[情報] IGN 2020 Game of the Year年度獎項出爐

看板PlayStation標題[情報] IGN 2020 Game of the Year年度獎項出爐作者
(Sou Kazuho )
時間推噓29 推:29 噓:0 →:46


圖 IGN 2020 Game of the Year年度獎項出爐
IGN's Game of the Year 2020:Hades
(幾個大媒體包括 Time,Polygon,IGN都把GOTY給了Hades
 GameSpot給了 Half Life Alyx)
此獎項入圍者共11款遊戲,包括動森 維京紀元 Cyberpunk(限PC版) FF7R
對馬 Half Life Alyx 微軟模擬飛行 黑蜘蛛人

圖 IGN 2020 Game of the Year年度獎項出爐
IGN's People's Choice GotY: The Last Of Us Part 2

Best PlayStation Console Exclusive:The Last of Us Part 2
Demon's Souls Remake
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Ghost of Tsushima
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Best Xbox Console Exclusive:Call of the Sea
Best Nintendo Console Exclusive:Animal Crossing: New Horizons 動物森友會
Best PC-Exclusive:Half-Life Alyx
Best VR Game:Half-Life: Alyx

Best Adventure / Puzzle Game:Spiritfarer 靈魂擺渡者
Best Action Game:Hades
Best Action-Adventure Game:The Last of Us Part 2
Best Shooter:Half-Life: Alyx
Best Platformer:Astro's Playroom
Best Strategy / Tactics Game:Crusader Kings 3 十字軍之王3
Best Fighting Game:Granblue Fantasy Versus 碧藍幻想Versus
Best Racing Game:Dirt 5 大地長征5
Best Battle Royale Game:Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout 糖豆人
Best Role-Playing Game:Final Fantasy 7 Remake
*最佳RPG其他入圍者:Cyberpunk 2077(PC版) P5R Wasteland 3(荒野遊俠3)
           Yakuza: Like a Dragon(人中之龍7)  是的 沒有原神

Best Ongoing Game:Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
Best Remakes/Remaster:Final Fantasy VII Remake

Best Video Game Art Design:Ghost of Tsushima
Most Impressive Feature:DualSense Integration, Astro's Playroom
Best Video Game Soundtrack / Score 配樂:The Last of Us Part 2
Best Video Game Sound Design:The Last of Us Part 2
Best Video Game Story:The Last of Us Part 2
Best Performance:Laura Bailey – Abby, The Last of Us Part 2
Best Technical Innovation:DualSense Controller - Haptic Feedback 觸覺回饋
Noteworthy Advancement in Accessibility:The Last of Us Part 2




圖 IGN 2020 Game of the Year年度獎項出爐
在這邊分享一下 BEST PERFORMANCE 獎項IGN的入圍者評審評語
陪榜兩回了 希望 Ashley 明年能得個獎XDD

Ashley Johnson – Ellie, The Last of Us Part 2

It's rare that a character who so consistently makes so many terrible
decisions ends up someone an audience holds love for, and it's entirely
thanks to Ashley Johnson's performance that Ellie remains a character we wantto root for – despite all of her awful, awful choices. Impossibly earnest
and drenched in pathos, Johnson delivers a grounded, moving performance of a
grieving young woman reckoning with the continuing consequences of her
actions and her own complicated legacy, all while trying to hold onto what
little light remains in a dark world that, to her, is only getting darker.
Every line of Johnson's performance solidifies Ellie as a character and makesit clear that she – along with her co-star Laura Bailey – deserve just as
much recognition for their craft as anyone in Hollywood.


※ PTT留言評論
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alanjiang12/22 12:26你真的很愛看媒體獎項耶(我也是XD)

alanjiang12/22 12:27Xbox居然是Call of Sea得獎,媒體評分較高的不是Ori2

likeshit12/22 12:31Best Racing Game.......

