[亞洲] 日本線上支付PayPay徵 軟體工程師
PayPay - 日本大型線上支付系統,在2018年由Softbank 集團跟yahoo Japan 共同出資成立。目前的使用者人數已經突破3500萬人。PayPay 採用印度最大支付公司Paytm的技術,正逐步擴展在日本的線上支付服務市佔率。在PayPay,這裡匯集了來自35國以上的優秀工程師,共1000多位員工,採取『Working From Anywhere』工作模式,您可以在日本各地選擇自己喜歡的地方遠端工作,不管是北海道、東京、大阪、沖繩或是九州,都能夠自由移動、充分體驗日本生活!
< Backend engineer>
‧ Design large scale systems with high complexity to support our high
throughput applications.E Understand how to leverage infrastructure for
solving such large scale problems.E Develop tools and contribute to open
source wherever possible.E Adopt problem solving as a way of life –
always go to root cause! Support the code you write in production.
< iOS Engineer>
‧ Work closely with our product team to customize the payment experience
‧ Prototype new and redesign features
‧ Focus on UI/UX design principles and product driven development
‧ Work with an elite and focused team of app developers
<Android Engineer >
‧ Work closely with our product team to customize the payment experience
‧ Prototype new and redesign features
‧ Focus on UI/UX design principles and product driven development
‧ Work with an elite and focused team of app developers
< Backend engineer>
‧ Experience in using Java under professional environment, or if you are
non-Java user, excellent skills in generalized programming languages, such asScala, Python and Go.
‧ Interest and ability to learn other coding languages as needed.
‧ Experience with NoSQL databases and distributed cache.
‧ Strong fundamentals in data structures, algorithms and object oriented
‧ In-depth understanding of concurrency and distributed computing.
< iOS Engineer>
‧ Deep understanding of modern mobile/iOS development
‧ Strong in Object Oriented design, and Swift
‧ Experience with the iOS development
‧ Strong passion for code quality and are not allergic to test cases
‧ Familiarity with integration of Rest API
‧ Strong sense of ownership
‧ At least one mobile app you can show off in the interview
‧ At least 3-5 years of professional experience.
< Android Engineer >
‧ Deep understanding of modern mobile development
‧ Strong in Object Oriented design and Kotlin
‧ Experience with the Android development
‧ Strong passion for code quality and are not allergic to test cases
‧ Familiarity with integration of Rest API
‧ Strong sense of ownership
‧ At least one mobile app you can show off in the interview
‧ At least 3-5 years of professional experience.
1. 準備英文履歷(剛好會日文也可準備日文履歷)
2. 從網站登錄應徵(請務必上傳履歷,若沒有則無法進行書審)
3. 書審(基本上履歷有寫會coding都會給過)
4. Coding test(三月初舉行,考試時間約1-1.5小時)
5. 第一次面試(線上舉行)
6. 第二次面試 (線上舉行)
7. 最終面試(線上舉行)
8. 發出Offer
這次會以選考會的方式舉行,要招募的名額不會只有一位,只要是優秀的工程師都會盡可能採用。另外,如果您通過coding test 進到面試階段的話,3場面試將會在一週內舉行完畢。面試結果最晚會在3月底前公布。所以會比一般的應徵方式機會來得大且效率快。
Backend engineer
iOS Engineer
Android Engineer
code test大概什麼難度呢
Paypay 很難的 以新人來說
我也看成paypal 想說怎麼可能只有3500萬人XD
有日文課程 不過因為疫情的關係停止中
code test我碰到的很簡單啦 其他team的就不知道了
iOS test level: easy, 只不過我上個月的test api權
PayPal啊 差一個字母
PayPal 跟 Paypay 本來就不是同一個公司..
PayPay老闆是Softbank 不是中資啦 只是系統跟支付寶
有合作 掃條碼可以互通
[請益] 在SWAG上班很爽嗎?看了一下 沒有硬體相關職缺 硬體沒得硬 軟體才能硬 聽說福利是27
[討論] 光學工程師是不是物理系較好之出路?雖然我是物理系的 但物理工作離我很遠了 昨收到個物理相關之徵才廣告 如後 這在討論的是 光學工程師 是不是物理系較好之出路? 總比去產線賣肝好吧 就算不去產線 但半導體廠實在過於特殊 換工作不易9
Fw: [北美] Mechanical Design Engineer - FRL作者: mzt (YOLO) 看板: Oversea_Job 標題: [北美] Mechanical Design Engineer - FRL 時間: Tue Dec 22 05:29:07 2020 This position is a contractor position. US working VISA is required. I am the hiring manager of this position therefore let me know if any question.4
[亞洲] 日本美商徵工程師Hello, 我們公司最近有要找以下的職缺 如果有興趣來日本工作或想先了解狀況的的可以站內信我,謝謝~ 公司名稱:Qualcomm (Power) Job link:2
[北美] 招聘兩位軟體QA工程師(應屆畢業和有經驗)Hi, 大家好 我們組在招兩位軟體QA工程師, 公司在灣區Sunnyvale. 詳細公司資訊在下面網址. 其中一個比較入門的職位是給應屆畢業生, BS/MS均可, 但一定是要應屆畢業生, 只要有計算機相關的知識背景都可以, 大致的工作描述如下, 有興趣可以PM我. The Quality Assurance Engineer works within the R&D team to ensure the2
[北美]招聘有些經驗的網路QA工程師Hi, 大家好 上次感謝大家踴躍報名,因為受疫情影響所以面試暫停了一陣子,現在又恢復要招人了。 這次要招的是網路軟體QA工程師. 只要是有一些工作經驗和網路協定或相關的背景都可以 大致的工作描述如下,有興趣可以PM我。工作地點在北加的Sunnyvale。 至於之前有聯絡過我但是沒有收到HR通知的,如果你還有興趣的話也跟我說一聲,因為還2
[北美] 加州德商公司徵ML軟體工程師各位版友大家好 小妹待的Team目前在徵一位軟體工程師 歡迎有興趣的版友們寄履歷給我,我會轉發給Hiring Manager Email: [email protected] Job Link:1
[北美] 招聘一位軟體QA工程師(有經驗)Hi, 大家好 上次感謝大家踴躍報名, 還沒有消息的請耐心等待, 我們組還是持續在招軟體QA工程師. 目前這個職位是給有一些工作經驗的,主要是測試網路協定或相關的. 只要有計算機相關的知識背景都可以, 大致的工作描述如下, 有興趣可以PM我. 工作地點在北加的Sunnyvale.1
[亞洲] 香港 徵Senior Software Engineer, iOSGlints 代徵 公司名稱 GoodNotes GoodNotes was created from our founder's frustration of taking readable and reusable notes on his first iPad. We have since grown to millions of happy users and have been featured on Apple's marketing materials. Our engineering- This position is a contractor position. US working VISA is required. I am the hiring manager of this position therefore let me know if any question. Optical Prototype Engineer The AR/VR Platform Display and Optics team focuses on moving the state-of-art display and optical technologies forward for Facebook AR/VR products, which