[討論] Vim 作者 Bram Moolenaar 辭世

看板Soft_Job標題[討論] Vim 作者 Bram Moolenaar 辭世作者
時間推噓推:262 噓:0 →:16


「據說 Emacs 是神的編輯器,
Vim 是編輯器之神。」

在 GitHub 上,可以看到 Bram Moolenaar
提交紀錄是在 2023/07/08 的時候,替他一
的 Vim 提交修復補丁。

而就在臺灣時間晚間的 20:19,他的家人透
過 Google Group 公告了一個令人哀傷的消
息,就是 Bram 的健康狀況在過去幾周內迅
速地惡化,並且在 2023/08/03 年辭世……

Dear all,

It is with a heavy heart that we have to inform you that Bram Moolenaar
passed away on 3 August 2023.

Bram was suffering from a medical condition that progressed quickly over the
last few weeks.

Bram dedicated a large part of his life to VIM and he was very proud of the
VIM community that you are all part of.

We as family are now arranging the funeral service of Bram which will take
place in The Netherlands and will be held in the Dutch lanuage. The extact
date, time and place are still to be determined.

Should you wish to attend his funeral then please send a message to
[email protected]. This email address can also be used to get in contact
with the family regarding other matters, bearing in the mind the situation weare in right now as family.

With kind regards,
The family of Bram Moolenaar

荷蘭籍的軟體工程師 Bram Moolenaar 是著
27 歲為了能在自己的電腦上使用 vi 而開
發了 Vim。

知的是在 Vim 的 Sponsor 和 News 頁面上


The profits made from ads and links on go to ICCF Holland to help
poor children in Uganda.


Since Bram no longer needs it, the money will be used to help children in
Uganda. This is the charity recommended by Vim's author. The money is used
for a children centre in the south of Uganda, where AIDS has caused many


目前在 HackerNews 上的相關討論串中,有

一路好走,給予 Respect...


※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

lplpkkk08/05 21:28Rip

wahaha27908/05 21:30rip 謝謝你對編輯器的貢獻 QQ

MarkX0108/05 21:37RIP

mercurycgt6808/05 21:41RIP

yamamura08/05 21:50:wq

inte629l08/05 21:53RIP

kuan08/05 21:57RIP

kmd08/05 22:01RIP

ericthree08/05 22:03QQ

bcew08/05 22:04RIP

vinzzz08/05 22:10Rip

ddmanddman08/05 22:10Rip

jkl77654308/05 22:11rip

wei11508/05 22:12QQ rip

wei11508/05 22:13:q

wayne84122708/05 22:14rip

timmerix08/05 22:18R.I.P. QQ

eaton120208/05 22:20RIP

Yan556608/05 22:30RIP

g563712808/05 22:36R.I.P.

koty606908/05 22:37RIP

qweasd77708/05 22:48RIP

hao13408/05 22:49RIP

ystfc7208/05 22:50RIP

sonyu08/05 23:03RIP

SirAirPower08/05 23:04RIP

prorary08/05 23:06RIP

bewitchsky08/05 23:07RIP

viper970908/05 23:08RIP

lsw052908/05 23:18RIP

timsheu08/05 23:20R.I.P.

maxspace08/05 23:24RIP

zrna051508/05 23:27RIP

previa08/05 23:29RIP

e2388208/05 23:29RIP

content7108/05 23:31RIP

goldie08/05 23:33RIP :q

gpctv08/05 23:40RIP

minikai08/05 23:55RIP

DrFord08/05 23:57RIP

developers08/06 00:01RIP

CKNTUErnie08/06 00:03RIP

MICHAELorz08/06 00:07RIP

jack4210708/06 00:11RIP

derekjj08/06 00:15Rip

Imbiggg08/06 00:15RIP

ronald000008/06 00:27RIP

e1251816633908/06 00:27最後三週還在送PR RIP

longlyeagle08/06 00:27rip

sssj08/06 00:37RIP

MOTG08/06 00:38R.I.P.

edword158108/06 00:38RIP

gcobc1962208/06 00:43RIP

Phenomenon08/06 00:50RIP

anandydy52908/06 00:53R.I.P.

GooglePlus08/06 00:54R.I.P.

s977801008/06 01:00RIP

ioger08/06 01:00RIP

rickykai08/06 01:00RIP

SIMPLYBOYS08/06 01:00rip

S206703008/06 01:01Rip

orz81101708/06 01:05RIP

SkyFluid08/06 01:09RIP

kh55506908/06 01:11R.I.P.

tommy199908/06 01:11R.I.P.

monkey5h12308/06 01:23RIP

f2568108/06 01:26R.I.P

ghost9033108/06 01:27RIP

wrn1489708/06 01:33RIP

f82102708/06 01:34RIP

SNOWXD0008/06 01:37R.I.P. ESC :q!

kiwn783crd08/06 01:49RIP

deflife08/06 01:57normal! iRIP Thank you!<esc>:w<cr>

ggggggh08/06 02:10rip

andy981150608/06 02:25RIP

gotrend08/06 02:48R.I.P.

jackflu08/06 02:58Respect!

