[情報] AMD宣布B450 X470將支援Zen 3

看板PC_Shopping標題[情報] AMD宣布B450 X470將支援Zen 3作者
時間推噓92 推:98 噓:6 →:38


As we head into our upcoming “Zen 3” architecture, there are considerable
technical challenges that face a CPU socket as long-lived as AMD Socket AM4.
For example, we recently announced that we would not support “Zen 3” on AMD
400 Series motherboards due to serious constraints in SPI ROM capacities in
most of the AMD 400 Series motherboards. This is not the first time a
technical hurdle has come up with Socket AM4 given the longevity of this
socket, but it is the first time our enthusiasts have faced such a hurdle.

當提到我們的Zen 3技術,不免會對長命的AM4腳位產生一些技術上的問題。

我們最近宣布400系列主機板將不支援Zen 3的原因是因為400系列對於SPI ROM容量的



Over the past week, we closely reviewed your feedback on that news: we
watched every video, read every comment and saw every Tweet. We hear that
many of you hoped for a longer upgrade path. We hear your hope that AMD B450
and X470 chipsets would carry you into the “Zen 3” era.




我們聽到了多數人的需求 也就是延長更新


帶領你們進入Zen 3世代

Our experience has been that large-scale BIOS upgrades can be difficult and
confusing especially as processors come on and off the support lists. As the
community of Socket AM4 customers has grown over the past three years, our
intention was to take a path forward that provides the safest upgrade
experience for the largest number of users. However, we hear you loud and
clear when you tell us you would like to see B450 or X470 boards extended to
the next generation “Zen 3” products.



我們原本的計畫是讓這代退休 好讓最多人能享受最安全的升級


"""""""ZEN 3"""""""""

As the team weighed your feedback against the technical challenges we face,
we decided to change course. As a result, we will enable an upgrade path for
B450 and X470 customers that adds support for next-gen AMD Ryzen™ Processors
with the “Zen 3” architecture. This decision is very fresh, but here is a
first look at how the upgrade path is expected to work for customers of thesemotherboards.

大意就是我們知道了啦幹 會支援啦 這樣

1.We will develop and enable our motherboard partners with the code to support“Zen 3”-based processors in select beta BIOSes for AMD B450 and X470

2.These optional BIOS updates will disable support for many existing AMD Ryzen™ Desktop Processor models to make the necessary ROM space available.

3.The select beta BIOSes will enable a one-way upgrade path for AMD Ryzen
Processors with “Zen 3,” coming later this year. Flashing back to an older
BIOS version will not be supported.

4.To reduce the potential for confusion, our intent is to offer BIOS downloadonly to verified customers of 400 Series motherboards who have purchased a
new desktop processor with “Zen 3” inside. This will help us ensure that
customers have a bootable processor on-hand after the BIOS flash, minimizing
the risk a user could get caught in a no-boot situation.

5.Timing and availability of the BIOS updates will vary and may not immediatelycoincide with the availability of the first “Zen 3”-based processors.

6.This is the final pathway AMD can enable for 400 Series motherboards to addnew CPU support. CPU releases beyond “Zen 3” will require a newer

7.AMD continues to recommend that customers choose an AMD 500 Series
motherboard for the best performance and features with our new CPUs.

因為我不太專業 就請各位看原文 抱歉

There are still many details to iron out, but we’ve already started the
necessary planning. As we get closer to the launch of this upgrade path, you
should expect another blog just like this to provide the remaining details
and a walkthrough of the specific process.

儘管還有很多細節要處理 但是我們已經開始計畫了

At CES 2017, AMD made a commitment: we would support AMD Socket AM4 until
2020. We’ve spent the next three years working very hard to fulfill that
promise across four architectures, plus pioneering use of new technologies
like chiplets and PCIe® Gen 4. Thanks to your feedback, we are now set to
bring “Zen 3” to the AMD 400 Series chipsets. We’re grateful for your
passion and support of AMD’s products and technologies.



bla bla bla

謝謝各位的回覆 我們已經確定Zen 3會在400系列的板子上支援


We’ll talk again soon.


我記得有鄉民猜對了 馬上改口支援


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jhangyu 05/19 22:08香,之後可以來上4950X了

Sabaurila 05/19 22:08不是說bios不夠用 又好了嗎

honher 05/19 22:09

jasn4560 05/19 22:10白海豚?

