[外絮] 咖哩兒子差點對嘴綠全力擊拳但被媽媽制止

看板NBA標題[外絮] 咖哩兒子差點對嘴綠全力擊拳但被媽媽制止作者
(Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
時間推噓77 推:79 噓:2 →:16


Draymond Green is a crucial part to the Golden State Warriors, there's no denying that. The veteran NBA player has built a reputation of being a defensive leader for the Dubs.


But there are times when even Green has crossed the line. A pretty huge exampleof it was when Draymond punched Jordan Poole during practice. It made huge headlines, and many even wanted Green to be traded from the Warriors.


Well, now a few weeks down the line, Draymond Green almost got a taste of his own medicine. But in a much more hilarious way.


Canon Curry Wanted To Punch Draymond Green


Stephen Curry's youngest kid, Canon Curry, is the only son that the Warrior superstar has. Canon has made headlines recently for various reasons. Fans loved when the 4-year-old tried to pull off his dad's signature 'Night-Night' celebration.

咖哩最小的孩子Canon Curry是他唯一的兒子。Canon最近因為各種原因上了頭條,球迷們很喜歡這個4歲的小男孩模仿他爸爸標誌性的“晚安”慶祝動作。

Now, another clip featuring Canon has gone viral on social media. This time around, Draymond Green can be seen in the short clip heading toward the court. But on his way, he saw the innocent face of Canon and wanted to give him a fist bump.


Canon Curry was about to give Draymond a taste of his own medicine


While Canon certainly looked like he wanted to punch Green, he was stopped by Ayesha Curry, and he ended up simply giving a high-five to Dray. It was certainlya hilarious moment for the fans, and it's evident from their reaction that theyloved this moment.


圖 咖哩兒子差點對嘴綠全力擊拳但被媽媽制止


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pptsodog 11/26 00:00不演了

leophior 11/26 00:00綠師傅的拳法才沒這麼幼稚.普爾根本看不到拳頭過來

ZZZZ9999 11/26 00:01蠻可愛的

Luffier 11/26 00:01技藝傳承

※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/26/2022 00:02:45

Ayanami5566 11/26 00:02笑死

usmangaruba 11/26 00:03好可愛XDD

e8e88 11/26 00:04我勇的接班人,同時繼承三分血統與武林絕學

a9527a 11/26 00:04中國古拳法有傳人了

Hard1980 11/26 00:05這麼小就知道要集氣

cyesgin 11/26 00:05你很敢欸 沒幾個人敢吧

GGafro61 11/26 00:06這互動好可愛

gp03dan 11/26 00:06XDD

a034506618 11/26 00:06有前途,以後是咖哩和嘴綠的綜合體

※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/26/2022 00:06:57

Handanrevery11/26 00:07睡前有笑開心給推

conqueror50711/26 00:07

圖 咖哩兒子差點對嘴綠全力擊拳但被媽媽制止

conqueror50711/26 00:08中國古捲髮的傳人

hank13241 11/26 00:08中國古拳法第一代大弟子

flicker36 11/26 00:09綠師傅要收徒弟啦

※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/26/2022 00:09:03

NOKIA8888 11/26 00:10綠師傅有徒弟了

※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/26/2022 00:14:30

zakijudelo 11/26 00:17還知道要集氣

wpd 11/26 00:22集氣95%準備喊招式名稱了 被中斷

lafeelbarth 11/26 00:22媽媽不錯

a3221715 11/26 00:23綠師父有徒弟了

a10141013 11/26 00:23我兒子從小就是嘴綠帶大的

ginopun1047711/26 00:25你知道我師傅是誰嗎

f77928 11/26 00:27被斷大

alwaysstrong11/26 00:28集氣集那麼久 可惜沒打出去

hank7218 11/26 00:31亞咩亞咩

ste14563 11/26 00:32集氣被中斷

alex0203cool11/26 00:32 和他爸晚安

okichan 11/26 00:36咖喱兒子怎麼有點像Beavis

ZIQQ001 11/26 00:37綠師傅頭號弟子

reaman 11/26 00:38集氣完Canon就變Cannon

reaman 11/26 00:38嘴綠逃過一劫

mk1689 11/26 00:39還敢集氣啊

Eloye 11/26 00:52此子不可留,以後繼承老爸三分球跟綠師傅十成功夫,

Eloye 11/26 00:52在NBA還不橫著走?

max011060 11/26 00:53不要跟綠師傅學拳啊

wai0806 11/26 00:55我這拳下去你可能會...啊沒事了

Wall62 11/26 01:03看我的波動... 啪 沒了

Qorqios 11/26 01:05是要怎麼教小孩!