Lushen08/06 03:00RIP QQ

jackzzkao08/06 04:17RIP

neskem08/06 05:17Rip

phyllispig08/06 05:26RIP

HowLeeHi08/06 05:28Rip

zxcj0408/06 05:56RIP

andy565608/06 06:21RIP

dewsdews08/06 06:53RIP

LincolnBoy08/06 07:04RIP

LeoPan08/06 07:15RIP

aoma08/06 07:18RIP

corrupt00308/06 07:48R.I.P

Zatarra08/06 07:51RIP

kiillen08/06 07:57rip

aquablue08/06 08:53RIP

gigi5082408/06 08:59RIP

zebra1002908/06 09:07RIP

world4jason08/06 09:09RIP

benkoman123408/06 09:19RIP

jimjim95135708/06 09:26RIP

GinginDenSha08/06 09:44RIP

james8035108/06 10:08R.I.P.

pzch08/06 10:09RIP

molln08/06 10:12R.I.P.

justaID08/06 10:13R.I.P. 尊敬他的貢獻

imhaha08/06 10:15RIP

GTX908008/06 10:36RIP

tim520131408/06 10:40RIP

neo527708/06 10:47R.I.P.

Rembrandt08/06 10:48RIP

hakosaki08/06 10:52RIP

kop1492200008/06 10:59R.I.P

bearbox08/06 11:05R.I.P.

river80011108/06 11:06RIP

sary08/06 11:16R.I.P.

Victor199708/06 11:22R.I.P

Psyman08/06 11:23R.I.P

jackkao108/06 11:23RIP

boo102455508/06 11:26QAQ

julian992508/06 11:30RIP

LeaderH08/06 11:33RIP

jj032108/06 11:33RIP

asdg6255808/06 11:37QQ

FrAnKw08/06 11:52RIP

loadingN08/06 12:00

joy7658x34808/06 12:05RIP

snorlax4908/06 12:08RIP

blackdiz08/06 12:10RIP. 學會vim是我工程師生涯最棒的投資之一,到現在每

blackdiz08/06 12:10次安裝IDE第一件事就是找有沒有vim外掛

ya213808/06 12:13RIP,我最近才真的會用 vim

AccelSS08/06 12:16R.I.P.

chicagoparis08/06 12:31RIP

kamix08/06 12:54RIP

loveu808/06 13:16RIP

JonDoe29708/06 13:41Rip

future31408/06 13:50RIP

mike846908/06 13:53RIP

demo194508/06 13:53RIP

Inglenook08/06 14:01RIP

gian91014708/06 14:05RIP

ptta08/06 14:06RIP

dion555808/06 14:09R.I.P

killyou27308/06 14:14RIP

ouryouth08/06 14:14RIP :wq

kiki8615108/06 14:16:wq

windows2k08/06 14:16y_development/ 看到keep me alive那邊還真感傷


lupa08/06 14:17R.I.P.

pmrhappy08/06 14:23R.I.P.

※ 編輯: Hsins ( 臺灣), 08/06/2023 15:12:42

b16016008/06 14:29rip

windada208/06 14:41RIP

miinux08/06 14:41RIP

aaroms08/06 14:50RIP

shomingchang08/06 14:52RIP 裝linux 必裝軟體之一

hotahaha08/06 15:03RIP

jay123peter08/06 15:07R.I.P.

