Re: [閒聊] 寫信給N社幹醮色違大嘴機率,叫我別擔心?

看板PokemonGO標題Re: [閒聊] 寫信給N社幹醮色違大嘴機率,叫我別擔心?作者
(JCC )
時間推噓22 推:27 噓:5 →:29

2018.1.6 我們家三個人一起第一次打大嘴娃
然後只有我顏色不同 我以為我中色違了
結果不是 是另外兩個人中色違
總共311場 三隻色違 給大大參考一下....

※ 引述《paulkao (paul)》之銘言:
: 打了那麼多場大嘴娃,卻遇不到色違,真的很不爽。
: 大嘴娃頭目戰出現的頻率又少,追的好辛苦。
: 我這個五十幾歲的非洲阿伯為了追它還出了小車禍。
: 越想越不爽,大概十天前就寫信去質疑Niantic是不是有調低機率。
: 因為一開始寫信給N社有字數限制,所以先簡單吵一下。
: Since in Reddit forum there is a statistic report showing
: the probability of shiny Mawile which is 8%.I spent much money
: buying premium passes to play RAID of Mawile .
: But so far I played 77 times without shiny Mawile,
: the probability of 77 continus Raids without shiny is almost ZERO.
: Youtuber said Ninantic had adjusted the shiny probability down
: without public announcement. This surreptitious adjustment is
: cheating and illegal, so I claim Niantic should return my 77 premium passes.: 不知道是阿伯我的英文爛,還是他們也是隨便看看,
: 可能也沒搞清楚我說什麼,結果他們回信也很隨便,
: Hello Trainer,
: Thank you for reaching out to us and for playing Pokemon GO.
: As a fellow Trainer, I can understand your excitement & curiosity
: to record a shiny Mawile on your Pokedex.
: Let me share that different Raid Battle happens at different Gyms
: and a Raid Boss that appears at Gyms is random.
: So, I recommend you focus on Raids to increase your chances
: of capturing a shiny Mawile.
: It was great assisting you. Please let us know if you have any other questions: .
: Have a great day and good luck with your Raid Battles!
: 接下來沒有字數限制了,我就寫清楚一點去質疑他們是否調過機率,
: 告訴他們調機率做弊的行為!!!!!
: I do focus on RAID battles and so far I have played more than 1,200
: RAID battles by much money and much time.
: Among 12 hundreds battles, there are 77 battles especially for Boss Mawile.: 77 is a huge number for a specific boss.
: I know shiny Boss appears randomly.
: The question is whether Niantic had adjusted
: the rate of appearance of shiny Mawile?
: If you did not adjust and the rate is still 8%,
: it's almost impossible that I fought 77 Mawile RAIDs
: and I never met a shiny one.
: If you did adjust the rate without public announcement,
: this adjustment is immoral and illegal.
: Niantic has the right to adjust the rate for wild shiny monsters
: because it is free for players.
: On the other hand, Niantic has no right to adjust the rate
: for shiny RAID boss since it is not free of charge.
: Such as slot machines in casinos, they cannot adjust Jackpot rate
: surreptitiously from high to low.
: Therefore, if Niantic did ever adjust the rate of shiny Mawile,
: it is a sort of cheating.
: It is a kind of immoral sale method to attract customers and make earnings.: Niantic has to refund me those 77 premium RAID passes
: I used for Mawile RAID battles with some other compensation.
: If Niantic can make sure that they never adjust the rate of shiny Bosses,
: please let me know and I won't complain.
: 接下來他們的回信還真是有意思,居然叫我繼續打,不用擔心。
: Hello Trainer,
: Glad to hear from you again.
: I understand how upsetting this must be for you
: for not being able to capture a shiny Mawile.
: At the same time, as shared previously a Raid Boss that appears
: at the Gyms or Pokemon in the wild is random and
: the shiny one is the rare one.
: Hence, you may have to spend more time in order to catch the one.
: Not to worry, keep trying!
: We also appreciate the feedback you have shared with us
: about the rate of appearance of shiny Mawile.
: Thank you for taking the time to share this with us.
: If you have any other questions, we are always happy to help.
: Happy hunting!
: 本來就是不太期待N社會正面回應我,回我 very rare 我能理解。
: 居然說 Not to worry. Keep trying. 這個我就覺得就很奇怪了。
: 低機率的東西居然敢叫客人繼續打不用擔心?
: 那我就當作是有保底囉!!!!!
: 所以我就繼續打,只是現在沒有雷達了,幾乎遇不到大嘴娃。
: 目前累積81場,無色違。

圖 寫信給N社幹醮色違大嘴機率,叫我別擔心?
: 他叫我繼續打,別擔心。如果打到一百場還沒有的話,可以告他嗎? XD
: 另外,我覺得這句話也很詭異:
: We also appreciate the feedback you have shared with us
: about the rate of appearance of shiny Mawile.
: 機率設定根本只是N社程式裡面的一個參數,N社自己最清楚了!
: 幹嘛還要感謝我分享呢?
: 還是說你們調低了,然後感謝我提醒N社不要做弊調低機率呢?
: 補充一下,合法賭場是有受到協會的監管,不能偷調機率的。
: 頭目戰是要花錢的,就跟玩吃角子老虎一樣,輸贏看運氣沒錯。
: 因為機率很低遇不到,當然只能自認臉黑囉!
: 我也不會知道N社有沒有改過機率。
: 不過,如果有,就算沒人管,也是不道德的商業行為。
: 無論如何,沒有雷達的情況下,1百場似乎遙遙無期啊!!!


