[外絮] Woj: Bridges與黃蜂逐漸接近簽約

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The Charlotte Hornets and restricted free agent forward Miles Bridges are gathering traction in talks on a new deal, and optimism exists that an agreement could come in the relative near future, sources told ESPN on Friday.

夏洛特黃蜂與受限制自由球員Miles Bridges之間的引力越來越強,並在非常接近現在的未來可能可以達成一紙協議。

The sooner Bridges and the Hornets can reach a deal, the sooner he can seemingly start serving an NBA suspension expected to be handed down for his role in an offseason domestic violence case. Bridges pleaded no contest to a felony charge in November and received a sentenced of three years of probation and no jail time.


Bridges' case remains under investigation by the league, and it's unclear how long of a suspension he is facing, sources said.


Bridges and his representatives with Klutch Sports have been in consistent contact with the Hornets organization, and the sides are working together on Bridges' plans to work with local domestic violence groups and community organizations to start reacclimating himself to the Charlotte community.

Bridges與他Klutch Sports的經紀人與黃蜂球團積極的聯繫並合作來讓Bridges為夏洛特當地的反家暴團體做出貢獻以洗白他的形象(可是大哥,你的家暴是在LA餒…)

If a deal can't be reached with Bridges, he would remain a restricted free agent this summer in a marketplace that includes teams with ample salary-cap space and needs to upgrade the wing position of their rosters.


The NBA suspended former Charlotte player Jeffrey Taylor for 24 games in 2014 after he pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge of domestic violence assault.

NBA曾經在2014年禁賽前夏洛特黃蜂球員Jeffrey Taylor 24場因為他在他家暴的輕罪被判為有罪(狀況比Bridges輕微)。

Bridges, 24, has been considered a cornerstone player for Charlotte's franchise. He averaged 20.2 points, 7 rebounds and 3.8 assists during the 2021-22 season.

As a restricted free agent over the summer, Bridges was believed to be on the cusp of signing a $100 million-plus offer sheet that Charlotte would've likely matched to retain him. The arrest and charges changed that calculus, and now Bridges is working through the details of a new deal directly with Charlotte.


The Hornets, 8-24 this season, have struggled without Bridges, with other key players missing substantial time with injuries.


Bridges accepted the punishment and the conviction without formally admitting guilt in the case. He had been accused of assaulting his then-girlfriend in frontof their two children in June 2022. In July, the office of Los Angeles County district attorney George Gascon filed three felony domestic violence charges against Bridges -- who initially pleaded not guilty to all three.

Bridges接受了刑罰並沒有正式承認自己有罪。六月,他被指控在他的兩名小孩面前攻擊他當時的女友。七月,洛杉磯郡警律師George Gascon以三項家暴罪名起訴他—他一開始宣稱他的三項指控都無罪。

During his three-year probation, Bridges will be required to complete 52 weeks of domestic violence counseling and 52 weeks of parenting classes and serve 100 hours of community service.




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y1896547 12/24 06:44如果是白人球員犯罪會有這種機會嗎?

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 臺灣), 12/24/2022 06:45:07

EZ78 12/24 06:46呃 球打得夠好應該都有可能(? 干種族屁事

turnpoint 12/24 06:58小橋也是富保的,而且家暴是發生在LA,看來就算跟

turnpoint 12/24 06:58黃蜂續約後,還是會被炒作要交易去某隊

TheoEpstein 12/24 07:02簽約後本季無法交易

ju851996 12/24 07:23底薪簽

圖 Woj: Bridges與黃蜂逐漸接近簽約

lanver1220 12/24 08:18黃蜂球衣->監獄囚衣->黃蜂簽約換給湖人->湖人球衣?

zlatan10 12/24 08:24好奇簽多少?

zlatan10 12/24 08:24本來以為頂 現在!??

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highwayshih 12/24 08:47應該不至於底薪 我猜中產上下

melzard 12/24 08:49中產也太低了吧lol

highwayshih 12/24 08:50因為他可能還有球監要蹲啊 而且簽個家暴仔一定有輿

highwayshih 12/24 08:51論壓力要扛的 砍個價合理吧

delhuang 12/24 09:00顆顆 果然有長處即使當了家暴仔也ok

HBarnes40XX 12/24 09:40體育歸體育,家暴歸家暴的啦

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rondoya 12/24 11:18真是噁心

xo1100 12/24 12:42加州這個SJW溫床應該是換不過去湖人了吧