那種什麼都要反著看的態

ooplus 11/04 20:27

vic1201 11/04 20:32猶太黑人vs 穆斯林印第安人

iwgpg1ghc 11/04 21:06他不只分享,他受訪時講那是什麼東西,害死自己啦

waterwalk 11/04 21:34某部分來說猶太教還算是伊斯蘭教老祖宗.....

NankanAvenge11/04 21:43猶太黑人 這聽起來像只會在南方公園裡面出現的東西

www115ui8 11/04 21:56基督教 猶太教 伊斯蘭教都是亞伯拉罕一神教的

ctw01 11/04 23:08阿罵去以色列打過球沒白打

sdiaa 11/04 23:22以色列有從東非收了很多黑色猶太人回去

BLABLA007 11/04 23:41猶太早已不是以前的猶太 以前的猶太反耶穌反很兇呢

gm79227922 11/05 00:23黑人猶太一直都有啊

c26535166 11/05 05:51我以為猶太排外

c26535166 11/05 05:52只有猶太人才算真正的教徒

沒啦 只是入教儀式非常麻煩 要把它們所有相關的歷史 宗教 語言通通學起來 資格通過之後才能入教 所以要花好幾年

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 11/05/2022 06:14:30

enjoi 11/05 07:17衣索比亞猶太人就有回歸以色列

airandy1102 11/05 09:50一個求證成為真猶,一個相信唬爛幻想

ataki 11/06 14:20猶太入教參考SATC的夏綠蒂,真的很難。