LastAttack 05/19 22:10很會轉彎==嘻嘻是說這次會不會再提供CPU來讓人升級

rock0807 05/19 22:10太香了

LastAttack 05/19 22:10BIOS呢?

andyw761216205/19 22:12反觀

pig 05/19 22:13更新後會刪掉舊款 CPU 的支援

jason840226 05/19 22:13轉彎歸轉彎,還是比硬幹好多了

※ 編輯: MorikonHase ( 臺灣), 05/19/2020 22:36:44

Kenyon7421 05/19 22:14不好意思不太懂,這兩款型號主機板不是是本來就有支

Kenyon7421 05/19 22:14援嗎?

GGWPonLOL 05/19 22:14本來沒有要支援 只有500系列支援而已

kimula01 05/19 22:14good. 我的B450i不用賣了

Bob9154 05/19 22:15

DickRyan 05/19 22:15i家表示:還讓不讓活....

Bob9154 05/19 22:16反正怎麼做都會出問題 看AMD覺得哪個好處理

pig 05/19 22:16之後推出的桌上型4000系列才是zen3

pig 05/19 22:16現在的3000系列是zen2

Kenyon7421 05/19 22:19原來我誤會了,我以為現在3系列就是zen3

WARgame723 05/19 22:20這樣就對了

giancarlo82 05/19 22:20買C7H特價的爽到

mayolane 05/19 22:20723的B450可以繼續用了嘻嘻

a123444556 05/19 22:21不是說BIOS容量不夠 難不成bios介面要改成黑白嗎 XD

GGWPonLOL 05/19 22:21723難得説人話欸

pig 05/19 22:22就停止支援舊的 CPU 來空出空間啊

tarry240 05/19 22:224000系列桌機用APU快出!!

doom3 05/19 22:23又香了 cc

Shigeru777 05/19 22:23沒有A320 隆仔不開心

pig 05/19 22:23對照 x570 的話,應該就 1000 系列不支援了吧

pig 05/19 22:25附帶說明一下 4000G APU 還是 zen2 哦

dreamgirl 05/19 22:25X370敲碗

pig 05/19 22:25要沒內顯的那批才會是 zen3

gogojazz 05/19 22:27723推了!這麼開心!?

mercuries2 05/19 22:27C7H看起來靠32MB的bios可以一次支援1~4代全部的RYZE

mercuries2 05/19 22:27N CPU了

scarbywind 05/19 22:28再買c6h阿 (X

scarbywind 05/19 22:29搞不好可以看到以前的藍白bios

segunta 05/19 22:29C7H繼續戰!

a58524andy 05/19 22:30香香香香香 amd有聽到大地之母的哭聲 我他媽推爆

ctes940008 05/19 22:32誇張

a58524andy 05/19 22:32推 WARgame723: 這樣就對了

porco0857 05/19 22:32可以用,但要自己debug喔

genelin 05/19 22:35C7H表示欣慰

DennyPed 05/19 22:36一狗票B450表示:真香

Kagero 05/19 22:38舊的支援拔掉 然後要自己測試

Cubelia 05/19 22:38R3BE的黑白色BIOS還真的超帥XD

LastAttack 05/19 22:38300系板消費者下去啦,我大AND承諾的是不換腳

ted1030 05/19 22:38真香

LastAttack 05/19 22:39位,有說過一定支援CUP了?

lolwtfnow 05/19 22:39C7H突然又香了起來

Gsanz 05/19 22:43推 WARgame723: 這樣就對了

SonoSion 05/19 22:46這樣就對了

MK47 05/19 22:46笑死XDD 之前買B450、X470的賺爆

show632 05/19 22:46重點在要用Zen 3要捨棄其他支援

harryzx0 05/19 22:46板廠表示:

yu76 05/19 22:46

ltyintw 05/19 22:48

pkro12345 05/19 22:48

Kowdan 05/19 22:48C7H香

superLM 05/19 22:49留個名 太爽鳥~~

nakayamayyt 05/19 22:49會怕就好

asxy25 05/19 22:58

himekami 05/19 22:58

NanaMizuki 05/19 23:05AMD yes !

superLM 05/19 23:08好險沒買一塊C6H來當備板

henry46277 05/19 23:09

alvistan 05/19 23:10原本不敢刪除一代的支援吧

gg067788 05/19 23:10AMD YES !

jaspergod 05/19 23:10香爆 B450m坐等別人x470升級Zen撿個37X還是39X XD

ray90910 05/19 23:10Rog x470有救了!

bpq302302 05/19 23:11AMD好棒

yu1111116 05/19 23:12從今天開始AMD就是我大哥!

menshuei 05/19 23:16哇噢,怎麼跟板廠講的都不一樣?