shihsyun08/06 15:07RIP

fr7508/06 15:13RIP

Verstand08/06 15:28RIP

Beersheep08/06 15:28Rip 謝謝你

armorNoob08/06 15:55RIP

ptta08/06 15:55裝windows 也是必裝的軟體

scolley3108/06 16:07RIP

meokay08/06 16:12QQ謝謝你對人類的付出

devilkool08/06 16:21RIP

stupid031908/06 16:26RIP, 雖然已經在洪流沖到看不見了

decheng08/06 16:29Rip

MeeToo08/06 16:29Respect他 陪我10年的陌生人

bill020508/06 16:35RIP

B098869808808/06 16:41一代神人

qwe0468708/06 16:55RIP

assembler8008/06 17:10rip 感謝他對開源軟體的貢獻

Raymond071008/06 17:16RIO

Raymond071008/06 17:17RIP

Urameshi08/06 17:29RIP QQ

a310790308/06 17:30RIP

Goldhero08/06 17:31R.I.P

lllll12b5608/06 17:49RIP

superpandal08/06 17:57雖然改用vi 但RIP

HmmHmm08/06 18:00RIP

s67813108/06 18:17RIP

lej08/06 18:54RIP

roccqqck08/06 18:55rip

ywjameslin08/06 19:25RIP

bear141408/06 19:26RIP 天天都在用vim

Psylinia08/06 19:31RIP

LinNine08/06 19:34RIP

wawawa08/06 19:39RIP

bheegrl08/06 19:44RIP

tz551408/06 19:51RIP

tw0008481108/06 20:04RIP

j198892208/06 20:12RIP

AgileSeptor08/06 20:27RIP

bonnie1023608/06 20:36RIP

digken08/06 20:55RIP

CK066308/06 21:18RIP

k07878787808/06 21:23改變世界的男人

nakabin08/06 21:31R.I.P.

cklonger08/06 21:34RIP

ponpon5583708/06 21:35:wq

ChinFish08/06 21:58RIP

brianwu120108/06 22:16RIP

andy03130108/06 22:34RIP

ray4608/06 22:46RIP

Burwei08/06 23:21RIP

sck92108/06 23:41RIP

ABJones08/07 00:09RIP

ILivED08/07 00:11:wq!

liataian08/07 00:22RIP…

Kimheeche08/07 00:33:Wq! 強制登出惹

Ducatee08/07 00:54RIP..

tw1150908/07 01:10R.I.P.

GmiStyle08/07 01:32Rip

patrick55508/07 01:50RIP

sonia101108/07 02:13R.I.P

leviliang08/07 03:18RIP

LordSo08/07 04:08R.I.P 感謝他的貢獻

jans08/07 04:22RIP

rouga08/07 06:34RIP

boy0011408/07 08:08RIP

jobintan08/07 08:16Requiescat in pace....

mandychad08/07 08:22RIP

goodice08/07 08:49RIP

encorek2255408/07 08:52rip

thelittleone08/07 09:26RIP

feelool00708/07 10:08R.I.P

starburs08/07 10:29rip

owen80121508/07 11:56R.I.P.

mepowerlmay08/07 12:10冥界電腦時代開啟了

s870409200108/07 12:18RIP, 謝謝Bram還有Vim!

Seccond08/07 12:21RIP

MIKEmike0708/07 13:03R.I.P.

cathycathykc08/07 13:32RIP

wliu08/07 13:46R.I.P

ppc08/07 14:12RIP

s77485p08/07 14:17RIP

nasa93002208/07 14:17RIP

petitbleu08/07 15:05R.I.P.

Suleika08/07 15:18R.I.P.

kweisamx208/07 15:35rip

srwhite08/07 16:43謝謝

crosserclaws08/07 17:32RIP

atatkk08/07 17:33RIP

sarsman08/07 17:43RIP

johnney08/07 18:04Respect!

i7839208/07 19:54RIP

a8261114108/07 20:02:wq!

qrtt108/07 20:40rip

zanyking08/07 22:35R.I.P

wk41593708/07 23:47RIP

aspwell52008/08 00:20Rip

asd108/08 01:08R.I.P.

whereweare08/08 01:34RIP 感謝vim讓我的data cleaning工作時期可以躺著幹

bxc08/08 07:21RIP

mapleone08/08 07:28RIP

salinia08/08 09:46RIP

transforman08/08 11:04RIP

Chilloutt08/08 11:58RIp

una28308/08 12:23謝謝你,一路好走。好人會有好報的

Ralap88na08/08 12:45RIP

Siftur08/08 13:09RIP

AAAWhoAmI08/08 13:09RIP

ho83leo08/08 13:31R.I.P.

ks03123908/08 14:31RIP

yangyr08/08 14:36R.I.P.

linyenhan08/08 16:37RIP

TlolT08/08 17:22RIP

theplaypig08/08 17:38R.I.P.

CarbonK08/08 17:38R.I.P,感謝你的 Vim

hayabusa08/08 18:16R.I.P

joewang8508/08 21:46R. I. P.

xamous08/08 21:52RIP

Lyu708/08 23:29RIP

iceDerek08/08 23:36R.I.P

sa07446308/08 23:58R.I.P

BLEACH08/09 00:29RIP

misomochi08/09 03:48:rip

akito11708/09 08:51RIP

sheep0012308/09 09:03RIP

richer3008/09 09:41RIP

a42224a4222408/09 11:32RIP