Arigatosam 11/26 01:26頂級美女

josephpu 11/26 01:36小小年紀就懂集氣

basala5417 11/26 01:48我爸咖哩

freshbox7 11/26 02:04連跟他爸擊掌都要集氣,哈哈哈哈

jerrystarks 11/26 02:16揮拳之後會習慣性假倒嗎

s920223 11/26 02:19眼光真好 懂得找好師傅

Q12345Q 11/26 02:21精通各家絕學 好一個神童 假以時日 必成各隊大患

smalldata 11/26 02:30大絕被斷

hipnos 11/26 02:32笑了

cancer0708 11/26 02:45從小學勇士休息室的規矩 咖哩子未來一定是勇士大物

Smile916 11/26 02:58姿勢100分XDDD

a2881105 11/26 03:14有前途啊以後自己就是咖喱嘴綠綜合體

joy9601 11/26 03:15差點被拆掉

MeloKing 11/26 03:48下一個要叫Leica還是Nikon

love1500274 11/26 04:21我三歲開始就接受綠師傅訓練了

King5566 11/26 05:25媽媽:罪不至死 兒子:好吧

vltw5v 11/26 05:27咖哩的三分+綠師傅的人體工學 沒對手了吧

shawncarter 11/26 05:48這孩子根本未來勇士太子 爸爸、爺爺、叔叔、舅舅都

shawncarter 11/26 05:48是NBA球員 還有Uncle綠教拳法 這個長大勇士打死都

shawncarter 11/26 05:48會選來

Miyanishi25 11/26 06:26哈哈哈好可愛XDDDDDD

turnpoint 11/26 06:39他一定有偷看綠師傅打普爾的影片才做出這動作

NOKIA8888 11/26 06:54還知道要集氣

kaede0711 11/26 07:05幹笑死

hyc0725zz 11/26 07:23可可愛愛

heavensun 11/26 07:34哥哥爸爸真偉大 叔叔教拳法

lpca 11/26 07:39XD

brightest 11/26 07:52這悟飯吧 有綠師傅跟悟空爸

windowdoor 11/26 07:57笑死XD

specialrain 11/26 07:59大哥的兒子 不能怠慢

ste14563 11/26 08:00笑死

nanadinzku 11/26 08:07聽說你很能打是吧 我也是

whhw 11/26 08:31笑死

openbestbook11/26 08:33哇靠 就打個招呼也能扯這麼多...

ARCHER2234 11/26 08:35爸爸教的嗎?

kaorusora 11/26 08:48還要先集氣XD

t67109 11/26 08:49路人一家都好有愛 好溫馨

ocean0817 11/26 08:50失傳已久的超人拳

AngeLucifer 11/26 08:56前搖太久了

lexus3310 11/26 09:47神拳 讚

Puye 11/26 09:50孩子 學到了

magesf 11/26 10:09視頻

Landius 11/26 10:28還要蓄力... 所以是小傑的猜猜拳?

GGINDOWBOW 11/26 10:53小咖喱很可愛

nessie97 11/26 10:59視頻

ssisters 11/26 11:14可愛

Chao0II5 11/26 11:34幹還會蓄力XD

TKDW 11/26 12:19被媽媽斷招了

LaoDa581556611/26 12:19被媽媽制止超好笑

Wantway 11/26 12:25右手投球 左手踢蛋

wc4eva 11/26 12:55這拳我可能頂不住

pirlo0930 11/26 13:01這小孩長大不簡單

nowitzkixd 11/26 13:44先出拳頭 剪刀 石頭

d19901023 11/27 01:56比克跟悟飯剛好

gf000100 11/27 09:28超可愛

chen2021 11/27 12:21可愛