[垃圾] 給對戰玩家的一封信

看板PokemonGO標題[垃圾] 給對戰玩家的一封信作者
時間推噓13 推:21 噓:8 →:12








We wanted to share an update with you about several issues affecting the GO
Battle League. We have been closely monitoring the state of the GO Battle
League as well as your feedback on a daily basis, and we’re sharing these
details in pursuit of improved transparency. With this in mind, there are twoareas of concern we’d like to address:

The number of bugs
The Known Issues page
The number of bugs

Pokémon GO’s battle logic is among our most complicated systems, so a bug
fix related to the GO Battle League fundamentally has a higher chance of
causing subsequent bugs than some of our other fixes. For example, a fix
applied during June’s GO Battle League outage is the upstream cause of many
of the current Charged Attack, desync, and switch bugs.

What are we doing about it?

Increasing quality-assurance (QA)testing is the best way to resolve issues
with inherently complicated systems. As such, we have two improvements to ourtesting process underway.

More testers: We’ve increased the size of our QA team over the past two
Automated testing: Automated testing can handle simple, routine tasks so our
QA teammates can spend more time on in-depth testing.
The Known Issues page

Our goal for the Known Issues page is for all Trainers to easily find
information about common or high-impact bugs they might experience. It isn’t
meant to be a comprehensive list of all issues we are aware of or are
actively working to fix.

However, we have discussed a better way to share information about issues
affecting the GO Battle League, as well as how we can improve transparency onbugs affecting other features. We actively listen in community channels and
investigate reported bugs, including those affecting the GO Battle League.

What are we doing about it?

We’ll create and update a separate page for issues related to the GO Battle
League. We’ll also reassess how we determine which issues appear on the
general Known Issues page and the cadence at which we update that page.

In the meantime, we’ve updated the Known Issues page to include several bugs
related to the GO Battle League, and we’ve ensured their status accurately
reflects their current resolution state. We’re actively working on resolving
those issues, and we’ll update you on the Known Issues page when we have new
information to share on our progress.

Closing thoughts

We are dedicated to continuously improving the Pokémon GO gameplay
experience and will do so by making changes to our internal processes (such
as testing) and communication (such as the Known Issues page). We hope that
these next steps will help address those issues.

We’ll continue to update the Known Issues page as we make progress on bug
fixes for the GO Battle League. Hopefully, those fixes find their way into
your hands soon.

Until then, we’ve got work to do.

–The GO Battle League team


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a11115698708/27 06:32大綱就是 我們很努力修了但修不好

Nekki140908/27 06:36XD

a9554016308/27 06:36

laker763408/27 06:37這間公司是真的廢,要不是寶可夢這IP,早就沒人玩了

aquariuschi08/27 06:47不意外喇

cutekenny08/27 06:52修1 bug引發更多bugs...哇靠,n社自己承認了耶

AAaaron08/27 07:23終於要認真QA了...

AAaaron08/27 07:25難得看N社說明這麼仔細..看來GBL客訴真的太多了,只好

lyt556608/27 07:26美術公司不意外

AAaaron08/27 07:27弄一個已知問題頁面,要你問過的別再問了

yeng121708/27 07:39我就爛

MyuMyu08/27 08:09哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

beaverkp08/27 08:18靠杯哈哈哈

Davidgood08/27 08:19哈哈,放棄治療

mimocat08/27 08:29哈哈,我就爛,你們繼續當盤子

Lagonda08/27 09:02廢物公司

Davidgood08/27 09:07既然如此,把摔角皮卡丘下放給R9啦,3季了捏

aaazzza08/27 09:24N:已經列清單了。要不要玩隨便 哈哈

ms1988912008/27 09:31廢物公司 只會靠這個IP撈

ThunderLord08/27 09:35笑死,真的爛公司

kensy929508/27 09:43continue to update bug

BlaBlaBon08/27 10:25這公司太不負責任了吧...

ccjg467308/27 10:28至少還肯說明

SlamKai08/27 10:33玩家對戰不會做 麻煩去挖其他遊戲公司人才來行不行

earnformoney08/27 10:49所有文章內容至少須滿50繁體中文字 不補一下嗎

hy010608/27 11:02簡單講就是…我 就 爛

Vedfolnir08/27 11:14賺幾億鎂的大公司現在才要開始認真QA,厲害了

bmw363308/27 12:33只能下班再編輯了,用手機打開變成亂碼1/2

MFultz2008/27 12:43笑死,賺那麼大的公司,做事情是這德行

fwrr08/27 12:43要對戰請跳本傳

mimocat08/27 12:59只好繼續嘲笑課金了,盤子養出來的公司

w277680308/27 13:50本傳便宜打到爽

horace032308/27 16:15剛看了一下,本傳版比Diablo還少人呢,這麼爽啊

※ 編輯: bmw3633 ( 臺灣), 08/27/2020 17:42:05

weliem08/27 19:04會被課金仔笑你們窮拉,490買十張

wtkao78030208/27 19:33分類笑死XD

alphanet08/27 22:14真低白癡,我決定開始送幸福,今天已經送到1992

Withinout08/28 02:37純推分類

junhong70608/28 06:48Go fest門票入帳後就光明正大擺爛了

hy010608/31 16:09剛剛又遇到我巨金集到地震、對方美錄集雙蠻力,和我同時

hy010608/31 16:09按出招,結果對方連續出兩次大招還可以換怪來擋

hy010608/31 16:10這個還蠻扯的