burnsy001812/22 12:33又有一大堆人要崩潰了

SouKazuho12/22 12:33A大,因為今年特別好看啊XDD

SouKazuho12/22 12:34Hades拿獎拿到我朋友圈都說誰要不要先買來玩看看了。

sx415212/22 12:34Half Life Alyx才真的是劃時代作品

alanjiang12/22 12:34當然要玩啊,同一家出的Bastion先玩看看,打擊手感佳XD

OscarShih12/22 12:35竟然不是10/10

OscarShih12/22 12:36IGN是不是又能看了

alanjiang12/22 12:37當然啊,我大黑蒂絲GOTY,IGN可說是公道伯中的公道伯

SouKazuho12/22 12:37嗯嗯,奇怪的是 Hades 到現在還沒出在ps跟xbox平台,co

SouKazuho12/22 12:37nsole只有switch有

x215967912/22 12:38Hades那家的作品一直都是品質保證

x215967912/22 12:38只是這次主打類型比較對大眾胃口

alanjiang12/22 12:38對啊,小品神作XD

SouKazuho12/22 12:38Half Life Alyx 之前看分析是說吃虧在進入門檻,很多記

SouKazuho12/22 12:38者編輯本身都沒有設備可以玩到。

OscarShih12/22 12:39還好我一直相信IGN,以後都跟隨它們了

alanjiang12/22 12:40我還以為Valve送評時會隨附Valve Index XD

alanjiang12/22 12:40我只相信PTT,IGN還略遜一籌wwwww

holyhelm12/22 12:42Hades好玩 不知不覺快玩100hr了

holyhelm12/22 12:43便宜 不吃配備 執行流暢

※ 編輯: SouKazuho ( 臺灣), 12/22/2020 12:46:28

jeff19880112/22 12:52等崩潰劇上演,這邊先卡位XD

realion12/22 12:54看到這榜單我就放心了

s891003512/22 12:59菜雞互啄年

helba12/22 13:0310/10

colchi12/22 13:04對馬好可惜,製作、更新都誠意滿滿

nfhlve12/22 13:08我先猜10/10一定有上榜

alanjiang12/22 13:08對馬值得一個動作或動作冒險,10/10已經拿PS最佳了XD

alanjiang12/22 13:08不過IGN不用太在意啦,我們來弄個PTT年度遊戲啦wwwww

micbrimac12/22 13:14慘 switch 遊戲被10/10壓在地上磨蹭

SouKazuho12/22 13:15今年是IGN review史上可能最高的給出四款遊戲 10/10滿

SouKazuho12/22 13:15分的年,去年一個都沒給

shabi12/22 13:19因為ign把小數點拿掉了阿,原本可能9.5 9.6的都變10了

OscarShih12/22 13:21看來PTT網友的10/10必GOTY縮成只用上榜了

SouKazuho12/22 13:22他的說明是這樣:10 - Masterpiece。Simply put: this

SouKazuho12/22 13:22 is our highest recommendation. There’s no such th

SouKazuho12/22 13:22ing as a truly perfect game, but those that earn a

SouKazuho12/22 13:22 Masterpiece label from IGN come as close as we cou

SouKazuho12/22 13:22ld reasonably hope for.

winds414112/22 13:31Hades 真的讚到不行 遊戲元素豐富的同時又確保每次劇情

winds414112/22 13:31有新變化

CTC011512/22 13:35PTT果然是反指標

SouKazuho12/22 13:37所以IGN真正的10/10可能是Hades,TLOU2大概9.5這樣,只

SouKazuho12/22 13:37是被四捨五入惹。

alanjiang12/22 13:38薛丁格的10分(好像搶了某人台詞)

SouKazuho12/22 13:43Hades:

圖 IGN 2020 Game of the Year年度獎項出爐

badend876912/22 13:43hades算類型優勢 不過也是他們作品戰鬥進步幅度很大

badend876912/22 13:44成長有目共睹 美術倒是一直都很優質

kuninaka12/22 13:49Hades真的值得

ThisisLongID12/22 14:03這獎項給得很平均呀,還能有什麼問題?

leooelleooel12/22 14:04黑帝斯好玩 但是不覺得贏過對馬

SouKazuho12/22 14:18PTT PS4板投票的話應該是對馬會贏

SouKazuho12/22 14:19

圖 IGN 2020 Game of the Year年度獎項出爐

SouKazuho12/22 14:20Gamestat顯示台灣玩家喜歡對馬的程度世界第一,5 x pop

SouKazuho12/22 14:20ularity(受歡迎度)

k1314520illy12/22 14:25Hades好猛

kawazakiz212/22 14:33下面又要崩潰

e216747112/22 14:53這時候IGN又可以相信了 自助餐 w

aaronpwyu12/22 15:03粉絲投票獎XDDD

ThisisLongID12/22 15:07這圖很有趣呀 最愛的前4名只佔總銷量6.5%。然後香港

ThisisLongID12/22 15:07銷售量可以跟加拿大一樣多

qwer88050612/22 15:28猩猩還是在榜上阿 哪裡能信

cheno660412/22 15:39PTT就激動的人特別多,明明拿粉絲投票獎被說成糞作

SouKazuho12/22 15:46香港應該包含玻璃心之國的銷量?

wicer12/22 15:46哈迪斯有沒有打算出實體片?

clubee12/22 16:41Hades開創rogue新標竿

anjohn12/22 17:46香港銷量很多是中國玩家跨PSN去買的

labelabe12/22 18:37未看先猜我大10/10

SouKazuho12/22 18:40猜錯的喝一杯shot

Scorpion030212/23 09:08hades有夠讚 不喜歡刷半天也可以開god mode看劇情

Scorpion030212/23 09:08 內容有夠豐富

akumo12/23 11:4610/10超棒

justeat12/23 11:47hades讚 值得買