azumanga 05/19 23:17讚。

wp2010504 05/19 23:17身為b450 max系列使用者的我:超香

aasssdddd 05/19 23:21宣稱2020之前不換腳位的意義是啥

scarbywind 05/19 23:21微星應該是最大受益者吧XD

MK47 05/19 23:23對耶 之前微星出一堆max版 買的都能升XD

RC8377 05/19 23:24

Ken210430 05/19 23:27我的X470-F可以再戰了

Doub1eK 05/19 23:30b450 再戰十年

eericchutw 05/19 23:36本來B450想換C6H 好險

chen5512 05/19 23:37B450,B470的ROM空間不是都比較大嗎?

chen5512 05/19 23:38更正X470

ms0545173 05/19 23:41X470可以用的話 就不換10代了

Hurricaneger05/19 23:47換句話說,B550還是不出來

shinjikawuru05/19 23:55那個....b350拜託一下

Secret69 05/19 23:56X570坐等zne 3☺

knml 05/20 00:05真的香爆

pttae 05/20 00:08AMD真香

RaiGend0519 05/20 00:11哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

RaiGend0519 05/20 00:13C6H GG,X470板子香起來~

DEAKUNE 05/20 00:14723聞到香味忍不住發言啦XD

jay0215 05/20 00:16從今天起 AMD就是我大哥

s30zx2000 05/20 00:30C6H即將迎來拋售潮XD!?

kevin850717 05/20 00:31板廠QQ 新板子更難賣,還要多花人力在舊板子做義工

WeAntiTVBS 05/20 00:33小星星那些沒有MAX的B450 X470表示:

silverair 05/20 00:34會轉彎還可以

※ 編輯: MorikonHase ( 臺灣), 05/20/2020 00:36:25

jacob815123 05/20 00:44真香

appleonatree05/20 01:11666 這才是我的good boy AMD

iuytjhgf 05/20 01:16C6H快拋快拋

yafx4200p 05/20 01:20723去健身版 練好身子要打臉各位了

pcfox 05/20 01:39推 WARgame723 : 這樣就對了

pcfox 05/20 01:40C7H延命 3900X要掰了嗎

StarHero 05/20 01:41C6H下台一鞠躬 坐等2990的C7H

waiter337 05/20 01:51感覺林董的肝要炸掉了

AZBTPATONY 05/20 01:51反觀

qazwsx85519305/20 01:54我的天 有夠香

cul287 05/20 02:02哈哈哈哈 有糖吃

a86710985 05/20 02:39真香

wilson31507 05/20 02:40B450M-K準備好了

bluesapphire05/20 04:34應該是b550一直難產,所以才出此下策吧..

kamir 05/20 06:06Bios容量不夠出改版如何,如小星星的B450 XXX MAX

Burney00000005/20 06:54爽啊啊啊

leo255112 05/20 07:40真香

MaxGDAM 05/20 08:00太香了

GYao 05/20 08:42超爽,B450cp值真高

sincere77 05/20 09:00板廠:啊乾...

luckygod 05/20 10:11c6h很好啊,b450/x470升zen3就能撿二手3xxx用

ayuhb 05/20 10:40爽撿2手3600

bunjie 05/20 12:36真香 果然轉彎了

RyanChang 05/20 13:00真香 還好當初沒選C6H

joeboy 05/20 13:21723不演了嗎

randeon5566 05/20 13:50低階b450放掉能理解 但高階X470不支援就...

rebecca7528 05/20 13:58C7H表示舒服

cele28 05/20 15:15板上那幾個幫忙清c6h要加油囉 嘻嘻

horb 05/20 16:02x370也拜託

RIFF 05/20 16:02相容推

power5703 05/20 16:11香 推一個

iem2000 05/20 18:27幹 還好我買B450

Sswatt 05/20 19:11文中不就明講了 並不是所有 B450 X470 都會支援

Sswatt 05/20 19:12但現階段無法得知到底是哪些會支援

Everyeeeee 05/21 08:41723?????

ultratimes 05/21 14:52就是死命硬撐 搞得四不像 新CPU用新平台

ultratimes 05/21 14:52避免新舊交錯出問題 也避免BIOS支援過量CPU導致

ultratimes 05/21 14:52資訊量爆炸難道不好嗎?

ultratimes 05/21 14:53新主機板還要支援一堆舊U 結果BIOS塞一堆沒用的資料

ultratimes 05/21 14:53r舊版子支援新U 結果BIOS容量不夠 哈哈

z2525113 05/21 22:47反觀i家一直換腳位

Gan0liang 05/22 01:25信AMD得永生

crono0 05/22 15:57可是INTEL的CPU不繼承腳位繼承了很多漏洞