[情報] intel:調查顯示 電競筆電有更輕薄的需求

看板PC_Shopping標題[情報] intel:調查顯示 電競筆電有更輕薄的需求作者
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原標題:OEMs and Intel Create New PC Category: Ultraportable Gaming


Today, a new class of gamers want a new type of PC. Intel’s research reveals
that nearly 40% of gamers want thinner, more versatile gaming laptops that
are also great all-around PCs for work, school, content creation and personalactivities.

Intel and its ecosystem partners have created an entirely new category of PC:the ultraportable gaming laptop. As Intel announced at CES 2021, original
equipment manufacturers such as MSI, Acer and ASUS are releasing more than 40ultraportable gaming designs in the first half of 2021, including the MSI
Stealth15M — one of thinnest 15-inch gaming laptops ever designed.

The laptops are powered by the new 11th Gen Intel® Core™ H35-series
processor, delivering the fastest single-threaded performance of any laptop
processor.1 This processor includes critical features normally found only in
high-end desktop systems: up to 5 gigahertz frequency, PCIe Gen 4.0
architecture for the fastest storage and support for the latest discrete
graphics, and Intel® Killer™ Wi-Fi 6E (Gig+). These features provide a
balance of mobility and advanced gaming — an industry first and a technical
milestone in response to people’s real-world needs.



我大intel日前推出的11th Gen處理器,更為省電,更為迅猛,
請玩家愛指名intel 11th Gen,感謝大家支持與愛戴。


好的 已下單RYZEN 9 5900HS



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C13H16ClNO 03/13 14:2214+++NoteBook

reaturn 03/13 14:24?輕薄跟本不重要,現在只要算力夠就賣的掉

a12550550 03/13 14:24G14:?

RAA1144557 03/13 14:27G14讚讚

electronicyi03/13 14:29都用AMD Ryzen的G14、X13表示:

X13真的很令人驚艷 13吋塞5900HS 重量也很輕 可惜HS系列續航多少有硬傷

tetani 03/13 14:29intel直接公布算力就好了 這麼多廢話沒人想聽

raidcrash 03/13 14:34接下來就是市調 電競筆電有不插電跑分的需求了嗎

seemoon2000 03/13 14:47電競筆電市場可能比輕薄筆電小 這市調有什意義

seemoon2000 03/13 14:48商務型筆電若可以也會想要裡面有顆好的GPU和AMD CPU

twinmick 03/13 14:50電競那種功耗,是要怎麼又要馬兒好又要馬兒不吃草..

5900HS的性能我想足以勝任99%電競筆電的需求 但他帶來了什麼可觀的功耗嗎? 你那邊的2330應該還沒破300 趕快歐印!!

kngs555 03/13 14:57光是筆電散熱就搞不定了,還想要電競輕簿化

ericyou0122 03/13 14:58輕薄筆電才是主流,有些公司要用到點Cad類的才會考

ericyou0122 03/13 14:58慮配獨顯效能好點的

ray2000 03/13 15:03現在14++++才發現NB要輕薄 !!!

ericinttu 03/13 15:09應該要不鎖功耗的需求八

vict1 03/13 15:15I皇弄X13版的 8核 我才覺得你說的對

a1379 03/13 15:22電競筆電市場很小吧 任何能玩遊戲的筆電都能取代

wsx784512g 03/13 15:32推結論!

fbifxxkma 03/13 15:34有出挖礦筆電我就買

clurinzler 03/13 15:34專門講廢話 輕薄誰不要= =

giancarlo82 03/13 15:35樓上好兇

atbhao05 03/13 15:36好的 已下單M1

gn00569763 03/13 15:43有高算力的需求吧

ltytw 03/13 15:44請問11代的筆電拿去挖礦算力多少

dickey2 03/13 15:47我目前只看到雲端遊戲的市場 顯卡算了吧

twinmick 03/13 15:552330我是all in了啊 買在比300還更低很多...

twinmick 03/13 15:57問題是輕薄跟電池是相衝突的,就算功耗很低散熱結構

twinmick 03/13 15:58也是卡在那,犧牲散熱結構的電競筆電...?

??? 功耗低散熱卡在那? 功耗如果低,熱要從哪裡來? 不要在大太陽底下玩電腦好嗎

※ 編輯: suitup ( 臺灣), 03/13/2021 17:19:38

RAA1144557 03/13 17:30雲端遊戲 Google都放生了 還有市場嗎

suitup 03/13 17:36沒有了 夢早該醒了

bang71013 03/13 17:39串流遊戲=垃圾 延遲是物理限制

testPtt 03/13 17:59玩遊戲還是別用筆電吧

deegs10221 03/13 18:01要效能會去組桌電吧,筆電續航力本來就是重點啊

seemoon2000 03/13 18:22串流遊戲即使類的有差 應該主打不用超即時反饋的

aaron5555 03/13 18:54其實我還蠻不懂會買電競筆電的人會有續行跟攜帶的

aaron5555 03/13 18:54需求嗎?

Bencrie 03/13 19:08那是 Google 太弱吧,一進市場就是老三以下 ...

helba 03/13 19:49 溫度也沒比較低

圖 intel:調查顯示 電競筆電有更輕薄的需求

suitup 03/13 19:56功耗就是擺在那 都不用爭

tropotato 03/13 21:11x13價格太臭 電腦家賣不完==

Uncontinue 03/13 21:40哀家跟人家講效能筆電要輕薄?

AkikaCat 03/14 12:37只要是筆電都有輕薄需求啊,但你願意捨棄多少性能 X

AkikaCat 03/14 12:37D