[情報] 2013年最後生還者發售後Neil訪談 (那結局

看板PlayStation標題[情報] 2013年最後生還者發售後Neil訪談 (那結局作者
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The power of failure: making 'The Last of Us'

1.The Last of Us 的故事原本是Neil大學時代一個遊戲製作project的延伸

2.「活死人電影」之父 George Romero是當時project導師的朋友

3.Neil當時的故事受到三大啟發:PS2遊戲ICO、Sin City主角、還有上述的活死人電影


 受到漫畫《The Turning》的影響 原先設定的警察變成了失去女兒的罪犯
 後來主角要保護的女孩 在最後拯救了被原本犯罪同夥抓走的主角

6.在公司內結識 Bruce Straley(後來 The Last of Us的導演)後常常聊新的創意
 他們做了一個提案叫 Mankind 這個就已經跟後來的遊戲滿接近了
 不同的是那個蟲草病毒只感染女性 Ellie是已知唯一免疫的女孩

7.頑皮狗的多位女性員工覺得這什麼病毒啊根本厭女症吧 卻下


9.在多次試行錯誤後,The Last of Us 終於成為我們現在眼前的樣子面世
 (這個遊戲的結尾想必大家已經都很清楚 不再多說)
故事在Ellie聽完Joel的解釋後的那句「Okay」中結束,片尾credit rolls浮現。


It was a conclusion that was designed to be open to interpretation. What doesEllie do next? Does she really believe him? Druckmann has his own ideas on
that front.

到底之後 Ellie 會怎麼做?她真的相信 Joel 的說法嗎?
Neil Druckmann在這方面有他自己的想法。

"It's Ellie waking up for the first time and realizing that she
can't rely on him anymore," he explains. "She knows that she has to leave
him, and make her own decisions and her own mistakes."

「這是 Ellie 第一次覺醒,認識到她不能再一直依賴 Joel 了。」

For Druckmann, who became a father during the development of The Last of Us,
turning Ellie into a strong, capable character was no accident.

對於在開發《最後生還者》其間成為人父的 Neil來說,
將 Ellie 轉化成一個堅強而有能力的角色並非偶然。

"I had this secret agenda," he
said during a talk at the Toronto chapter of the International Game
Developers Association. "I wanted to create one of the coolest,
non-sexualized female video game protagonists. And I felt that if we did
that, there's an opportunity to change the industry. I know it sounds
pretentious, but that was my goal."

He then showed a slide featuring multiple young girls cosplaying as Ellie.
"The Last of Us has only been out for a few months," he explained, "but I'm
pretty proud of the impact it's had so far."

圖 2013年最後生還者發售後Neil訪談 (那結局

The power of failure: making 'The Last of Us'

One of the PS3’s best games was an idea nearly 10 years in the making

──THE VERGE, 作者 Andrew Webster,2013年9月19日


※ PTT留言評論
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newtana07/06 03:23靈魂昇華

arexne07/06 03:31很明顯失敗了

PTTfaggot07/06 05:00二代真的慘 從製作人到演員臉模等等都一直收到死亡威脅

PTTfaggot07/06 05:03一代只能說Neil有個不錯的構想 後續成功有很多人功勞

PTTfaggot07/06 05:04不過末日感染題材也沒多新鮮

PTTfaggot07/06 05:05一代的成功從來都跟創新無關

TotalBiscuit07/06 06:36the coolest, non-sexualized female protagonist

chiad07/06 07:41會想要non-sexualized female protagonist 只能說Neil太少

chiad07/06 07:41上網了XD Rule34

blowchina07/06 07:52把一代跟原理念講得越神,就會越覺得二代到底怎麼了不

blowchina07/06 07:52是嗎?諷刺阿

yeary2k07/06 08:59總之就是一人專政就爆了

Voony07/06 10:36只感染女性的疾病XD 他也算始終如一

faang07/06 10:40厭女XDDD

SouKazuho07/06 13:05他對Ellie的後續早有定見

SouKazuho07/06 13:07rule 34是什麼?

SouKazuho07/06 13:19tattoo-explained/

SouKazuho07/06 13:22抱歉忘記鎖網址

SouKazuho07/06 13:23縮(更正)網址。這是Ellie的手部模特兒兼刺青設計師

SouKazuho07/06 14:29編劇Halley Gross的姊妹暱稱Abby為「beef steak」

SouKazuho07/06 14:30

SouKazuho07/06 14:31上面是我朋友的遊戲截圖,Dina把在彩虹書店找到的「那

SouKazuho07/06 14:31本書」帶到劇院去讀......

andy0028420007/06 14:33看來前7點就是Niel一部曲一直被打槍修正的過程

andy0028420007/06 14:34最後成就了一部成熟的作品

andy0028420007/06 14:34二部曲看起來得了大頭症,有意見的人會被逼迫離開

andy0028420007/06 14:36而Joel必須被虐待的想法一直深耕在他的心裡

andy0028420007/06 14:36原本1就想要虐Joel了XDD

SouKazuho07/06 15:58他一直想要做的是反轉照顧者/被照顧者的角色,後來成品

SouKazuho07/06 15:58版及DLC都有做到Ellie照顧Joel的劇情。

SouKazuho07/06 15:59Ellie為了救Joel而第一次殺人,也在成品版做出來了,

SouKazuho07/06 15:59但不是做為終局的戲劇點

SouKazuho07/06 18:14 兩小時長的影片評論

SouKazuho07/06 18:15關於最後生還者1代和2代(包括DLC)的深度解析

※ 編輯: SouKazuho ( 臺灣), 07/06/2020 18:17:06

SouKazuho07/06 18:17有興趣的話再看 還真的滿長的...

chiad07/06 21:51Rule 34 of internet: “If it exists, there is porn of

chiad07/06 21:51it. If there isn't, there will be.”

SouKazuho07/06 23:23oh.....i see

SouKazuho07/06 23:24但他這邊的意思滿明顯的 就是不服務male gaze的女主角