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Doard10/29 17:56Google跟Apple的遊戲政策都是要公開抽獎類的中獎機率,不

Doard10/29 17:56知為何PMGO可以不公布

angerm111710/29 18:03因為他不是轉蛋

angerm111710/29 18:03色違這種東西不用強求啦 該來自己就會來了

joeii012610/29 18:06應該要打一百場就有保底一個色違(誤

MyuMyu10/29 18:08GO真的有夠不友善 沒有保底==課金求色違沒抽到還會被叫看

MyuMyu10/29 18:08開一點

joeii012610/29 18:10官方應該只會叫人自己去刷交換吧

bloodyiris10/29 18:13普通沒中過 暗影中2隻...

j7359610/29 18:190.96%的色違率 算高還算低?

brandneworld10/29 18:40也是野生鐵啞鈴沒中過色違。暗影中6還是8隻

wdg1e5610/29 19:01N社:打就對了,打多了就是你的,打不到繼續課

deepinheart10/29 19:04 1000隻沒看過,

圖 寫信給N社幹醮色違大嘴機率,叫我別擔心?

deepinheart10/29 19:04女友50隻不到就有2隻,我要說什麼?

CaoPi10/29 19:19本文的原作者抓到了啊,好像是1百多隻中吧

CaoPi10/29 19:20之前火箭隊有暗影大嘴娃時狂打,我有中一隻

vata10/29 19:20我的色違大嘴娃是亞洛給的,色違暗影96...

vata10/29 19:23團戰倒是沒遇過

koyofour10/29 19:34敷了50幾顆七公里蛋有大概20隻伽勒爾泥巴魚,稀有的冰

koyofour10/29 19:34不倒翁我根本沒遇到。機率這種東西啊(遠目......

Irooxker10/29 19:42戴魯比路上隨便抓,兩隻100兩隻異色...

fddk10/29 19:51有損失責任自負,出包N社也是跟你說繼續加油啊,這就是N社

fddk10/29 19:52有的時時刻刻到現在也毫無反應,根本連修都沒開始修吧www

j02201510/29 19:55就執骰子的 你不如多做善事

larry4310/29 20:15

圖 寫信給N社幹醮色違大嘴機率,叫我別擔心?

genelin10/29 20:22 25XX才中一隻

圖 寫信給N社幹醮色違大嘴機率,叫我別擔心?

ghjkl556610/29 20:35又不是花錢抽獎的東西,公布機率幹嘛?

arvalis10/29 20:38捕捉率怎麼只有20%,也太低了吧

ephesos10/29 21:08抓一兩千隻又不是開放後抓的數字,我腕力抓快三千隻也沒

ephesos10/29 21:08有啊

qoopichu10/29 21:10人家點開不爽抓直接離開不行喔?

iloveivy071210/29 21:42噓文的是不是歐洲人欠缺同理心啊

MyuMyu10/29 21:49買遠距券買假的哦==

edward80102210/29 22:25所以轉蛋遊戲應該要改成跟恩社一樣用孵蛋來迴避公

edward80102210/29 22:25布機率

edward80102210/29 22:26每一週送你免費抽,如果你要多抽就要買時間加速器!

dk21009510/29 22:33一堆遊戲都有公布機率了 寶可夢不公布是在?

M333315110/29 22:46幸運

M333315110/29 22:46

skiro10/29 22:502/23,我唯一覺得頗高的色違

isnicefor10/30 00:37前一檔騎拉怎麼打都沒色違 課金還是沒用 什麼都只會推

isnicefor10/30 00:37給隨機的垃圾公司

isnicefor10/30 00:38大嘴娃後來靠暗影打到一隻色違 反而是阿勃 暗影打到後

isnicefor10/30 00:38 孵蛋也孵到一般的色違阿勃Orz

a123456cg10/30 03:08

圖 寫信給N社幹醮色違大嘴機率,叫我別擔心?

a252157310/30 04:24

圖 寫信給N社幹醮色違大嘴機率,叫我別擔心?

garlic123410/30 09:23其他遊戲公布基本上是被逼的

ultraccs10/30 09:37n社對團戰色違的設定根本亂搞 小怪機率都超低 五星怪反

ultraccs10/30 09:37而高

isnicefor10/30 16:39五星色違機率也沒有算高吧

LoserLee10/30 23:05色違機率扯團戰IV100機率更扯==之前超夢剛下放一般團戰

LoserLee10/30 23:05的時候就有位苦主大大分享自己嗑金打了四百多場還沒100

LoserLee10/30 23:05看到都覺得難過QQ我自己是烈空打了快兩百場還是沒100...

Rplus10/31 02:17台灣的數學教育好可憐 XDD

bmw363310/31 10:13什麼時候機率=保底了?

pepsilee10/31 10:37怪了,不是說台灣人數理很強嗎?? 難道這也是假新聞來的

MyuMyu10/31 10:40N粉只能抓著這點叫==可以叫你們把拔公布機率嗎

LoserLee10/31 13:03誰不知道機率不等於保底啦==反正自從沒追到烈空100我就

LoserLee10/31 13:03轉無嗑了有夠坑。謝謝課長們讓我有遊戲玩~

YOLAYOLAYO11/01 14:22你沒100就要給你喔?

mimocat11/02 17:03我買很多次東西,這個月沒中統一發票,要不要跟政府抗議?