[北美] Meta/ Fb Data infra 徵AI/ML pm
大家好 我在幫我們組(real-time data at Meta/ Facebook) 招 product manager for Real-time AI/ML! Target level 6 (staff) up to 7 (principal )
如您有feature engineering或real-time personalization 或任何AI/ML pm經驗 想多了解的話請站內信或email [email protected]
板上大大對其他Meta職缺有興趣的話也可以直接email我您的resume和職缺 我可以幫忙
Are you passionate in building product to enable ML feature engineering for Ads, IG Reels, Messenger, Marketplace, Metaverse and more? Do you want to driveAI/ML adoption and strategy to enable predictive analytics, real-time personalization, and other advanced use cases in ML monitoring/ observability? Then you might be the right fit! We haven’t listed the position in the career portal but please reach out if you want to learn more! And please help spreading the word!
幫你推 比起其他有誠意多了 給公司email
[北美] 徵人part2 Data Scientist - Microsoft大家好, 我們組最近在招人. 對machine learning/NLP有興趣的. 想寫prototype或production code/python/c#的 machine learning engineer也歡迎謝謝. 對組有問題的可以寄信到我的信箱或是Email: [email protected]6
Re: [心得] 從蘋果發表會看台積電三率三降法說會解釋毛利下降的原因. let me explain to you. The sequential decline is mainly due to mix as the contribution from N5 will increase, but it still carries a dilutive effect. And secondly, we see a slower rate of cost improvement as our fabs continue to run at a very high level of utilization, leaving less time to do cost improvement5
[問題] amazon 詐騙信疑問最近收到一封這樣的來信 不知道是不是詐騙信件 貼上來看看有沒有人也有收到過類似這樣的內容 感謝 -----------------------------------------------------------------------