美國味全 徵採購助理

看板Oversea_Job標題美國味全 徵採購助理作者
時間推噓 推:0 噓:0 →:0

地點: LA, Bell Gardens

Job Description:

1. Working with the purchasing manager to run the purchasing department
2. Maintaining cordial working relationships with vendors and supervising vendor activities
Signing and reviewing purchasing agreements with vendors, monitoring their performance and renegotiating contracts
3. Managing purchase orders, overseeing shipping schedules and maintaining purchase records
4. Working with warehouse staff to compare deliveries with purchase orders toidentify discrepancies
5. Conducting ongoing market research to identify beneficial purchase agreements and potential vendors


1. 在美合法工作身分
2. 中英文流利、細心、有採購經驗者優先考慮
3. 熟悉Microsoft office操作
4. 大學以上學歷

有意者請email至: [email protected]


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